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Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 05:33:43

Level 62

Stats for the current point in the current season are as follows. This likely gets more 'top heavy' (participation from top 5 clans represents a higher %) b/c players tend to trail off as season progresses.

As it stands now, top 5 clans represent 58% of games played. So an MB, MH, Prime, Le Furie & Harmony boycott would be significant. In addition to # of games decreasing, the season length would be absolutely ridiculous, sending yet another message. Could end up being a 6 month+ season.

Alternatively, it might result in other clans in absence of these top 5 to actually play more often to reduce and thus reduce a boycott impact as an opportunity of vying for top spots instead of rank 6+. Top 10 clans is 77% of all games, and would add Excel, Fancy, TLA, Mothership & Polish Eagles into scope.

Total # games played: 1148

Clan / # games played / % of total games played:
Myth Busters 181 16%
M'Hunters 165 14%
Prime 116 10%
Le Furie Azzurre 105 9%
Harmony 99 9%
Excel 66 6%
The Fancy Dot ● 38 3%
The Last Alliance 47 4%
Mothership 37 3%
Polish Eagles 27 2%
PCMOlympia 26 2%
Alien Elite 29 3%
SPARTA 19 2%
Eagle Fang Dojo 22 2%
HAWKS 16 1%
ONE! 11 1%
[Blitz] 10 1%
Partisans 16 1%
Cats 13 1%
N,A,R New Age Rising 9 1%
Python 6 1%
Celtica 7 1%
Italia Caput Mundi 11 1%
Special Forces 10 1%
|GG| 6 1%
Varangian Guard 6 1%
Nestlings 9 1%
{101st} 11 1%
Battle Wolves 12 1%
Undisputed 10 1%
Flunky Fizzers 5 0%
MASTER Clan 3 0%

Edited 9/21/2022 05:34:47
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 05:50:31

Level 65
We wouldn't want CW to end like the RTL where interest successively decreased, but the response was to replace it by a much less competitive system (QM) and kill it rather than improve it. The traditional step back where a step forward was anticipated. Fizzer always asked for concrete suggestions how to improve existing systems, we should want to focus on delivering the same.
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 06:19:37

Level 59
Fizzer always asked for concrete suggestions how to improve existing systems, we should want to focus on delivering the same.
My dude, I don't think he's sincere about that, because we've been making those suggestions for a long time now and they just go ignored.

Browse the Uservoice right now (https://warlight.uservoice.com/). It's depressing. On top of a graveyard of untriaged ideas- roadmapped items from 7 years ago that never got their votes freed up- you'll also find that the Uservoice has spam from people selling Yeezys. Even the most basic backlog grooming isn't happening.

Our feedback is simply not a priority. It's a rain dance. At least the boycott won't just repeat the thing that overwhelmingly does not work based on 7 years' experience.
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 06:20:59

Level 65
I am trying to stay positive here :D
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 06:22:26

Level 59
Bhai you really have not learned from Mumbai. There's positive, and then there's "the barista is being nice to me because I am the love of her life" positive.
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 06:27:05

Level 65
But the barista said I am special :'(
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 06:36:42

Level 59
[rip Rhonda, deleted as per alex's suggestion. DM me if you are curious what was too spicy for the forums.]

The boycott I don't see working. It's too easy to cross the picket line unless you are prepared to go draconian to ensure players comply.

Edited 9/21/2022 06:43:43
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 06:46:20

Level 62
LMAO l4v (barista)

Positivity is great ... but we tried that and it hasn't worked.

Fizzer always asked for concrete suggestions how to improve existing systems
When was the last time he asked for feedback on CW? We've been giving feedback and the answer was clear: "no changes planned". Let's be clear on this, CW started and he was asking for feedback, and fixed a few minor things like changing # of slots from 4 to 6 (I'll admit this was a big one! But likely his own plan that just happened to align with user feedback), giving FWs 1 point rating increase and removing possibility of 2v2 being the only template in a slot, and adding templates Guiroma & FB ... and not much else.

And in response to our suggestions, initially responded indicating that things take a while to truly settle in, and we need to give it a number of seasons to show whether it's working or not. Fast forward many seasons later, things are now reportedly "working well" - and this is in response to people complaining that it's really not working well for us. Either he truly sees things differently (playership = support, and we're wrong about it not working well) or just doesn't care, maybe both.

If he were still asking for feedback, it might be different. We're just throwing suggestions into the void. We need to get his attention.

But your point is sound, once we get his attention, assuming he decides action need be taken, there's still no guarantee he'll take our suggestions instead of just doing something else he feels strongly about that also doesn't solve the problem.

Perhaps he'd deduce that the problem is that there's too many templates and too many timeslots per day, that seasons aren't long enough to give losing clans a chance to comeback, or introduce buffs for weaker clans & ways to decrease win count gaps in late season. Whereby we get a system with only 2 templates MME LD & MME MA, on maps with 2000+ territories, only 3 timeslots per day every 8 hrs, underdog clans (CW rating <150) get a 3x ratio for wins to be more competitive, and a bounce back buff where late season games (<20% of territories remaining) for clans not in top 5 get 5x ratio. All in the name of listening to user feedback.
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 06:47:28

Level 59
vroom vroom intensifies

clan wars speeding to new heights

Edited 9/21/2022 06:47:52
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 06:54:32

Level 65
I will get nightmares from your last paragraph, krinid
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 06:57:53

Level 62
LOL alex ... evil CW concepts are going to visit you in your dreams tonight
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 07:02:13

Level 65
Please don't share any more photos of mine online
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 07:14:01

Level 59
have you tried giving the nightmare creatures concrete suggestions for dream improvements? maybe if you delivered those they will listen
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 07:17:27

Level 61
I must admit I am a bit confused. Is this still about Myth Busters recruiting, or did the topic turn completely into how/what to change in CW now? Is this clear to everyone what exactly to change?

Are you sure that you (whomever this "you" is) are speaking for all the clans participating (or not yet/anymore participating) - be it top competitive (MB,MH), semi competitive (Prime, Azzurre, Harmony, Excel, TLA, Fancys, i dont want to offense anyone by not enumerating them here), or small high-skilled (CW rating >500 but only 4 participants), small clans and any other potentially interested player?

If so, this maybe needs a new thread with summarizing the proposed changes first and an open discussion of more than 3 clans whether we as the community have (A) a common understanding and (B) can even find a compromize fitting all. Just thinking...
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 07:21:49

Level 65
Tiny addition to krinid's numbers: As you never play against your own clan in CW and every game consists of two clans, you need to double all numbers to determine in how many of the games the clan participated. So you have a total of 200% (100% of games x2 clans competing).

Edited 9/21/2022 07:24:57
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 07:23:20

Level 65
So MB and MH contributed in slightly less than 60% of all games (excluding MH vs MB machups), which therefore means that in like half (!!!) of all CW activity, one of these clans played

Edited 9/21/2022 07:24:43
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 13:30:46

Level 63
I agree a boycott is most effective, Juan had this idea and it is very good
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 14:03:06

Level 62
It would certainly get attention, which is step 1. It's a non-starter without full voluntary support and agreement of MB & MH minimally.

And to Otto's point, we should have a clear and concise list of things we're actually trying to convey that the larger CW community supports, so that when the attention is finally given, we're not providing multiple confusing non-unified opinions or large, complex, ambiguous manifestos of user complaints.

Or requests need to be established, unified, concise & clear, ready for viewing when the rain finally comes.
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 14:38:58

Level 63
probably up to the clan leaders, FleXUS and maybe Norman
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/21/2022 15:14:46

Level 63
other clans too not just mb and mh
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