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New Clan: 2021-11-08 01:31:59

Big Poppa
Level 60
Dear Community,

I am offering my services to a high level clan.

As you probably know my name is recognised all over Warzone as a premier player/high grade alpha who leaves a trail of quivering noobs/betas in my wake. If you would like me to join your clan you can send me a message on here or privately and I will consider it.

New Clan: 2021-11-08 01:40:45

Level 47
Lol is this a joke? Seems kind of arrogant but maybe thats just my read... having said that I have heard you're among the best on some maps, but not all
New Clan: 2021-11-08 03:47:42

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 58
I've never even heard of him. I doubt he's among the best at anything.
New Clan: 2021-11-08 04:41:00

Level 65
A high grade alpha of your calibre is not in the slightest need to make such a request in a public forum. I humbly recommend you to approach fitting clans directly for they lack the courage to talk to you upon own initiative. Worthy choices might include clans such as The Saber-Rattlers, The Hodopian Dynasty, Pink Dolphins on LSD or Garlic Bread Enthusiasts.
New Clan: 2021-11-08 07:21:27

Level 58
ask to join the henko corporation
New Clan: 2021-11-08 07:43:49

Level 59
@Big Poppa

Who are you? You don't belong to warzone community. I never seen you before.

Are you Activision's spy?
New Clan: 2021-11-08 08:22:07

Level 63
multi-personalities? the first two posts are awfully strange

there are many good clans that would love to have ya. Also, try playing on some ladders to draw attention to yourself (if thats what you're looking for, recognition)
New Clan: 2021-11-08 12:17:46

Big Poppa
Level 60
Thank you tackytical - as you can see most of the other responses here come from low grade trolls and antisocial guys like alexclusive who i know has a bad rep on here. I may join the Masters Clan and possibly start running it but we shall see :)
New Clan: 2021-11-08 16:34:09

Corn Man 
Level 62
"Lol is this a joke? Seems kind of arrogant but maybe thats just my read... having said that I have heard you're among the best on some maps, but not all"

Ozark, Big Poppa is the best player in the game at Guiroma. Don't let his 0-6 loss in last season's Clan League confuse you, the chances of that were 1 in a billion.

"As you probably know my name is recognised all over Warzone as a premier player/high grade alpha who leaves a trail of quivering noobs/betas in my wake."

Someone needs to stand up for all these poor betas: I challenge you to a best of 11 games! To be played on 11 MTL templates of your choosing. My only condition is that we have to play Guiroma.

If I win, I choose what clan you join.
And if you win ... well, name your terms.
New Clan: 2021-11-08 16:36:50

Big Poppa
Level 60
Haha I love it! What terms do you have the authority to grant?
New Clan: 2021-11-08 16:49:35

Corn Man 
Level 62
Anything your heart desires
New Clan: 2021-11-08 16:52:15

Big Poppa
Level 60
Sorry cucksilver, if I'm to agree I need to know you're not one to make vapid promises. Don't deal with the devil blindly
New Clan: 2021-11-08 16:53:32

Level 65
If Quick loses, I will change my nickname to a name of your choice
New Clan: 2021-11-08 16:53:55

Corn Man 
Level 62
At the top of my head, at a minimum I can anything to do with my profile, join any clan, change my name, make a forum post etc.
New Clan: 2021-11-08 16:58:54

Corn Man 
Level 62
How about, if I win - you change your name to a name of my choosing

And if you win - I change my name to a name of your choosing?

Loser has to keep the name for 3 months
New Clan: 2021-11-08 17:01:43

Big Poppa
Level 60
Alex - why would I care what your nickname was? No clue who you are and judging from your chosen picture you're very ordinary.
Silver fish - if I win you will give me control of your account for a week. In this time I will not do anything to get you banned or change your name/pw etc - but will use it for fairly innocent purposes. If you win you can choose which clan I join
New Clan: 2021-11-08 20:50:07

Level 58
big poppa I heard Xenophon is looking for new members in his super elite clan FCC, it's the best clan in warzone they won clan league
New Clan: 2021-11-08 22:17:02

Corn Man 
Level 62
hmmm, too many problems with that - is there anything else that works?
New Clan: 2021-11-09 01:24:02

Level 65
"if I win you will give me control of your account for a week"

Alright, deal :)

Edited 11/9/2021 01:24:27
New Clan: 2021-11-10 10:56:31

Level 59
Big Poppa sounds a little bit pretentious???

Why so edgy?????
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