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Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-08 08:32:19

Level 60
It has happened at least twice to me!

A few days ago I realised I was not digging an artefact. It was weird because I always start one after one is finished. I thought I remembered it wrong.

Today it happened again! I started digging last night, a 69% common 31% uncommon artefact, which lasts I believe 18 hours. Now I dont have anything being dug. And certainly it's not in my inventory.

I dont have auto-dig advancement.

Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-08 08:33:00

Level 60
Send a bug report
Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-08 08:34:35

Level 60
Also sounds like a syncing issue, do you play WZI on more then one divice?
Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-08 08:35:59

Level 60
No I have only 1 device, laptop browser. I close the tab at night.
Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-08 08:37:17

Level 63
Did you manually sync before closing the tab? (ctrl+alt+g)
Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-08 08:39:00

Level 60
I never manually sync, but I started digging long before I closed my tab. Territories conquered were still conquered.
Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-08 08:41:05

Level 63
Thats a weird bug then…

You can report it under Help > Contact > Report bug (if you didnt do so already)
Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-08 08:43:16

Level 60
I also loaded a cannon before closing the tab. It finished loading this morning.

Also, it's certainly not sync issue I suppose? Because the specific artefact is not the list of undug sites.

So the dig was started, but disappeared.
Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-08 08:49:39

Level 60
I dont know how many artefacts must have disappeared this way from me.

A legendary artefact as compensation is necessary!!
Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-08 13:11:56

Level 25
That to me sounds like a syncing problem as well. It shouldn't be necessary, but idle is clearly designed in a way that manual syncing is highly encouraged on EITHER platform, and especially if you play on several devices. That said, I thought that artifacts were one of the few instances where the game forces a sync either way. But that could be the retrieval oif the artifact instead, not the start of a digging. As far as i know, the syncing interval is something around 10 minutes or so. So, everything you did in the last (up to) 10 minutes before closing the tab can get lost because the game didn't sync before the data was lost.
A legendary artefact as compensation is necessary!!

I would be careful with such claims. Fizzer usually is pretty accommodating. But demanding compensation is never a good basis for discussion/goodwill.
Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-08 14:32:53

Level 63
A legendary artefact as compensation is necessary!!
Absolutely, and this is letting Fizzer off lightly. The emotional damage really justifies at least 10 Insane artifacts. Just reading your ordeal, I have sustained damage myself requiring 3 Insanes as compensation.

Regarding Syncing - if he's using the same device & same browser without clearing cache, don't think syncing is necessary as there's nothing to overwrite or conflict with it, but syncing wouldn't hurt. I've seen this issue myself in the past (start dig, come back many hours later, no dig is in progress - but no idea if the dig was still in the undug list or not, didn't track it to that detail).

That said, I don't think it's useful to post bugs with vague details like "I started a dig, then I went back later and it disappeared" b/c that doesn't really give Fizz much to work with to find the cause. Need more specifics, and 1-off's probably don't warrant action/compensation unless the impact is large.
Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-08 15:20:40

Level 25
if he's using the same device & same browser without clearing cache, don't think syncing is necessary as there's nothing to overwrite or conflict with it

I would in general agree, but the field of "browsers" is huge. I for example have it set to auto clear caches, OP might also. Some systems have scheduled tasks to "clean up" several system resources, which MIGHT include things like caches. So, I would always assume the worst. Especially, because in the definition of caches it already says something along the lines of "memory to hold information in case there is enough memory space" aka "if free memory gets low any caches might be freed automatically". I just don't know to which extend this is still true in today's world or if caches became much more permament these days. ;)
Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-08 16:37:41

Level 60
Your speculation on browser is rather irrelevant.

An artifact can only have four states -- undug, digging, digging complete, and harvested -- right?

I am sure I started the dig and it was not finished by the time I realised it disappeared, because:

  • I started the dig between 6pm and 9pm.
  • The dig was 69% common 31% uncommon artefact, costing 2.x B money. I am very sure about this, because there was another slightly more expensive artifact, 70% common 30% uncommon, which is 18 hours.
  • At the time of starting digging, I could either choose these two, or another 90+% poor x% epic artifact, which lasts 12 hours, and costs 900+ M money. I chose the more expensive one because I had too much money.
  • I started this thread at 10:30 am, which is certainly less than 18 hours after dig. The digging one was gone. It's not in the list of undug sites either.
  • It's not in my inventory because before digging this 18 hour one I harvested an 8 hour 100% common, which was the last one in my inventory. I remember it clearly because it's a crap that disappointed me -- common Discount Hospital. In my inventory before this common artifact is a poor artifact.
  • Also in any case I always start new one right after one is harvested.

So, it was not in the list of undug. It was not harvested. But it was gone.
Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-08 23:10:44

Level 25
if they aren't actively dug AND aren't present in the un-dug list anymore, then this is really strange. That for sure justifies filing a bug report.

I mean, IN THEORY it might be able that the game only synced one part but not the other (it synced that you spent money and have removed the digging site from the list, but haven't synced the digging process), but that would definitely be a bad game design. So, let's hope that this isn't even possible in reality.

And as far as I know there is no way to abort diggings. So, yeah, no clue. But Fizzer might have some logs to look into.
Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-11 06:33:10

Level 60
3 days have passed. Monday now.
Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-11 10:28:00

Level 25
3 days have passed. Monday now.

Do you actually think that ranting in a public forum alone will solve your case? If you believe that there is a problem with the game, then file a bug report (Help/Menu -> Contact -> Report Bug, on browser or mobile respectively) and see what Fizzer thinks about it. Based on prior observations it is highly unlikely that Fizzer will respond to any random forum post. While he does so from time to time, it is definitely no surefire way to contact him reliably.
And just because your requested legendary artefact hasn't shown up yet is no reason to create artificial priority like that. Especially if you're counting weekend days! Do you like to work on Sundays? Are you implying Fizzer has to?

TL;DR: This is the wrong channel to contact Fizzer reliably in case you actually want something to happen. And putting pressure on the other negotiating party like such in general isn't helpful either. And if you HAVE contacted Fizzer already, then this behavior is highly unprofessional!
Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-17 02:57:30

Level 60
My artifact disappeared again.

I was digging an 8 hour 100% common, which cost me more than 5B, I remember.

can check the complete list of digging sites at this level right? Then can see which is not in my list of undug right? Then should see a 100% common did not come into my pocket.
Artefact being dug disappeared!!!: 2022-07-17 11:35:00

Level 25
That's probably (or at least for now, until the circumstances change significantly) my final reply, because the whole thread seems more and more pointless. Especially because you don't provide basic information. Like (and that's fundamental): Have you filed a bug report, yet, like JK_3 told you? If not, DO IT, the forum probably won't be able to help you in this specific case! If so, what did Fizzer reply and is it worth to discuss his position on the situation?

You are the first who mentioned this (supposed) bug, so there likely is something special to your case (your pc, your browser, your way of playing, etc), whatever that is. The goal has to be to identify this "deviation from the norm" and work out a fix of some sort (either a technical bug fix or you changing how you play, whatever applies to this situation). Just accusing the game (or its dev) time and time again of penalizing you in some way can't be the soultion here!
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