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Embarrassing stories: 2022-12-08 00:17:33

Level 18
I'll go first.

I was listening to APH France's Marukaite chikyuu and I had headphones on and it was dark and there was a bit where it sounds like he's whispering in your ear and it scared me so much I screamed.

And there were other people home.
Embarrassing stories: 2022-12-08 05:11:32

Level 64
I paid the 50 coin thing to increase AP by 30% in the idle tutorial on a stream, and JK_3 yelled at me.
Embarrassing stories: 2022-12-08 20:35:53

Darth Grover
Level 52
I played Idle once
Embarrassing stories: 2022-12-08 21:01:40

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
I am still playing idle
Embarrassing stories: 2022-12-08 22:42:30

Darth Grover
Level 52
I once got into a debate with another player.

During this debate, I made a point about something by changing my name to his name.

I then had to spend a week as "King Abdullah" leveling up in order to change my name back.
Embarrassing stories: 2022-12-09 23:50:40

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Embarrassing stories: 2022-12-09 23:54:11

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
The first time I played Idle I buyed a lot of timewarps. I thought I buyed it with ₩s until I noticed that I spent a big part of my Warzone coins for it 🙈
Embarrassing stories: 2022-12-10 16:28:37

Nice Guy 
Level 62
The first time I played Idle I buyed a lot of timewarps. I thought I buyed it with ₩s until I noticed that I spent a big part of my Warzone coins for it 🙈

That's a good one.
Embarrassing stories: 2022-12-11 03:29:16

Level 38
Hello everyone!

I am visiting the city of Lyon and had a really embarrassing moment here today that I just have to share!

It all started when I was walking around the city, taking in the sights and enjoying the atmosphere. I was so caught up in the moment that I completely lost track of time. I suddenly realized that I was going to be late for a lunch appointment I had made with an old friend. I was already running late and had no time to spare.

So I started running, taking the most direct route I could find. I didn't realize until later that I had taken a wrong turn and ended up in a narrow, winding alley that was completely unfamiliar to me. As I was running, I heard a loud, booming voice coming from above me and I stopped in my tracks.

I looked up and saw a window open and a large man leaning out of it, shouting down to me. He was a large, burly man, bald and wearing a bright orange shirt. He was obviously very angry and his words were slurred. I had no idea what he was saying, but I knew it wasn't good.

He kept shouting at me and I just stood there, frozen in fear. Then I heard a loud clang, followed by the sound of something falling to the ground. I looked up and saw that the man had thrown a bucket of water out of the window! It was coming straight for me!

I was soaked in seconds and I was so embarrassed that I just wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. I quickly ran away, trying to avoid any more incidents. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even look anyone in the eye as I ran away.

When I finally made it to my lunch appointment, I was still dripping wet. My old friend was very understanding, but I was still so embarrassed by the whole incident. I'm still shaking my head in disbelief.

The rest of the day was a bit of a blur. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even enjoy the rest of my time in Lyon. I kept worrying that people were looking at me, judging me for what had happened. I kept checking my clothes to make sure I wasn't still wet, and it was all very distracting.

I was so relieved when I finally got back to my hotel room and I could take a hot shower. I felt like I could finally relax and put the embarrassing incident behind me.

I'm still a bit shaken up by the whole experience, but I'm doing my best not to let it ruin my time in Lyon. I'm trying to enjoy the city and all the amazing things it has to offer. I'm determined to make the most of my time here, despite the embarrassing incident.

The next day, I decided to take a different route as I was walking around the city. As I was walking, I suddenly realized that I was in the same alleyway as the day before. I stopped in my tracks, my heart pounding in my chest. I was sure that I was going to hear that booming voice again, but luckily, there was nothing.

I quickly walked away and tried to put the incident out of my mind. I was relieved to be out of the alley and I started to enjoy my walk again. I was determined to not let the embarrassing incident ruin my time in Lyon.

As I continued my walk, I started to notice that people were looking at me funny. I figured that they must have heard about the incident from the day before and were looking at me with pity. I tried to ignore them and just enjoy my walk, but it was hard not to feel embarrassed.

Eventually, I made it back to my hotel and I was so relieved to be away from the judging eyes of strangers. I was determined to put the incident behind me and enjoy the rest of my time in Lyon.

I'm still a bit shaken up by the embarrassing incident, but I'm trying to focus on the positives. I'm determined to make the most of my time here and not let one awkward moment ruin my experience.

Thanks for letting me share my experience. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had an embarrassing moment while travelling!
Embarrassing stories: 2022-12-16 22:51:40

Darth Grover
Level 52
But now you have an EXCELLENT story to tell!
Embarrassing stories: 2022-12-17 03:01:38

Level 63
I peed my bed for the first time in 8 years.
Embarrassing stories: 2022-12-18 00:54:27

Grover Incognito
Level 13
How old were you when you did it?
Embarrassing stories: 2022-12-18 19:58:01

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
You want to hear a real story?
Embarrassing stories: 2022-12-18 20:44:01

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
A few years ago I traveled with my girlfriend to Cuba. One day we visited Havanna by bus. A foreign country, a foreign city, a foreign language (i had 3 years Spanish in school, but that didnt make me an expert. Especially not my gf being very limited in foreign languages). It has been a day when the streets of Havanna have been very well visited. When we arrived I had the feeling something is not right with my gut. But thought it would be ok maybe.

After some more time it went worse. My gut felt really bad and did very urgent noises... I told my gf I need to go for toilet ... rather urgently. So... walking down the street watching out for a public toilet somewhere somehow.

I have seen a McDonalds and thought I have reached my goal to release me. I could just sneak into it and go there. But heading the toilets I saw the cleaning service was just at it and the sign told the toilets are closed for the next 15 minutes ... I wondered if I could stand that long but I figured after a minute I couldn't hold it that long, especially not waiting and standing still I had to move.

So I went back to my girlfriend and said I need to go somewhere else. I remembered at the beginning of the street was a Burger King and I would have to run (really RUN) there, because it developed to be really urgent meanwhile. Meaning I had to let her stand alone for a while.

I didnt like to let her alone and she certainly neither liked to be let alone in a foreign city where she doesnt understand any word. But it had to be. I ran as fast as I could with an announcing eruption.

When I finally arrived at the Burger King boxing through the crowd I noticed a bunch of people in front of the toilet waiting. Jesus... I had to wait.

To my luck people are chatty when they are dissatisfied and luckily I also understand some english or spanish I have no clue what language they spoke anymore. So I eavesdropped the first few people talking. To this moment my survival instinct was on. Every sense was on 100% performance I could have heard a needle dropping 10m away in a that noisy hall. However the people were talking about that on the toilet is no toilet paper anymore and they are waiting for new toilet paper a while now.


And then I made a decision. There was no alternative actually although my action was not very well thought to the end. I needed to care for the most urgent problem. I passed the peoples waiting queu (I guess they thought I bring the toilet paper) went on the toilet and locked me in.

The eruption was impossible to overhear but it was reliiiieving. I really needed a few minutes to come to an end. Unfortunately I noticed that the man at the queus beginning was right. There was no toilet paper, nothing at all. Even the hand papers at the sink was used up. I had nothing else with me that I could have used. And the people that I tricked waiting for me outside and I need to get back fast to my gf. I noticed I am in a very bad shituation.

--- dont read this, if you are very hygienic. Warning you may get eczema by just reading. ---

I looked through the room to find a satisfying alternative.... And I came to the conclusion that what I have to do is probably the most ugliest I need to do. You need to know that in Cuba the canalization is not really good. Occassionally you are asked to not flush the toilet paper, but put it into a bin....

[I dont want to tell you details but I think you have a clue. If not you have bad luck. Luck for me the one before me must have used the last bit of paper to sit on it.]

At least at the sink was soap. When I have been done I probably used up the sink after washing my hands twice, trice, fource...

When I walked out I expected the people would penalize me with looking at me indignantly for tricking them and blocking the toilet so long. But they have looked rather disgusted at me. Not sure, I think that felt even worse than they are just indignant. I guess they had a clue about what I did or just heard the eruption...

I would never see this people again. So I couldnt care less. Stupid people, they couldnt even imagine how shit this was. And after 20 minutes I had to get back to my gf again. Towards her I really was sorry. I didnt told her the whole story. I told I had to wait a while in a queue until it was my turn. I think that was a good decision.

In general it might have been an ugly story, but to be honest every decision I made I would have done again. Every other decision would have ended in a catastrophe and a way more embarassing story.

Edited 12/18/2022 22:28:45
Embarrassing stories: 2022-12-18 22:34:11

Level 63
wow, thats a shitty story LF
Embarrassing stories: 2022-12-20 23:53:25

Darth Grover
Level 52
That was epic
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