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The worst artifact: 2022-01-16 22:17:47

Level 63
It surely must be FB. With 8 territories at uncommon and a 16 hour cooldown for normal players, this artifact is incredible bad.

You would have to upgrade it to beyond Insane to for it to have equal effect to its power.
For comparison, TW matches effect at Rare, SAC matches at Common.

This artifact is so underpowered, that it made me start crying when i read its description. Imagine unfogging 8 territories every 16 hours. I can finish the average map in that time if I wanted...

The worst artifact: 2022-01-16 22:21:48

Level 63
100% agree & I've stated it numerous times myself. It would have to have the opposite effect of Hospital Boost/Speedy Crafters that got shafted to <2x value as you upgrade to have value, to be boosted to >2x the value to have _real_ value. Maybe 3x or 4x.

Insane FB = 128 territories, which is less than a single FB power, yet is 625 uncommons or 3125 commons - the level of investment required to achieve that is UNREAL. And 128 territories of fog busting is . . .





As it stands now, it's a troll artifact.

Edited 1/16/2022 22:22:09
The worst artifact: 2022-01-16 22:25:19

Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis
Level 18

Edited 1/16/2022 22:27:06
The worst artifact: 2022-01-16 22:25:38

Level 38
The picture of the mask just rubs it in deeper how trolly it is
The worst artifact: 2022-01-16 22:26:48

Chief Rollie 
Level 62
I said this before but the insane tier should clear the whole map, legendary tier clear half, epic clear a fourth etc.
The worst artifact: 2022-01-16 23:52:52

Level 58
Tbh you get like 7 fog busters in one 3W period, so superpower fog buster at the beginning level (what I do for breaking green) is 1500, which is more than enough.
The worst artifact: 2022-01-17 06:20:58

Level 62
Fog buster is one of those artifacts which legendary is better than insane.
Because you can sacrifice a legendary one.
The worst artifact: 2022-01-17 08:58:26

Level 63
Mathematician is a smart cookie.
- downvoted post by Loxiiv
The worst artifact: 2022-01-17 10:23:03

Level 63
Yes, Sugondese is a way better artifact than FB
The worst artifact: 2022-01-17 16:02:07

Level 63
@Lox, what? Not the ligma artifact?
The worst artifact: 2022-01-18 23:24:13

Level 63
I said this before but the insane tier should clear the whole map, legendary tier clear half, epic clear a fourth etc.

Thats actually an interesting idea. Having it % based (of all territories), would make it much more useful.
I suggest the following %'s: 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 25 .

While still useless at low levels, and at the end of a level, it would at least have some use. The official time estimate for a level (unascended) is about 20 days on average, so on rare (4%) you could unfog the entire map that way.
The worst artifact: 2022-01-19 02:23:25

Level 25
This would surely pose a significant improvement of the Fog Buster artifact. My only follow-up question:
Would this be good enough such that some players might actually use it given those numbers?

I mean, I remember a time when I had in fact used one of the active cache artifacts several times. But only because I hadn't found a decent passive artifact yet. In the same context, using an active FB if there is nothing else to use an artifact slot for seems reasonable, but would this artifact with these improvements be anywhere near what other artifacts (of similar level) can offer? If you had every artifact of some level (say rare for example) would this buff actually be compelling to you (or someone else)?

As you said, this would mean that (on rare) I had to spend a whole slot just on fog busting aka collecting insights on the level. The problem: What is this additional information useful for? Can you use these insights to play more efficiently? And with enough additional efficiency such that the default fallback passive artifacts (Army Camp Boost, Money Boost) are worse in comparison? Or the active artifacts that are deemed the most important currently (SAC, TW)?

Don't get me wrong, I agree that the current FB is a joke and that this idea would give at least SOME incentive to use it. But from my point of view, the different artifacts should be (somewhat) equally useful such that every player can find their own best strategy. Several artifacts lack in this regard, FB surely the most. Just keep in mind, Fizzer thinks that we should focus on a few (upgraded) artifacts. Would you consider super-ascending with a FB artifact even given these changes?
The worst artifact: 2022-01-19 02:50:43

Level 29
What artifacts are worth assending? I see previous mentioned are the passive ones, Army, Money, Mine boost.

I have these at uncommon, once you complete any research/Tech I find they are massively de-valued ie 40k income plus 20% only equals 43k.... Bearly half the stated power.

Anyone else found this?
The worst artifact: 2022-01-19 09:49:19

Level 63
You can take all your artifacts with you when you ascend.

If you are talking about super ascend, people often take:
  • alloy values
  • army camp boost
  • time warp
  • supercharge army camp
  • army cache boost
  • The worst artifact: 2022-01-19 16:51:43

    Level 25
    Just to round this up, there is another aspect about FB that I missed to mention the other day:
    Correct me if I'm wrong but FB is the only artifact that only really supports you on your first play through. Every other artifact is equally useful on any attempt of some level and will always provide you the same level of benefits (x% Army Cache Boost is x% all the time, no matter how often you've played a level before), but after you finished a level once (if you don't forget everything you learnt right after getting the APs) there is only little you need a FB artifact for. You will have a feeling for where certain important things are. You might not remember the exact territory, but probably the bonus you have to look at.

    So, unless levels start to change on each attempt (each time you start a level you get a new (somewhat) random set-up with all things being moved at least a little), most players will sacrifice the FB artifact after ascending (or even not care to keep it at all even before first ascension). Similarly to how active artifacts have to be more powerful than their passive counterparts (for those where there is a counterpart) because the passive ones can affect several actions and can be swapped out at every time, while actives only affect a single action and cool down for 16h, FB with the current static levels would have to be more powerful than your usual actives artifacts because all actives are universally useful, FB isn't exactly.

    But that's just my two cents on this topic.
    The worst artifact: 2022-01-19 22:41:53

    Level 63
    Except for some oddball players who value visibility over clearing power, FB artifact will never surpass some combination of SAC, TW, TS, TMB, BMB, ACB (camp&cache), AV, Hospital Boost, Merc Discount.

    Maybe early game on a map you don't know well & aren't playing too aggressively. If you're chill playing, you could activate it, not even really start playing, just earn some income for 16 hrs, then come back and start when you're ready with some intel up front.

    Beyond that, can't compete with those superior artifacts.
    The worst artifact: 2022-01-20 04:35:12

    Master Jz 
    Level 62
    The Fog Buster rare is 14 instead of the expected 16. My best guess is that the artifact should reveal 100 times what is displayed. Has anyone tried to use it? Could the text be wrong?

    Even at 100x what it is now, I can't imagine using it much, if at all.
    The worst artifact: 2022-01-20 04:51:25

    Chief Rollie 
    Level 62
    Fogbuster with the percent clear system where it clears the whole map at insane and half as much each level lower would have an extremely niche use to those who want to reveal entire maps with all army values intact.
    The worst artifact: 2022-01-21 02:46:07

    Level 25
    And how niche is the current version of FB? As I said before, these ideas don't make it good, but compared to what we have right now, it's a huge improvement already. And each time the maps get re-generated this would be awesome to check the applicability of previous strategies. Would you rather use 5 FB powers on each map?
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