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Question about collecting powers: 2022-03-11 19:30:50

Level 61
I know that you can only collect a power two times (i dont know if super ascension replenish it though) but, if you conquer a territory with a power, but you dont collect it because you have already 5 of the same power, does it count towards it? i have nearly finished hardened old town, but i have like 30 powers not collected there, will i waste them if i finish this level? or can i still collect these powers two times after the next two ascensions (i did not use the ascension yet) ? or only one time because it counts as collected?
Question about collecting powers: 2022-03-11 19:37:38

The Forbidden Koala 
Level 61
You won't waste them.
You only collect it when you claim them (automatically or not)
Question about collecting powers: 2022-03-12 16:26:38

Level 63
(i dont know if super ascension replenish it though)

it does not replenish :(

can i still collect these powers two times after the next two ascensions (i did not use the ascension yet) ?

yes, the 2 times is counted over your lifetime, regardless of (super)ascensions

rest of the questions in your post should already be answered by TFK
Question about collecting powers: 2022-03-12 16:48:32

Level 62
The sad ballad of non-replenishing powers.

Edited 3/12/2022 16:49:07
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