Mods forums: 2022-08-31 19:52:45 |
Level 60
@ Fizzer
Can Mods get its own forums?
Everyone else, kindly respond Yes or No if this is something you would like to see.
Thank you.
I didn't want to bore you with a long post. I return from hiatus and then later find, much to my surprise, several new mods. 😊 Particularly Forts, which I read about in a recent thread. I remember requesting this a few years ago. Hasbro Risk: The Game of Global Domination had Forts, though it was different in that version. This game has a ton offer and is expanding. 💗
My thanks to Fizzer and all who contribute to make this game and community fun and friendly.
Satisfied customer and proud member,
Mods forums: 2022-08-31 19:58:35 |
Level 60
Early on perhaps, but in my humble opinion, it has grown to a state warranting its own place.
Mods forums: 2022-09-06 19:28:30 |
Level 60