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Error in forums?: 2022-09-03 20:30:05

Glory to Czechland
Level 55
Hello! I recently posted a message on the clans forum. The message shows, that it was send at 9/3/2022 21:26:56, but I sent it today, not in March. Is that a bug?
Error in forums?: 2022-09-03 20:36:15

Level 64
The date is written mm/dd/yyyy
Error in forums?: 2022-09-03 20:53:14

Level 62
That's because the forum software uses the most illogical setting there is, the USAmerican one.
Error in forums?: 2022-09-04 06:50:57

Glory to Czechland
Level 55
Thank you. Why did you send me a mail that you posted on this forum?
Error in forums?: 2022-09-04 09:34:29

Level 59
You're not getting mails. It's because there's a poorly designed and poorly explained notifications system that by default enables a lot of garbage spam notifications. You'll have to go to https://www.warzone.com/Notifications/ > Config and then toggle them category-by-category because the defaults were set like if the goal was to inflict as much annoyance as possible on users. For this thread specifically, you can uncheck the "Watch Thread" box near the top.

Edited 9/4/2022 09:34:53
Error in forums?: 2022-09-04 09:37:23

Level 63
EDIT: Turns out you can just disable the notifications all together, so this is only relevent when you want notifications from some threads but not all of them..

Why did you send me a mail that you posted on this forum?

By default, every time you create a new thread, it auto-enables "watch thread", meaning you will get an email each time someone posts in the thread.

You can turn this off by unticking this tiny box:

Be warned that you need to do this for every forum thread you create....

Edited 9/4/2022 10:06:14
Error in forums?: 2022-09-04 10:03:55

Level 59
No you don't. Just turn off the spam notifications for threads in the Notifications Config. They're useless because you will check any threads you care about anyway. This is an extremely low volume forum with no need for thread reply notifications because virtually all active threads are on or near the front page.

Now for a thought experiment: suppose you were Satan designing Hell. One common mistake here is to just go with clear-cut inflicting of maximal pain- fire and brimstone, torture and all. That misses out on the opportunity for psychological torture! What you want to do is inflict immense absolute suffering but make that absolute suffering relatively low to perceived suffering in Hell, so your victims will normalize the misery and not even think about speaking up about the crimes being inflicted on them, because compared to what they see in others they will feel their problems are minor. Yet they will constantly suffer and wonder why they suffer. If you want to inflict even more pain, beyond just seeding Hell with others who appear to suffer greater suffering (starvation, crime, poverty) than your victims, you should also seed Hell's life in general with greater pains than the baseline suffering- in fact, you want the baseline suffering of Hell to feel minor relative to your victims' own experiences, so they feel tortured by it yet can't put their finger on it. It's devious- by the standards of the mortal plane, they'd writhe in agony and yet they would not even name the feeling agony (because relatively speaking, by Hell standards, it wouldn't appear to be) and so they would never understand why they suffer.

Anyhow, the question I'd like to ask is that, if you're Satan designing Hell, would it be that different from how Warzone designed its spammy Notifications system?
Error in forums?: 2022-09-04 10:05:03

Level 63
oh, i think i overlooked that setting before...

time to turn of spammy spam then!
Error in forums?: 2022-09-04 10:16:58

Level 59
Not your fault. It's easy to overlook settings when the settings menu is designed in the most user-hostile way possible:

And to answer my thought experiment from earlier, the answer is yes. Satan, in trying to inflict pain on the users of Hell, has to understand them and think about their wants. This is the big distinction between Satan and how Warzone treats its players.

Edited 9/4/2022 10:19:33
Error in forums?: 2022-09-04 14:56:45

Level 63
notification system is fine. take 30 seconds out of your day , you have power over all of it. I personally enjoy the flashing mail icon too but I am probably just nostalgic

edit: what the *bleep* is a kilometer?

Edited 9/4/2022 14:58:07
Error in forums?: 2022-09-04 17:24:55

Glory to Czechland
Level 55
Does that mean that 9/11 was in september?

Edited 9/5/2022 05:03:30
Error in forums?: 2022-09-04 17:27:07

Glory to Czechland
Level 55
Thanks for the link, by the way. Turning everything one by one doesn't take much time, but is very infuriating. Imagine of all sites did that. Oh, wait. Cookies.

Edited 9/4/2022 17:27:33
Error in forums?: 2022-09-04 17:40:31

Level 59
There is a single button solution for this. You can just go to your email and, whenever you receive unwanted automatically-enabled Warzone notifications you never signed up for ("it's your birthday!" "we haven't seen you in a while!" "that real time game you just finished playing is now over!"), click the check box next to the email and "Report spam." That's part of what the Report Spam button is actually there for.

Eventually Warzone will learn good notification citizenship.

edit: Tacky stop simping. You've been through this cycle before.

Edited 9/4/2022 18:41:34
Error in forums?: 2022-09-05 06:55:58

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Does that mean that 9/11 was in september?
Error in forums?: 2022-09-06 02:31:14

Level 63
have fun writing your 9/11 jokes on paper when your electricity goes out :D
Error in forums?: 2022-09-06 05:56:24

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
have fun writing your 9/11 jokes on paper when your electricity goes out :D


Edited 9/6/2022 06:01:02
Error in forums?: 2022-09-06 06:46:21

Level 63
Error in forums?: 2022-09-07 02:24:11

Level 58
I can't find error reporting but app won't load all day. Crashes within 30 seconds of opening. Deleted a bunch from phone, uninstalled and reinstalled
Error in forums?: 2022-09-07 02:24:16

Level 58
Damn second submission don't see delete lol

Edited 9/7/2022 02:24:38
Error in forums?: 2022-09-07 07:12:13

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
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