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100k AP: 2021-11-25 21:53:29

Level 61
Figure this will be a topic of interest with the new update so here’s a first pass at what 100,000 AP could look like.

Level 1
+410% Army Camp Boost
+100% Money Cache Boost (max)
+25% Joint Strike (max)
+150% Additional Mercenaries (max)
+4 Statistics
+4 hours Idle Time

Level 2
+5% Auto-Conquer
+100% Increased Cache Resources (max)
-50% Army Camp Discount (max)
-50% Merc Camp Discount (max)
+100% Alloy Sell Value (max)
-50% Crafter Speed (max)
+25% Increased AP (max)

Level 3
+4 Skip Level
+100% Money From Bonuses (max)
+80% Item Sell Value
+3 Market Visibility

Level 4
+50% Better Hospitals (max)
0 minute Auto Draft (max)
-50% Faster Digging (max)

This is far from the end-all-be-all and I expect many would add Army Cache Boost or additional Auto advancements in lieu of Item Sell Value or Army Camp Discount. Nonetheless, a good starting point for discussion.

This comes out to 100,076 AP
100k AP: 2021-11-25 21:54:26

Level 63
wasnt it 100k in just phase 4?
100k AP: 2021-11-25 21:58:56

Level 62
Yes, 100k just in phase 4 alone.

The question becomes, do you do the minimum in each phase, get 100k in phase 4, and then Super Ascend, or is there value in upgrading P1-3 advancements beyond the bare minimums?

Let's exclude the idea of investing hard along the way and doing AP resets as required.
100k AP: 2021-11-25 22:01:21

Level 63
if you dont do resets (cause not everyone has infinite coins), then i guess investing fully in market strat would be the right move.

i dont know how much ap that would be, but probably more than required to unlock P4
100k AP: 2021-11-26 04:38:24

Level 61
Ooof yes of course you guys are right. 100k in Level 4 only.

At minimum, spending “extra” in Level 1 is needed. +25% Joint Strike and +30% Additional Mercs is already at 1,000 AP. I think more mercs is a hard requirement and I assume most would want extra idle time and probably stats too.

Likewise “extra” in Level 2 would happen naturally but it’s close. +25% AP and +100% Alloy Sell Value comes at 9,500 against a 8,000 cap. Maybe you can skimp here and rely on a Legendary or Insane Alloy Sell Value artifact for money generation? You’ve already skipped +100% Money Cache at this point though so money is getting tight

Level 3 you can be quite precise and hit 25,082 AP against a 25,000 cap with:
+2 Level Skip
+80% Money From Bonuses
+80% Item Sell Value
+3 Market Visibility

So it’s really just Level 1 that is the problem. I think the obvious answer is just to spend the coins here honestly.
100k AP: 2021-11-27 15:43:23

Level 64
You need a minimum of 134k AP to do a SAsc.

My strat will involve playing normally until I have enough AP, then resetting AP with 150 coins to push all into Phase 4 for the next SAsc. (I obviously have enough AP to do it now without resetting. This would be for a future SAsc2.)

Suddenly, Fizzer's "get rich quick" scheme is revealed!!!

Edited 11/27/2021 15:44:01
100k AP: 2021-11-29 03:11:36

Level 62
lol Z

It's only "getting rich quick" if you're getting those coins by depositing them with real money. Or taking them from someone who did.
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