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"Complete in x time to get a bonus": 2021-12-26 07:51:55

Level 54
If I click on certain levels it says things like "complete this level in 1 day 3 hours to get a 20% copper bonus". Is this deadline measured in real life time, or is it measured in in-game time (which I think the game calls "session age")?

Edited 12/26/2021 07:52:41
"Complete in x time to get a bonus": 2021-12-26 07:59:46

Level 62
Real time.
"Complete in x time to get a bonus": 2021-12-26 11:46:04

Level 54
Damn, that's more challenging than I thought then. Thanks!
"Complete in x time to get a bonus": 2021-12-26 21:53:42

Level 62
It's less challenging, actually, b/c it means you can use TWs to speed things up and still finish within the allotted real time.
"Complete in x time to get a bonus": 2021-12-26 22:02:11

Level 63
Once you ascended, the goals are easy to hit. Dont worry about them if its your first time playing. But if you can pick them up, go for it :)
"Complete in x time to get a bonus": 2021-12-26 22:13:30

Level 62
What JK is true, however, the biggest benefit you'll get from those bonuses is having them for your 1st playthrough. If you wait until you've Ascended, (1) you miss out playing all the levels later on with these bonuses (which may not be a big issue, but if you're doing Tech Runs, this could be useful), and (2) you'll probably end up being that much closer to Super Ascending, at which point all the bonuses are lost again. So if you're going to get them, may as well do it asap.

Doing Tech Runs & getting the level bonuses are certainly _easier_ on 2nd and definitely 3rd playthrough, but given that a SAsc is ~4 playthroughs, leaving the bonuses to 2nd or 3rd playthrough means there's not really any benefit to even getting them, b/c by that time you're strong enough in Adv's & artifacts & powers (SM) & Hard level bonuses (Rock Candy) that you likely don't need those bonuses as much.
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