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Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-01 11:59:46

Level 64
Auto-Sell claims to only sell materials that are not needed for Tech or Recipes, but when I buy 10k Tin Alloy for my 3 Tin Can Crafters, Auto-Sell leaves me with 146. Surely I am missing something. Anyone else have this problem?

On a side note, I really wish Auto-Sell wouldn’t get rid of Ore.

Edited 11/2/2021 00:26:49
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-03 15:19:10

Level 64
I appear to be the only one who is bothered by this. I’ll go crawl back under my rock now.
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-03 15:22:56

Level 63
I dont have any auto stuff besides conquer and army camp upgrade.

However, since its an auto thing, its probably just as dumb as you describe it to be.

What if you just keep it turned off, until you finished your techs?
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-03 15:38:20

Level 25
I guess auto advs are just to dumb for the average player, so you have to be extremely lucky to even find one who shares the same fate as you and who is observant enough to care for this.

That said, why not ask Fizzer? Create a bug report. Because clearly the adv isn't respecting its own description and that is a bug.

The only thing I could imagine is that auto-sell sells ingredients up to some specific limit. So, perhaps it sells everything except for one hour worth of crafting ingredients, or something like that. You had too much tin so it sold some of it.

Again, auto advs are dumb and unless they offer more adjustment options, I wouldn't deploy a strategy that relies on them. Except for things like battles and challenges, because I wouldn't deploy a full economical strategy here any time soon (without auto-smelt, auto-sell can't sabotage you).

Edited 11/3/2021 15:39:03
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-03 15:44:03

Level 62
What is a build that can finish all the challenge levles?
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-03 15:48:34

Level 64

Warzone Creator
It looks at your recipes and keeps enough so that your smelters/crafters can still make any recipe you have unlocked. Without this logic, your smelters/crafters would likely be nearly useless when auto sell was enabled.
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-03 15:59:23

Level 62
Same, I don't invest in Auto-Adv's b/c all we hear in the forums about them is that they just don't help.

There's no shortage of people sabotaging their own Idle play by using/misusing auto-Adv's - I wrecked myself once by accidentally enabling AUAC and watch my money go from 16T to 2T in the early end game of a map, and I had no money to buy mercs.

Let's open it up - other than AQ & Auto-Draft (can't go wrong with this one), is there anyone EFFETIVELY using an Auto-Adv strat? LET IT BE KNOWN.
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-03 18:48:03

Level 63
AQ by itself can go terribly wrong. especially when ignoring JS.
I think the Auto abilities work better, when all of them are fully upgraded and used simultaneously together.
And by "better" I don't mean better than a human player.

Btw, if Auto-conquer was mentioned, I really really really miss a button that tell my AI to only conquer territories that are 100% saved by hospitals. That would save so much valuable time!
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-03 18:54:43

Level 62
AQ has a some specific use cases. Mathematician demonstrated one excellent one is his video, and I sometimes start levels that way, just enabled AQ + AUAC and come back a few days later and see how far it has gotten.
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-03 19:00:05

Level 64
I wound up resetting my AP to get rid of it, so I can’t test anymore, but while I had it active, it made my Smelters/Crafters useless because all my Ore was purged constantly, and my Crafter supplies were sold even if I was crafting something that would use the material.

It doesn’t seem to take Recipes into account at all. (Also, I wish it wouldn’t sell Ore at all.)
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-03 21:15:18

Level 63

that's great, but that wasn't my point
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-03 21:59:38

Level 64
Btw, if Auto-conquer was mentioned, I really really really miss a button that tell my AI to only conquer territories that are 100% saved by hospitals. That would save so much valuable time!

That's already possible to a certain extent. After you conquered all hospitals (and upgraded them as far as you wanted), you need to minimize your available armies to the hospital saving amount.

Auto-conquer does not work perfectly here, since some territories (army caches) increase your available armies again, but around 90% of the auto-conquered territories should be equal to or below hospital savings (JS is not important in these cases).
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-03 22:06:08

Level 63
Yeah, but then we are just enforcing limits on the auto stuffs the hard way. What if we had sliders so we could adjust their powers....

Set AQ to (saved by hospital/total armies)*100% and you dont it will only capture stuff thats 100% free. Same with the auto upgrade, I would love to use them, but not to the point where they use all my money.

Ideally besides a setting for the % power of an advancements, there would also be an absolute value (conquer all territories with X or less armies, upgrade all camps that are Y money or cheaper, etc). I think giving the players control over how strong their advancements are would massively improve them.
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-03 23:20:23

Level 63

ok, I guess I really wasn't clear with my idea. I'll try again:

you found your 15 hospitals. Now they are upgrading. until the upgrade is complete there are at least 50% of the territories already available at 100% discount. On later levels that is about 1000 territories you need now to click on manualy, which is time consuming and annoying.

let's say the hospitals level 1 save you 700M.

I wish the was a button to tell my AI to auto conquer only territories that are 100% saved by the hospitals, and avoid conquering territories from 701M.
In this situation I really don't have to worry about JS.

P.S. I think JK _3 understood my idea

Edited 11/3/2021 23:21:58
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-04 02:01:00

Level 64
I understand what you mean, Parsifal, and indeed it would be great to have such a "only auto-conquer territories upto the current hospital saving" condition.

All I was saying is that you can already have this in the current version if you proceed as described above. In your example: After you own the 15 hospitals that save you 700M, bring your available armies down to ca. 700M (e.g. by spending the surplus armies on a few selected higher-cost territories) and then let auto-conquer run. Repeat after you upgraded the hospitals.

It's an imperfect solution cause you still conquer A FEW territories that are not 100% saved by hospitals, but ok as long there is no better solution available. And yes, it does save you clicking a hundreds of territories on the large levels without having to worry about JS.
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-04 05:11:06

Level 63

with so many territories and constant pop-ups from digging sites, arenas and mortars you have no visibility and no control over your AI. You will lose armies which makes this strategy worse than imperfect - completely non reliable!

I guess Z has already addressed this issue when he asked for slide bars for all the auto-abilities in another thread.
I join to his request
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-04 10:29:46

Level 64
Well, you see how your total available armies change in the top right corner, no need to watch the full map. In this example, the total number does hardly change/stay basically the same (cause of 100% savings). It's a shortcut that works well. But sure, you lose A FEW armies on that way which is sth I am willing to pay for more convenience. It certainly doesn't increase play time on (most) large levels. HEH can still be done in a few hours.

(and just to be clear: I am strongly advocating the proposed changes in Z's auto-advancements thread, but we don't know if/when we get these)

Edited 11/4/2021 10:45:48
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-04 13:52:52

Level 63
it's what my teacher was calling "a wrong therapy" (no, we weren't discussing warzone;) )
I really don't think it's the right solution, and I will complain until we get our slide bars. the more of us ask for it, the faster it might happen.
until then I'll click myself to death
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-04 14:27:35

Level 62
Parsifal raises valid points, those popups have to stop as well. There is a mechanism in place to stop those popups, just it doesn't work for all of them. What we really need are key users who have an ear with Fizz to provide concise feedback (ie: only the stuff that matters, briefly, not writing novels every week, focusing on easy-to-fix + medium to big impact features) on what the key issues that need resolution are, b/c given how long it took him to notice & fix the TS/QS 'bug', I don't suspect he's playing the game himself enough to experience these types of things, nor reads the forums enough to get all of our feedback.

I think we all agree that Autos need upgraded functionality. That's clear, that's obvious, and desperately needed to make them useful beyond specific and limited use cases. We need smart automated operations. At this point, most Autos are essentially a gimmick in WZIR (WZI Regular, ie: not WZIB, WZIC).

Until then ... stick with manual or stick with the limited use cases we've discussed here.

Edited 11/4/2021 21:28:04
Auto-Sell Bug?: 2021-11-04 17:16:34

Level 64
And my teacher always said "Don't lament, find a pragmatic solution instead." ;)

But as Krinid wisely points out, everyone can stick with their preferred playstyle - may it be clicking oneself to death or wasting armies for no good - until we get an upgrade with better auto-advancements (hopefully soon).

Edited 11/4/2021 17:35:06
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