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Issue with watching history in commerce games: 2021-12-24 02:20:48

Level 57
It would be nice to have the "Has x gold" beneath the players reflect how much gold the player has, based on the selected order.

For example, I'm reviewing the history of a 10-army-multiplier commerce game:

At the top of the list, I select "recon card wore off" or some such first thing on the list.

Player A shows:
Has 33 gold. 32 gold per turn

As I move down the list of orders I select these two orders, one after the other:
Deploy 5 (for 5 gold)
Deploy 16 (for 28 gold)
- 21 armies costing 10 + 20 + 3 = 33 gold

At this point it should say below player A
Has 0 gold. 32 gold per turn

But it still says
Has 33 gold. 32 gold per turn

Practically every other bit of information shows the state of the game at the order you have selected. The "Has x gold" shows the state at the beginning of the turn no matter what order is selected.

Edited 12/24/2021 02:46:45
Issue with watching history in commerce games: 2021-12-29 01:20:22

Level 57
I guess I'll hijack my own thread by saying that the player names in Statistics, who have turned AI, should be green like the players list on the right.

I only just realized, that's how you highlight all of a player's territories. Click their name in Statistics!
Issue with watching history in commerce games: 2021-12-29 18:24:44

Level 63
Its shows the income/gold as it was at the beginning of the turn.

If you play the turn move by move, does the Has X Gold go down for every deployment?
Issue with watching history in commerce games: 2021-12-29 22:23:41

Level 57
No, it looks like this which seems strange:

From the top it says
Has 12 gold. 12 gold per turn
Select the order "Build 1 city on" and it changes to
Has 12 gold. 13 gold per turn
When it should say
Has 7 gold. 13 gold per turn
Issue with watching history in commerce games: 2021-12-29 22:46:51

Level 63
ah, thats indeed an issue then
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