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IMs in daily rewards? [the 3 doors]: 2022-05-23 06:03:08

Level 62
Is anyone getting IMs from Daily Rewards? [the 3 doors, not the coin wheel]

I used to a long long time ago, but haven't gotten one in months. Maybe b/c I'm >5 on hand?

What's everyone else's experience?
IMs in daily rewards? [the 3 doors]: 2022-05-23 06:30:45

Level 63
I dont think I ever get IM from daily door, only SAC, FC and SL (and sometimes FB as well)

Edited 5/23/2022 06:30:59
IMs in daily rewards? [the 3 doors]: 2022-05-23 06:36:50

Level 64
I don't think Fizzer fully documented this if this ever was an issue, but looking back at the change logs, I did find at least 2 instances of Fizzer changing how the daily doors worked because players were wondering why they were getting skip-levels when they couldn't use them as they already had all the levels unlocked. Fizzer did mention, both times, that at least this much changed, so that the daily doors wouldn't give a skip-level if you already were capped by inventory and couldn't use another.

From what I've seen, Fizzer may have also applied this to every power, not just skip-levels, and just didn't add that as part of the change logs when he mentioned only the skip-levels. The way the daily doors work from what I've seen and from what others have told me is that they only give you a power that you're capped on if you can use it right then and there. If you can't, say you've removed all the fog on your current level or ran out of mercs in your currently conquered merc camps, then those powers would just not appear in the daily doors again until you put yourself in a situation where can use them again and/or make room in your inventory.

For my entire run of HEH, all 273 days of it, I had been at 5 or more fog busters in my inventory, except for the very beginning when I used enough to drop down to about 2, and had removed all the fog from HEH. I then got maybe 1 from the daily doors, then some from the map and many from the coin wheel and raffles. Since maybe day 3 of my run, I had not gotten a single fog buster from the daily doors for the entire remainder of my run of HEH.
IMs in daily rewards? [the 3 doors]: 2022-05-23 06:49:00

Level 62
I remember the discussions around SL & FB but don't recall any other power coming into discussion.

More importantly, I've been on levels with mercs available while smacking the rewards, and no IMs. And sounds like no one else seems to be getting them either. So maybe it's just a mistaken memory on my part, and they never were behind the doors?
IMs in daily rewards? [the 3 doors]: 2022-05-23 06:53:29

Level 60
So far I only recall SAC, FC, FB... I don't really remember it though...
IMs in daily rewards? [the 3 doors]: 2022-05-23 08:28:27

Level 49
I almost always have 5 of all powers except ML. I have 4 of those. I rarely use a power unless I have an unclaimed power to swap in.

I commonly get TW, FC, SAC. Less commonly I get FB, SL. I think once in a while I get SM. I don't recall ever getting MR or IM.
IMs in daily rewards? [the 3 doors]: 2022-05-23 09:41:32

Level 25
I'm pretty certain that when Fizzer had "fixed" the Skip Level problem, he also applied the same logic to all other powers as well, to not have the same (or similar) problem arise again days later. So, if you really can't use a IM right now, you will most likely never get one. And even if you could use one, IM is a rather powerful tool, so it will probably be less common than others. So, it might very well be removed from the reward completely (but to my knowledge only ML was excluded from the rewards) or you are just very unlucky.

PS: I feel like currently 9 out of 10 times, I only get FC and TW (with almost all powers maxed almost all the time, so, do with this information what you want). So, yeah, there definitely is some prioritization among the powers you get. ;)

Edited 5/23/2022 09:45:03
IMs in daily rewards? [the 3 doors]: 2022-05-24 01:04:12

Level 64

Warzone Creator
I'll add Inspire Mercenaries to the daily rewards in the next update. It should be there, but it will be fairly rare
IMs in daily rewards? [the 3 doors]: 2022-05-24 01:50:52

Level 62
Nice, thanks!
IMs in daily rewards? [the 3 doors]: 2022-05-24 15:01:25

Level 62
nice, will be cool to get IM in door. now, if only I could ever land the 1000 coin or even the 50 coin on the wheel, have spun almost every day for a year and a half (500+ spins) and still nope lol
IMs in daily rewards? [the 3 doors]: 2022-05-24 15:06:11

Level 62
I've hit the 50 twice (I think) over approx 3 years. And I have hit 1000 at least four times over the same period.

Just kidding, the four 1000's were in fact near misses that looked like 1000, but when I screenshotted the wheel spin result and zoomed in, they were in fact 1 pixel off the 1000 segment.
IMs in daily rewards? [the 3 doors]: 2022-05-25 07:05:42

Level 64
iirc, within about a month of me starting to play this game on mobile, which was back summer of 2020, I have hit the 1000 coin wedge on the coin wheel once. Since then, I have yet to hit it again.
IMs in daily rewards? [the 3 doors]: 2022-05-28 15:04:32

Level 60
@fizzer what about market raids. Currently you don't get them from wheel or doors (at least I never got them in over a year of playing) which means that you will run out off the ones on the map. Then you could only get them from raffles.
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