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nuclear day &voting: 2022-08-28 06:08:50

Level 61
Hi everyone.

Sorry to ask for maybe stupid questions...

there is a special "against nuclear" cache offer today. Where do we find this cache, i mean how does it come?

and another thing, what is "voting" for? what does it bring actually.

thank you
nuclear day &voting: 2022-08-28 18:28:37

Level 63
It looks like you will get that cache as soon as you buy it (so probably with the first manual sync after your purchase).

This mega cache is probably triggered by a button, but I didnt buy it, so I dont know for sure.

Regarding the voting: where do you see voting in idle?
nuclear day &voting: 2022-08-28 19:44:52

Level 61
thank you, it took 5 mibnutes to get it...

ads as for voting i am sorry, you are right it concernes the "classic" games! should post it there.

i apologise
nuclear day &voting: 2022-08-28 19:49:10

Level 59
Oh, are you talking about Quickmatch voting? When you go to Quickmatch, there's a red "Voting" button alongside the blue "Templates" and green "Leaderboards" buttons.

You can also use the Voting list to see the ranking of templates right now, to figure out which next template you or someone else will unlock.

The way voting works: there's some templates Fizzer has fixed into the first 8 spots, so voting is generally unimpactful- the vast, vast majority of Quickmatch players will never unlock the 9th template. So you are just voting on what more-active QM players will see. You can accumulate arbitrarily many votes (you keep earning them, the games-per-vote curve gets steeper) but you can only vote for one template at most 3 times. Then at the end of each day (00:00 UTC), Quickmatch tallies up the votes and re-orders the templates based on which ones have the most votes. Until the reordering, you might see that some templates are ranked too low/too high given their # of votes- that's just because the rankings only get updated once each day.

The template ranking stops at 40- templates ranked #41 and below are not in the Quickmatch rotation and can't be unlocked. That said, most players are not going to ever unlock the #40 ranked template either, since unlocking that requires at a minimum hundreds of QM games. There's some inactivity mechanism that causes players' votes to expire when they haven't logged in for a long time. Also you should not vote for a template with any alternate accounts; only your main account.

Edited 8/28/2022 19:53:08
nuclear day &voting: 2022-08-28 19:55:50

Level 61
yes that is what i am talking about thank you.

but what is this for? i mean i got 3 votes to make so if i vote for "this" or "taht" map, what does it bring in general and for me...

maerci !
nuclear day &voting: 2022-08-28 19:59:20

Level 59
but what is this for? i mean i got 3 votes to make so if i vote for "this" or "taht" map, what does it bring in general and for me...
You can just affect the rankings of templates in the Quickmatch rotation. In terms of what it brings for you, very little but you can move templates up in the rotation or into the rotation itself. Near the bottom 10 rankings, the margins between templates tend to be thin (sometimes just 1 vote) so you can vote for a low-rank template and bring it up a few spots so you'll unlock it earlier.

That's a very indirect & probabilistic impact so there's also your own sense of taste and desire to improve the Quickmatch experience for the community. You can just apply that and vote for templates you think others will enjoy playing on- or suggest your own and add them to the rotation!

If, however, your goal is just to reap personal benefit from the Quickmatch votes, then you can get paid in coins for voting on duel lotto. I'm not sure if this is rule-breaking (it should be, right?) but it's been going on for months out in the open and no one's said anything about it. If you put 3 votes on duel lotto 1.0 and tell riskboy88 (https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=5779985164) he will transfer you some coins.

It works just like real life, where you can use your vote to express your desires for the future of your country or instead you can make a very small amount of money by selling your vote.

Edited 8/28/2022 19:59:49
nuclear day &voting: 2022-08-28 20:03:52

Level 61
that is very clear, much appreciate thank you very much !!!!
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