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Are country bonuses obsolete for good diplo games?: 2023-01-13 01:49:07

Level 52
The large european map for example has a 49 bonus for germany and similar numbers for other countries. Unless the income for the game is made high or commerce is available, it would make a player think its worthless to carry on if they lose even a small piece of their country.
Are country bonuses obsolete for good diplo games?: 2023-02-08 10:29:30

Level 55
I don't think they usually are.
Are country bonuses obsolete for good diplo games?: 2023-02-10 03:38:32

Level 62
I generally prefer if there are say region or province bonuses, but no huge megabonuses
Are country bonuses obsolete for good diplo games?: 2023-02-10 09:16:03

Level 63
Unless the income for the game is made high or commerce is available, it would make a player think its worthless to carry on if they lose even a small piece of their country.

Why not put a high income for territories instead of a fixed base income then? That way, every territory is worth armies, so losing 1 shouldnt hurt too much. (Assuming the bonuses are balanced with the income.)
Are country bonuses obsolete for good diplo games?: 2023-02-10 15:02:45

Level 59
you should have:
extra armies everyone X territories, I prefer 2
smallish bonuses of 3 to 8 territories
no mega bonuses
army cap and no commerce to stop people from sleeping all game and winning
Are country bonuses obsolete for good diplo games?: 2023-02-11 03:31:41

Level 46
I always keep megabonuses at a low value, no higher than t/6.
Are country bonuses obsolete for good diplo games?: 2023-02-12 12:06:02

Level 52
I don't think they usually are.

https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=86234 the famous official maps are like the europe huge map
Are country bonuses obsolete for good diplo games?: 2023-02-12 12:06:40

Level 52
you should have:
extra armies everyone X territories, I prefer 2
smallish bonuses of 3 to 8 territories
no mega bonuses
army cap and no commerce to stop people from sleeping all game and winning

Are country bonuses obsolete for good diplo games?: 2023-02-12 12:07:55

Level 52
Unless the income for the game is made high or commerce is available, it would make a player think its worthless to carry on if they lose even a small piece of their country.

I agree, as in the maps are default like that for some of them.
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