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What does the # mean in a profile?: 2023-02-09 20:19:58

Level 62
ngl In my profile it says Wensink #1. Is that a ranking in your country?
What does the # mean in a profile?: 2023-02-09 20:22:43

Level 63
Name Tags
Warzone has always supported having multiple players with the same username. However, up until now, there was no way to differentiate players with identical names. Now, players are given a tag after their name, such as Fizzer#1 and Fizzer#2. Every account, when combined with its tag, is now uniquely named.

This helps fix an issue that could occur when searching for players that have a common name. For example, if a player signs up with the name Alex and tells their friend to invite them to a game, it would previously be very challenging for their friend to find the correct Alex amongst the thousands of accounts named that.

The initial tag ordering was given out based on account signup date, with priority given to active accounts over inactive accounts (any account that has been used in the last 30 days was considered active).
What does the # mean in a profile?: 2023-02-09 20:59:53

Level 62
Gotcha. So Wensink is #1 in the world then.
What does the # mean in a profile?: 2023-02-09 22:07:27

bliss machine
Level 62
you're the best wetsink in the world right now
What does the # mean in a profile?: 2023-02-10 00:19:37

Level 62
What does the # mean in a profile?: 2023-02-10 08:49:32

Level 59
it's a player's iq
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