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Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-14 12:00:00

Level 57
Is there a keyboard shortcut that'd allow you to attack with the minimum needed to take that territory? By holding alt while clicking the attack target?

For example if I wanted to expand into 5 adjacent territories with 0s from single one right now I'd have to click the starting location, click the target, type 1 and then enter for each attack. It'd be nice if while holding alt click on the starting location, then for each territory you click on while holding alt it'd automatically send an attack of 1. So instead of 20 actions this could be done in 6.
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-14 12:00:36

Level 60
good suggestion imo, see what others think

Edited 12/14/2022 12:00:44
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-14 12:18:45

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
How do you define minimum in Luck Modifier game?
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-14 13:12:58

Level 57
Whether or not this feature would work in a luck modifier game is wouldn't take away from it usefulness.

It could be set to minimum armies that guarantees a capture, or perhaps whatever attack number is just over 50% chance of success. It could even be a slider in the options so players could set it themselves. Either way I feel any of these options would be pretty niche for a luck modified game. Mostly I wanted this feature to help speed up early games on big maps where you're constantly spreading into neutrals.
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-14 13:15:16

Level 60
This wouldnt work in 100% luck modifier in that case, because no amount of armies would actually guarantee that

But a certain threshold? That will always work.
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-14 16:39:52

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
95% is considered a good compromise.
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-14 16:49:19

Level 62
there's a lot of other keyboard shortcuts I'd like to see before this one
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-15 02:22:18

Level 57
@krinid such as?
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-15 09:52:04

Level 60
this can be done with a mod, just a few clicks and the mod can add the orders for you
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-15 19:00:26

Level 63
yeah, but that still doesnt give any keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-15 19:05:04

Level 60
true, but it's better than needing to do it all manually :)
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-15 19:21:21

Level 60
We need a hotkey for beer.
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-15 19:25:21

Level 62
@krinid such as?
Off the top of my head . . .
- Being able to join a game using keys only, don't have to click "Join"
- Lock camera position & zoom level so view doesn't shift when reviewing moves
- Bring up game settings
- Bring up game Full Settings
- Toggle 'Transfer/Attack Only'
- Toggle 'Treat teammate as enemy'

And a sincere lmao to the fact a question was asked to provide a quick method (hotkey) to selective do a specific task based on human decision, and Dutch offers a mod solution to eliminate human decision and implement across the board in a general manner and also require require a few clicks. Almost like he's got mods on the brain. (;

Edited 12/15/2022 19:29:09
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-15 21:59:40

Level 60
krinid, how do you know how my mind works better than I do!? :p
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-16 00:30:04

Level 63

- Being able to join a game using keys only, don't have to click "Join"
- Lock camera position & zoom level so view doesn't shift when reviewing moves
- Bring up game settings
- Bring up game Full Settings
- Toggle 'Transfer/Attack Only'
- Toggle 'Treat teammate as enemy'

I can add that to my ujs-flash userscript but I’ve not tested it recently (no idea which features still work).

Currently the script should
- make view full settings always appear
- turn the toggle button into checkboxes (saves clicking through all attack types)

Use App Settings for “- Lock camera position & zoom level so view doesn't shift when reviewing moves”

I remember the normal kill rates and that seems fast enough for me. click territory 1 click arrow or territory 2, enter a number, press enter (order is submitted)

Edited 12/16/2022 00:33:40
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-16 03:40:31

Level 60
Since Mike has kindly allowed us to expand the scope of this thread, I offer the following with an explanation.

I would like to have a hotkey to tuck away or undock the upper left History playback window. I use SA client because it offers me large size which I use to help with my poor vision. Doing that, now the box obscures upper left portions of the map during replay. I vidcap replays for later viewing. It would be nice to move that box out of the way.
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-16 06:21:26

Level 62
@DanWL, Which userscript are you referring to? I use Muli's, is there another one?
Use App Settings for “- Lock camera position & zoom level so view doesn't shift when reviewing moves”
Not sure we're talking about the same thing - I mean that when you're reviewing moves in history or your own moves for current turn, the camera switches to where that move is happening and changes the zoom, but I'd like to be able to disable that so I can focus on another specific area of the map while changing the current order being reviewed. Beyond Sounds, Group Deployments, Group Attack/Transfers, I think all the other settings there are for Idle. This effect is annoying when reviewing move history, but even more annoying for orders in current turn b/c the dialog to move the order to top/bottom/up/down/cancel pops up and can sometimes cover up the move actual area of the map the order applies to, so you have to move the dialog box out of the way, go to prev move, repeat, next move, repeat, etc.

@HangFire, Agree with you on that - it can obscure the map quite a bit, and as per what I've stated above, when reviewing moves, it shifts the camera position & focus, so even if you move the map and zoom somewhere to avoid it covering the area you're looking at, it changes as soon as you go to next order, making you remove/zoom the map again.
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-16 13:10:43

Level 63
@DanWL, Which userscript are you referring to? I use Muli's, is there another one?

Dan made a bunch of interesting scripts: https://greasyfork.org/nl/users/85040-dan-wl-danwl

Edited 12/16/2022 13:11:24
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-16 13:20:06

Level 62
Oh interesting ... would be useful to have the descriptions more clearly indicate which are WZ scripts tho, but seems that the YT ones are labeled thus and best guess from what's written is all the rest are WZ scripts.

Which one is the one that has the Full Settings, etc, stuff? Fast_WZ_navigation?
Keyboard shortcut for attacking with the minimum?: 2022-12-16 20:59:04

Level 60
@ krinid, here's a thought. Do you think transparency would work?

We could:

A - move the box out of the way
B - adjust transparency
C - both
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