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I maxed out statistics after Breaking Green: 2022-02-15 11:34:12

Level 58
Tell me if I did something stupid or not
I maxed out statistics after Breaking Green: 2022-02-15 13:09:16

Level 25
Let's just say, that statistics isn't benefiting you on a day to day basis (it doesn't boost your level progress), but I really enjoy having it, too. So, if you maxed out Joint Strike and have some percentage of Army Camp Production Boost already, then having Statistics maxed out isn't necessarily wrong.
I maxed out statistics after Breaking Green: 2022-02-15 13:29:53

Level 62
Stats L4 is great ... it shows you the Tech tree, so you don't have to guess at what you need to get the Techs you want.

It's super annoying to use/sell ore/alloys/items you need only to find out you needed them for a Tech and just didn't know it.

So it could actually help you clear levels more quickly b/c it helps you prepare to clear it efficiently. It doesn't make you strong, but it does give you a tool to make you smarter.

Edited 2/15/2022 13:30:35
I maxed out statistics after Breaking Green: 2022-02-15 18:36:36

Level 61
It’s very easy to sit in an ivory tower and pontificate on AP earnings per hour as the key metric. Statistics doesn’t (directly) help here so some might consider it a waste of AP.

With that said, I think a lot of us who’ve played this game for more than six months are more focused on the AP per “labor” hour metric and Statistics absolutely helps here. It makes the game more enjoyable and less time consuming to play, particularly Level 4. That’s good enough for me.
I maxed out statistics after Breaking Green: 2022-02-15 18:51:10

Level 62
AP per labour was the metric, certainly & undeniably pre-Artifacts, arguably post Artifacts, but imho not anymore post Super Ascension, where Artifacts become the primary item for collection.

AP is just an intermediate tool used to repeat the process, but is fleeting & transient on the way to collecting better artifacts.

But in any case, clearing levels, gathering AP is a necessary step to it all, and having Stats (to graemes' point, 100% agree) offers higher QoL benefits compared to without it. Plus, it's not that expensive either, so may as well get it.
I maxed out statistics after Breaking Green: 2022-02-15 18:58:33

Level 63
Calling Stats a QoL is an understatement.

The extra productivity you get from just know what the heck is going on, justifies its cost. (Except for people that are taking notes of everything.)
I maxed out statistics after Breaking Green: 2022-02-15 19:05:43

Level 45
Does anyone know how much AP it costs to upgrade statistics to the max? I haven’t unlocked it yet
I maxed out statistics after Breaking Green: 2022-02-15 19:07:22

Level 63
50+100+150+200 = 500 AP
I maxed out statistics after Breaking Green: 2022-02-15 19:10:43

Level 45
Oh wow didn’t realize that it cost that much. At least it will only take me two weeks to get that much AP.
I maxed out statistics after Breaking Green: 2022-02-16 00:17:28

Level 25
Joint Strike is in the same ball park, but then again, 500 only sounds as much if you don't know the costs to max out later advancements. In phase 2 there are only four under 1k to max out (two of them only barely under 1k). The most expensive one in phase 3 is north of 25k. Just for context.
I maxed out statistics after Breaking Green: 2022-02-16 14:07:53

Level 26
In case you want to know how much advancements cost I found this on a outdated guide by "Parsifal". Cant guarantee its 100% accurate but so far its been on point, haven't unlocked tier 3 though.


You can see tier 2 3 and 4 on other tabs (either top or bot).
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