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feature Request Needed "max current games": 2022-05-20 21:39:57

Doctor K 
Level 61
Would really like to filter out people from FFA multi-day by how many games they are playing.
These people in many games spoil it for everyone by moving at the last minute, etc, slows the game down tremendously.

There is one guy currently in 173 games.
I would like to have ability to draw line at 20 or 30 games, for example.

Feature Request.
feature Request Needed "max current games": 2022-05-21 04:35:35

Level 58
as you can see from the boot rate, these type of players and these type of habits makes the boot rate of the player high. setting a stricter boot rate of about 8 can be okay.
kind tip: in diplomacy games, usually low-level players don't know a thing. if you want a try-hard diplo, set the level limit to 16 or something.
feature Request Needed "max current games": 2022-05-21 04:46:52

Level 61
You'll be lucky to filter out these players. Boot rate 12% Player level 25 % and 1v1 rate 45% filters out non competitive players and alts. Block anyone who gets booted or you believe surrendered unjustifiably so they can no longer join your games.

The downside is that your games won't fill up as quickly but this is what I do. However, 1 or 2 players slip through these parameters and get booted a few turns into the game and kills the morale of all other players. I get more boots and players surrender.

I noticed with the mod highest income disadvantage which exposes the strongest player in the game rendering them visible with a spy card that players see the bar that is set and only surrender if they feel like the can't win.

No fog games perhaps. In Diplos players are more likely to join if you have a scenario with a description.

Some tips.
feature Request Needed "max current games": 2022-05-21 04:55:42

Doctor K 
Level 61
Yes, this one has a bad boot rate.
I knew that when posted.

There are numerous, super-slow players, that play in 50 or 100 games at a time.
Their boot rate is ok. So no way to filter them.

I want to filter them out by number of games.

Edited 5/21/2022 05:11:18
feature Request Needed "max current games": 2022-05-21 05:01:29

Level 61
I know what you mean. The only way to do this is to lower the time limit. Players play based on the order of their games on their current list. It will always have the one your closest to being booted in at the top. They play this one then don't get around to it again for 2 1/2 days. It gets cycled back to the bottom. Nudge them is an option. If you lower game pace to 2 1/2 most games are 3 days and it works best for people. A lot of players won't join if it's under 3 days believe it or not.

My game filter is current games where I am not eliminated. Others probably the same.

You'd be surprised that a lot of people don't keep up with chat. Anyone in over 25 games, I don't think it's possible to actually play and be engaged in chats, etc.

Edited 5/21/2022 05:06:56
feature Request Needed "max current games": 2022-05-21 05:33:00

Level 62
I admit that I frequently don't keep up with chats. When I come back to a game and see 30+ chat msgs, most of which don't apply to me, I phase it out. I find it hard to read through everything looking for something relevant. And next turn another 30+ msgs, and maybe even have to reread the 30 before to understand what the 30 new ones mean/are referring to.
feature Request Needed "max current games": 2022-05-21 21:05:00

Level 63
These people dont know their own limits, and no amount of filtering can accurately filter that. Someone that is in 100 lottos and 2 diplos will have more time per diplo than someone in 15 diplos.

I think the best solution is to just block them, so they cant join your games anymore.
feature Request Needed "max current games": 2022-05-21 21:14:42

Doctor K 
Level 61
@Jk the solution i proposed *will* filter the
Players with more than X amount of games. It is Precise and Exact
Your solution means individually blocking many unknown people. Not practical not feasible.
At least you agree there is a problem.
Think harder next time before reply.
feature Request Needed "max current games": 2022-05-22 10:27:07

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Would really like to filter out people from FFA multi-day by how many games they are playing.
These people in many games spoil it for everyone by moving at the last minute, etc, slows the game down tremendously.

Would really like to filter out people based on skin colour.
These people with black skin are poor, not educated and criminals.
Look there is a picture of a black, poor, uneducated criminal:

And look at his boot rate!

Let me offer you a ridiculous, crazy and insane idea: filter people by boot rate and multi-day speed.

Edited 5/22/2022 10:38:10
feature Request Needed "max current games": 2022-05-22 13:51:27

Level 60
Don't forget to filter by level, so the first turns aren't a boot/surrender galore.

Filtering by average multi-day speed would definitely work better than filtering by current amount of games.
Especially when there's some people that have the bright idea to make a round-robin tournament with 19 games playing at once.
Only issue is that it isn't a feature either.
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