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Another Super Ascend Question: 2021-11-26 04:58:51

Level 62
Maybe it's a good idea to group all the questions about super-ascension mechanics (NOT strategies) together under one thread so that it's easier for Fizzer to see and answer?

Anyway, here's my question. Do powers in levels regenerate after super-ascension?

(I see that the announcement says that level rewards will be available again. I'm not sure what does that includes)
Another Super Ascend Question: 2021-11-26 05:52:27

Level 56
powers non regenerative

we lose these rewards need to re-earn(don't have superpowers)
Another Super Ascend Question: 2021-11-26 08:23:29

Level 30
I believe the question is, if I claimed a power 1 or 2 times prior to Super Ascension, can I still claim each power twice after ascension?
Another Super Ascend Question: 2021-11-28 02:40:55

Level 62

Where did you get that information from?
Another Super Ascend Question: 2021-11-28 05:00:10

Level 62
I suspect 'here' is misinterpreting the word 'power' to be the benefits earned from clearing the regular & hard levels, not the actual powers (SAC, SM, FC, IM, MR, ML...).

The word from Z is that post Super Ascension, "everything resets to when you first started playing the game", but didn't specifically comment on powers. Seems logical that they would, b/c it'd be pretty pernicious to reset everything else but powers. But we need confirmation on this.

But what this means is:
(A) [we know this already] all AP is gone, all Adv's are gone, all but 2 artifacts are gone & you get only what permanent bonus you selected when Super Ascending
(B) any levels you have in progress are aborted
(C) all levels are locked

So you start @ the Tutorial/Huruey's and have to work your way through all the levels to EH, and the new levels appear after that.

So presumably they are tougher than EH. Hard to tell what maps they are, but hopefully they don't have more territories than EH - there's already too much clicking.
Another Super Ascend Question: 2021-11-28 13:20:33

Level 25
Seems logical that they would, b/c it'd be pretty pernicious to reset everything else but powers. But we need confirmation on this.

If we would lose all our powers, this sentence would be completely right. As we are apparently keeping our collected powers, I could see an argument for powers not being available anew after super-ascension. But I haven't tried it, hence, I don't know, just guessing.
Another Super Ascend Question: 2021-11-28 18:58:04

Level 62
At this point most of us are just guessing. Would be nice if Fizzer or someone super-ascended can answer this with certainty. It'll greatly affect my strategy now.
Another Super Ascend Question: 2021-11-28 19:14:54

Level 56
I super ascended.Information is correct
Another Super Ascend Question: 2021-11-28 19:24:39

Level 62

Thank you!
Another Super Ascend Question: 2021-11-29 08:32:38

Level 62
Which information? We don't know if powers regenerate, we don't know what the new maps are difficulty-wise or what AP they offer, and likely a bunch more. Not just what info you're referring to?
Another Super Ascend Question: 2021-11-29 11:33:57

Level 64
I think Math was asking if Powers like TW, SAC, SM, FC, etc are regenerated to earn again. (Since you can only grab them twice normally.)

I think Here was saying that rewards from Hardened Levels or Speed Runs are lost.

I don’t think they are talking about the same thing.
Another Super Ascend Question: 2021-11-29 14:34:16

Level 56
powers won't regenerate
Another Super Ascend Question: 2021-11-29 18:57:24

Level 62
Powers not regenerating sucks but I guess Phoenix is right again (seems to be a trend here), that is one of the few things that's _not_ being wiped out, so not totally surprising.
Another Super Ascend Question: 2021-11-29 20:16:27

Level 25
Honestly, I'd love to be wrong from time to time if it'd mean benefits like new powers (MLs).
Another Super Ascend Question: 2021-11-30 00:26:00

Chief Rollie 
Level 61
Wow without respawning powers that could be a bit brutal the second super ascension, even with the super ascend buff.
Another Super Ascend Question: 2021-11-30 15:08:00

Level 62
'here' skipped a bunch of levels to try the 1st new level, which 'looks' easy (only worth 120AP, low territory count, not very high army counts, etc) but b/c of the no AP/Adv's/low artifacts, it was actually quite challenging and he ended up aborting.

The composition of the level is as follows:
2 army camps
2 merc camps
2 smelters
1 hospital
0 crafters
0 markets

Which on its own is nothing noteworthy, on par-ish with Huruey's Castle, I think, which is a 17 hour level of 1st playthrough, and b/c nothing to craft, no markets, etc - not many avenues to accelerate beyond SAC/FC, but b/c of the low AP gain, seems like a waste of the powers given that any that were on the level will for most players be collected already long prior. So if you work through all the levels to EH, this next level should be a cakewalk unless there are some odd factors like unusually low army camp/bonus/territory income or unusually high merc cost, etc.
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