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NEW: Capture The Flag mod: 2022-03-18 11:40:06

Level 60
I'm proud to announce my 7th mod, the Capture The Flag mod!!!

It's a simple mod from a player perspective, but there's a lot more going on in the background... but first, let me introduce you to the concept and settings before talking about the inner workings xD

The concept is simple. Players start with flags (Idle structures like recipes, mines, crafters, etc) on some territories. Losing to many flags means the player is eliminated. When you capture a flag of an opponent you can get awarded with a permanent income boost. Simple, right?
Relatively... But I got it working. This mod is compatible with team and FFA games, has failsaves that make sure every team / player gets the same amount of flags and eliminates any team / player that loses to many (or all) flags.

The mod has 3 settings.

  • The amount of flags per team
  • The number of flags a team has to lose to be eliminated
  • How much bonus income you get from capturing a flag

Note that in a FFA game every player is seen as its own team.
With the mod comes a mod menu where you can check up on how many flags each team still has to lose before being eliminated

Now a bit about the inner workings of this mod.

Players / teams are not able to pick which structure they'll get to use for flags. At least, not directly...

FFA game:
The funny part about this is that your flag actually will be the same every non team game xD. The way I made the flag distribution is based on your player ID. I myself for example will always have a Market as flag in a FFA Capture The Flag game

Team game:
Your flag is determined by your team ID (A, B, C, etc). If you want a specific structure you should look up this table:

  • A = Army Camp
  • B = Mine
  • C = Smelter
  • D = Crafter
  • E = Market
  • F = Army Cache
  • G = Money Cache
  • I = Resource Cache
  • J = Mercenary Camp
  • K = Power
  • L = Draft
  • M = Arena
  • N = Hospital
  • O = Digsite
  • P = Attack
  • Q = Mortar
  • R = Recipe
    From here the list starts over again
  • S = Army Camp
  • T = Mine

The best part is that this mod actually is compatible with every other mod, as long as you don't combine it with other mods that add structures. I actually took my time and made proper method to check if players were losing their flags by orders from other mods. So you can combine this mod with for example Custom Card Package, Swap Territories and Portals

Here's a link to a game that has the mod included if you want to test it out:

Edited 3/19/2022 11:47:06
NEW: Capture The Flag mod: 2022-03-18 11:54:39

Level 58
NEW: Capture The Flag mod: 2022-03-18 11:58:07

Level 58
Suggestion: can we get a variant where we can return flags to a home base to eliminate the enemy owner or get points or something

Edited 3/18/2022 11:58:20
NEW: Capture The Flag mod: 2022-03-18 12:57:11

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
A = Army Camp

And just like that, all the compatibility with fort mod is gone.
NEW: Capture The Flag mod: 2022-03-18 13:00:01

Level 60
yup, but that's because of how the Forts mod works. i cant do much about it except for writing an exception for every mod that uses structures which needs to understand what mod causes it, what it needs to do to not fully cancel the order and make sure the order is correct
NEW: Capture The Flag mod: 2022-03-18 13:01:25

Level 60
you shouldn't play with two mods that add the same structure in the first part, but the incompatibility between the Forts and Capture the flag mod is caused by the Forts mod. i did everything i could do make it compatible

Edited 3/18/2022 13:01:52
NEW: Capture The Flag mod: 2022-03-18 13:08:31

Level 62
Does that mean that if using Forts & CTF mods together, the team that gets the Army camp structure gets free forts? lol

And does attacking (but not capturing) these flags (army camps) result in them being removed from the board b/c they're treated as forts?

NEW: Capture The Flag mod: 2022-03-18 13:09:07

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
The laziest way how to make your mod compatible is to randomize the list of structures.
An acceptable way is to allow game creators to choose which team gets which structure.

Edited 3/18/2022 13:09:30
NEW: Capture The Flag mod: 2022-03-19 11:54:16

Level 60
false. the laziest way to make this mod compatible is to not allowing players to add other mods that add structures and use the already built-in list of structures instead of making your own and randomizing it.
NEW: Capture The Flag mod: 2022-03-19 11:54:43

Level 60
krinid, yes. that's why you shouldn't pair it up with other mods that add structures
NEW: Capture The Flag mod: 2022-03-19 16:00:35

Level 64
Time to uninstall halo, lol.
NEW: Capture The Flag mod: 2022-03-19 16:06:57

Level 58
I would love a capture the flag/return to base mod variant for this. Make it so that the team with the flag stolen can limited multiattack to catch up and get their flag back
NEW: Capture The Flag mod: 2022-03-19 16:54:45

Level 60
it's not impossible, but not easy to say the least.

the best way to do something like this is to just move them with the first attack / transfer order since you cannot pin structures to your moves
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