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Super Question: 2021-12-01 04:41:30

Tulsi 2020 
Level 61
I have three legendary artifacts. I paid real money for some of it. I've ascended probably thirty times.

When super ascending can I get a confirmation that you get to choose the boon or is it random. What's the order of operations, can I choose the extra artifact and then keep all three of my legendary artifacts? Or does it wipe your artifacts and then let you choose the boon.
Super Question: 2021-12-01 05:11:32

Level 62
Assuming you will be choosing the +1 additional artifact as your SAsc reward, so you get 3 artifacts to keep. You get to choose which 3 those are.
Super Question: 2021-12-01 09:15:37

Level 64
As krinid said and to specify the order of operation:

You see all your artifacts and can select the 2 or 3 (depending on the extra option you choose) artifacts you want to carry over. You super ascend after you made this selection.
Super Question: 2021-12-01 22:32:57

Tulsi 2020 
Level 61
Yep got it, thanks. I was afraid to even click the link.
Super Question: 2021-12-03 00:36:03

Master Jz 
Level 62
In the previous version, buying artifacts (epics and legendaries) was beneficial. Going forward, it may not be, except in rare cases. With the current setup, purchasing a legendary will eventually lock you into getting the carry over in order to keep it, unless you can make an insane. As such, you'll lose the ability to pick other rewards.
Super Question: 2021-12-03 02:21:17

Level 62
Agree w/MJ, I think this move will actually result in less Artifact purchases. Then again, not sure how many people buy them today so maybe this is a non-issue.

But who knows, maybe b/c now you have to throw artifacts away, it'll do the opposite and cause people to buy more to be able to upgrade to have a better selection of items to keep. Naw, it'll cause less. (;
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