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CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-25 15:56:27

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Clan Wars is a successful 1v1 RT event. Thanks to CW, many players started caring about the strategic aspect of Warzone and high-level real-time games are being created. I have got an idea of how to improve CW which I think makes it even more appealing to players. Mostly to the strategic community, to M Hunters, Myth Busters, Prime and Harmony.
If you would dislike the changes, please say so below. If you would like the changes, please say so as well. This is currently a draft and may change a little. If you see a mistake, please notify me.

I would add ELO system for players, split rewards between two sources: receiving territories and gaining ELO. I would also do a minor change to the template pool.
Receiving terriotires
Focused on Idle rewards. Every player in a clan can join a slot. No 40 player cap, you can join more slots in one day. You get 1 point for victory or for the first participation that day. Get enough points to get a territory. Territories would not only give Idle benefits (like now), but also give Idle power-ups and a little bit of coins (which is currently a reward for clan ranking). Only the top 40 players (point-wise) in a clan contribute to gaining territory.
I suggest that every territory has a small reward on it (3 coins and a small cache for example).

Gaining ELO
Focused on Classic rewards. Every player gets their own ELO.
Clan rating is a function of all ELO's of given clan's members which has the following properties:
(1) a member cannot decrease their clan rating by joining/losing a game
(2) the number of participants has diminishing returns (more players = better, but there wouldn't be much of a difference between having 30 or 40 players).
(3) the function doesn't have too big jumps (having one extra member join CW from your clan shouldn't be significantly better than two)
The reward for being a clan with the biggest rating would be prestige (clan position) and coins for clan members.
I strongly suggest using the following class of functions:

When it comes to function used. Let n the n-th best active player in clan (ELO-wise) I suggest that the first player contributes to clan rating with 0.592 of their ELO, the 10th player with 0.408 of their ELO, the 20th player with 0.21 of their ELO and 41st with 0 of their ELO. Everywhere between these points it is a linear function (the difference between contributions of 1st and 2nd player is the same as 4th and 5th). The idea is that TOP 10 players contribute 50% of the clan's potential, 11-20 with 30% of clan's potential and 21-40 with the remaining 20% of the clan's potential. This clan rating function is normalised (a clan with 40 players with the same ELO would have that ELO for rating).

Other changes.
I suggest that the season lasts ~20 days and player is active once playing their min {10, length of season in days-2}-th game. I would keep current 3 SE, 3 MME and the 2v2 template and let the community vote for another three templates (this seems to be a very popular suggestion). Every season one template is added and removed (templates last 3 seasons). Every slot is guaranteed to have one SE template one (community-voted template or Strat 1v1). If a slot has more templates, the 3rd is chosen from 2v2 and MME LD templates (to make all templates have a similar probability to be present).
I also suggest that every active player receives for the clan rating calculation bonus ELO based on on how many templates he has at least one victory (+4 elo per template). That would encourage players to play all templates. The maximum bonus ELO is +36, which looking at 1v1 ladder helps, but shouldn't be game-changing.
Games are being created based on personal ELO (in case of team games use mean), not clan rating. It would be hard to make the optimal matchmaking algorithm (though some people in the comments might suggest one). I can show a decent, easy one:
1) Join all players in the given template in a pool. Remove them from the pool, once a game is created. Let N denote the current size of the pool. If N=1, give the one player free win, rise ELO by 1 and end. If N>1 and the pool has players just from one clan, no free wins and end. If the biggest clan has at least N/2-1 players in the pool, do a). Else, do b).

a) Look at the ELO difference between the top player in the biggest clan and outside the clan. Then look at the difference between the worst player in the biggest clan and outside. Match these, whos ELO difference is the lowest. GOTO 1)

b) Look at the ELO difference between the top player and the ELO of the top player who doesn't share a clan with the previously mentioned player. Look at the ELO difference between the worst player and the ELO of the worst player who doesn't share a clan with the previously mentioned player. Match these, whos ELO difference is the lowest. GOTO 1)

I also suggest that once entering, a player would start with their clan's rating for ELO. If that is impossible, set it to 1.5k. Let players decrease their ELO.

Why do I think this system is an improvement for the current CW?
Let's split the community to the biggest groups and discuss each group individually:

Causual players: players who play CW for fun. The change wouldn't affect them much but guaranteed SE template, ability to join even if their uncapped clan already has 40 members and ELO (=more balanced games) would be a small benefit.

Idle players: gaining a point just for daily participation would be nice for morale. Rewards for territories would also mean, that there would always be a reason for playing on CW (unlike now where after ~10 days ranking is set and you can't improve rewards at all by playing).

M Hunters and Myth Busters: CW no longer requires daily participation to be on top. There is more pressure on being good than on being active.

Strategic community: better matchmaking would mean, that elite players would fight elite players. Clan Wars would be a way how to get a high quality real-time game. It would be a working substitution for the real-time ladder. The current CW doesn't allow that (rating is clan-shared), nor does QM (rating increases slowly and not currently popular among elite players).
CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-26 21:02:38

Level 59
I think this is a number of distinct but related & cooperative suggestions:

- add individual ratings
- matchmake based on individual skill, using some sort of min-difference matching
- add rewards based on CW rating
- compute CW rating based on individual ratings, biased toward top ratings
- allow community to vote on 3 templates, one per season
- guarantee SE in each slot
- guarantee Strat 1v1 OR community voted template in each slot
- prevent 2v2 & MME LD from appearing in slots with <3 templates

Are there any that I've missed?

Edited 9/26/2022 21:02:50
CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-26 21:25:39

Level 58
Not sure if this thread is part of some wider clan response, but I will mention my previous suggestions again:
  • 1 coin reward for wining a game. This should give motivation for every single victory compared to motivation for every 15 victories, plus more personalized and universal. Should not result in much profit for players, so should not make Fizzer go Bankrupt.
  • Assign score value to each template, for example Small Earth autodistribution is 1 point, Other 2 earth maps 2 points, strategic Earth 1v1, Guiroma, MME commanders 3 points, French Brawl and MME Multiattack 4 points, strategic 2v2 10 points (5 per player). When a clan gets enough points, it earns a territory, this way players are motivated to try more complicated/slower templates.
  • Personalized rewards for top 20 or 30 players. This way players of any clan get some rewards independently of how their clan performed globally. This would give motivation for lower ranked clan players to play.
  • Tie templates to full currently played Quickmatch template list and add templates suggested from best performing clans. This way there would be much more variety. Also bonus templates can be added based upon current seasonal ladder and some suggestions from previous top 5 clans (Their managers can set suggested templates in their clan management panel and on clan placing high enough, those or some of those templates will become official for the duration of next clan Wars season). This will provide more fun and variety for the community.

Not sure if Fizzer had time to read it, but these and other suggestions can be found in the following thread: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/642428-myth-busters-recruiting?Offset=60
CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-27 00:05:30

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Assign score value to each template, for example Small Earth autodistribution is 1 point, Other 2 earth maps 2 points, strategic Earth 1v1, Guiroma, MME commanders 3 points, French Brawl and MME Multiattack 4 points, strategic 2v2 10 points (5 per player). When a clan gets enough points, it earns a territory, this way players are motivated to try more complicated/slower templates.

There are very little players who have reached the skill cap on SE templates. For most players, all templates have similar strategic level. You shouldn't encourage slow and complicated templates. Also, Strat 1v1 is probably the most complicated template of all CW templates, because of how much a different distribution has an impact on the game.

Tie templates to full currently played Quickmatch template list and add templates suggested from best performing clans. This way there would be much more variety. Also bonus templates can be added based upon current seasonal ladder and some suggestions from previous top 5 clans (Their managers can set suggested templates in their clan management panel and on clan placing high enough, those or some of those templates will become official for the duration of next clan Wars season). This will provide more fun and variety for the community.

The first page on Quickmatch has 4 templates which can be safely called garbage. Quickmatch voting is broken and a terrible source for templates.
People like familiar things. Having 40 templates in CW might worsen the CW experience for some players.

Edited 9/27/2022 00:07:40
CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-27 00:10:11

Level 62
Point system could work but the scale you used is broken, makes playing SE almost useless, which essentially pushes everyone onto other templates.

SEAD 0.9
SE1W 1.0 (the gold standard)
SECB 1.1
S1v1 1.2
S2v2 1.2
All others 1.3

Even this would give clans that play these templates a huge advantage.
CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-27 00:15:49

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Are there any that I've missed?
1) Player joining a CW game must not damage their clan (other than giving game/ win/ ELO boost to their opponent)
2) There are always rewards for keeping playing CW (for example all territories would give a little bit of coins/ cache or win would give a coin)
CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-27 00:16:42

Level 64
Match players by their CW win/loss ratios versus their level number.
CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-27 00:20:42

Level 49
Or maybe not push people into playing templates that they obviously don't want to play. There is that.

If SEAD and SE1W get the crap end of the stick, I know I am done because I couldn't be bothered to slog it out on the grander and more difficult maps, and the majority of players who flock to SEAD are probably like me, we just want a chance at idle rewards with as little fuss as possible, the same thing that drives people to spins and the 4 hour 20% bonus.
CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-27 00:21:51

Level 62
1) Player joining a CW game must not damage their clan (other than giving game/ win/ ELO boost to their opponent)
Wdym by 'damage'? CW rating can't go down, only up?

2) There are always rewards for keeping playing CW (for example all territories would give a little bit of coins/ cache or win would give a coin)
There should be both (1) individual and (2) clan incentive. So even if you're the only one on a clan still contributing, you get something, and so does the clan. Even a little bit.
CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-27 00:23:51

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Match players by their CW win/loss ratios versus their level number.
This is a decent way how to determine starting ELO, but players playing many lotteries will mess with that guess.
CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-27 00:27:23

Level 49
There really needs to be a schedule of templates.
Nothing is worse than making time out of your day and find out it was a waste because it's only maps you have no interest in. It would be an improvement that can old help people, not hurt them. Unless your kink is forcing people to play maps they don't want to, or more likely will just refuse to.

Also, 8 prime in SEAD, plenty of opponents. 6 of us got no game. Not free game, no game.

Better to match us vs higher ranked opponents than not at all. I could have gone out and done something with my life but I stuck around for Clam Wars, waited 10 minutes for the thing to start only to be told by the game to eat an obese rooster.

Sort of thing [plus waiting for templates to find out there are none there] that make a maternal fornicator want to just give up on trying.
CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-27 00:29:18

Level 62
^^Morg'th, and this is (one of the reasons) why people say the current settings just simply shows a lack of respect for the player base.
CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-27 00:31:17

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Wdym by 'damage'? CW rating can't go down, only up?

Currently, CW rating is some kind of ELO. If you lose a game, the rating goes down for the whole clan. Even though rating is not very relevant now, you can hurt your clan (a lot if it foucses on CW) by joining CW once, occupy the CW slot, and never play again. We have actually considered kicking people from clan for doing that (!).
If you add personal ELO and make CW rating some function of personal ELOs, you can still lower your clan's rating by losing (lowers yours). This is bad since it may encourage players who peak their ELO to no longer play CW. Hence I suggest CW rating to be a function of your maximal ELO and force few games every season before your ELO starts contributing towards CW rating.
CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-27 00:32:49

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Also, 8 prime in SEAD, plenty of opponents. 6 of us got no game. Not free game, no game.
Welcome to the CW matchmaking system. If you have ranking low enough, it won't find a game for just 2 players in 100 player template.

Edited 9/27/2022 00:33:03
CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-27 01:07:36

Level 59
CW rating is some kind of ELO
Like QM, it's almost certainly TrueSkill with wacky hyperparameters (of which there are usually 3: Tau, Delta, and Beta). If want want to reverse engineer this, we can use a few 0-rated clans that have never played in CW before, have them face each other, and figure out the hyperparameters consistent with their performance.
CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-27 02:07:38

Level 65
Some kind of elo?????
CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-27 02:08:20

Level 65
I forgot how much CW rating means in this competition :)
CW improvement suggestion: 2022-09-30 07:55:32

Level 66
multi day clan wars?
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