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How to get the first market faster?: 2022-04-19 00:10:19

Level 62
Hello guys,

I am in my second round after first ascension.
I'd appreciate any suggestion in order to reduce the time to get the armies needed to conquer the first market. It usually takes me an hour or so. I am thinking in something besides using powers.

Many thanks.
How to get the first market faster?: 2022-04-19 00:57:08

Level 62
-active artifacts
-Increased Army Camp Production
-clan request
-only play levels where first market is easily accessible (in particular, that means do NOT play Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire)
-phase 4 Increased Army Cache advancement can reduce the time needed to reach the first market to a few minutes if you know where all the early army caches are
How to get the first market faster?: 2022-04-19 01:06:46

Level 62
Without powers? Hmmm ... Math's options are best then.

But if you are content with using FCs, then SAC (artifact)+FCs are the best start to a level, and can often snag some (2+) to all of the markets with that boost.

Also, in case you aren't doing this, don't try to Joint Strike your way to the markets. Know where the market is, and just go there in the cheapest path possible (was going to say straight beeline for it, but not really, you should zig/zag as required to maintain the cheapest path). You lose on "savings" due to not using JS but overall use less armies getting to the market (means you get there sooner), which is more important.

Edited 4/19/2022 01:27:17
How to get the first market faster?: 2022-04-19 01:20:57

Level 25
I'm not experienced in this realm, because I don't have use cases for this yet (or lack of sufficiently upgraded artifacts), but I believe that you could adjust krinid's approach to work without powers by replacing the FC powers with an active (at least rare) Army Cache artifact. If you want to super-power your FCs, your Army Cache artifact would need to be pretty much Insane, but if I did the math correctly, starting with rare it should be pretty much on par with the power. (If my understanding of the active cache artifacts is anything to go by.)

Just saying, this way you could do the same strategy without powers. Only difference (besides needing a second slot for an active artifact) that the Army Cache artifact will give you only armies, while the power also gives you money and ores/alloys.

Edited 4/19/2022 01:21:47
How to get the first market faster?: 2022-04-19 19:01:58

Level 62
Looks like the key is phase 4 Increased Army Cache advancement. I haven't unlocked level 4 yet, I should focus on that.

Many thanks guys.
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