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NullReferenceException and no add-watch bonus: 2022-09-22 15:48:56

Level 56
After upgrading my android Warzone-app i get now each time I start the app the following error:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Its already reported that to Fizzer.

In addition and thats really a problem, the current app does not longer offer the add-watch-bonus.

Even when Fizzer will fix this very soon, it takes usually several weeks, till the new version appears on my device. So the question: Does anyone here know a possibility, where I can download the pure apk-packet from the previous version?
NullReferenceException and no add-watch bonus: 2022-09-22 16:02:29

Level 63
i just checked, and the idle-only app was last updated on April 2nd, so that should still have working ads in it: https://www.warzone.com/Mobile?Wzi=1

For any newbies that happen to stumble on this forum:

Use the proper Warzone app to play WZ!!

You should only use the idle-only app to watch ads, dont use it for anything else!
You can download the proper app from: https://www.warzone.com/Mobile
If you find this forum by accident, the bugs with the normal app have already been fixed by the time you are reading this, so dont even bother installing the idle-only version.

Edited 9/22/2022 16:02:37
NullReferenceException and no add-watch bonus: 2022-09-22 16:39:06

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Google suspended ads on the classic Warzone android app yesterday, apparently because they think the ads obscure the game's content. As far as I can tell no content is ever on top of ads so I'm appealing this decision. Sorry for the troubles.
NullReferenceException and no add-watch bonus: 2022-09-22 17:13:58

d'Arc Knight
Level 56
warzone is the only app on my phone where i don't mind the adds. i stopped watching youtube on my phone because of the addsoverload, only watch youtube on my pc with an addblocker, same with facebook, installed a plugin to filter out all the adds and promoted content. Warzone is the only app where i am willing to watch an add and now the chrome store suspends them... unbelieveble. luckilly i discovered as well that the idle app still lets you watch adds so we'll switch to idle undtill the people at google come around. keep up the good work fizzer fighting those people who think they can push small indie developers who make way better stuff then they do around
NullReferenceException and no add-watch bonus: 2022-09-22 17:15:45

Level 63
If WZ ads already cover too much content, 99% of the apps will be banned before midnight...
NullReferenceException and no add-watch bonus: 2022-09-22 17:16:26

Level 59
I think it's other way around, JK. Content obscuring ads. Maybe an automated detector going haywire.
NullReferenceException and no add-watch bonus: 2022-09-22 17:17:18

Samek ●
Level 57
Yeah seems like a bogus ad suspension. Probably an algorithm error on Google's end.
NullReferenceException and no add-watch bonus: 2022-09-22 19:52:31

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Google has granted the appeal and admits there was no issue. They say ad serving should resume soon.
NullReferenceException and no add-watch bonus: 2022-09-23 07:33:06

Level 60
Hello Fizzer,

Thanks for your good work, I still not get the add too.
And I totally agree with Dark angel!


NullReferenceException and no add-watch bonus: 2022-09-23 12:12:41

Level 60
Hello Fizzer,

It's working again.
NullReferenceException and no add-watch bonus: 2022-09-23 12:14:34

Level 60
No wonder this afternoon I couldn't see my 20% IACP bonus! Thanks for fixing it Fizzer!
NullReferenceException and no add-watch bonus: 2022-09-23 16:15:39

Level 57
Thanks for fast reaction to get this working again!
NullReferenceException and no add-watch bonus: 2022-10-12 18:00:27

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
warzone is the only app on my phone where i don't mind the adds. i stopped watching youtube on my phone because of the addsoverload, only watch youtube on my pc with an addblocker, same with facebook, installed a plugin to filter out all the adds and promoted content. Warzone is the only app where i am willing to watch an add and now the chrome store suspends them... unbelieveble. luckilly i discovered as well that the idle app still lets you watch adds so we'll switch to idle undtill the people at google come around. keep up the good work fizzer fighting those people who think they can push small indie developers who make way better stuff then they do around

Mobile adbock browser exists.
NullReferenceException and no add-watch bonus: 2022-10-12 18:17:58

Level 63
Dont use an adblock browser, it sucks.

Youre better of using a adblocking DNS if you really wanted to go ad free on mobile (but that will also block WZ's ads)
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