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Purpose of loading bar on "Welcome Back" popup?: 2021-10-12 14:20:21

Level 55
What is the purpose? What happens if you cancel before loading bar is complete?

I have not noticed any difference either way.
Purpose of loading bar on "Welcome Back" popup?: 2021-10-12 14:21:38

Level 62
If you cancel it, it means you are not welcome, and you are intruding.
Purpose of loading bar on "Welcome Back" popup?: 2021-10-12 14:47:57

Level 12
it was on fizzers immediate roadmap so he added it

Edited 10/12/2021 14:48:07
Purpose of loading bar on "Welcome Back" popup?: 2021-10-12 19:04:16

Level 55
If you cancel it, it means you are not welcome, and you are intruding.

Oh no!! I just ever wanted to feel included!

So, I gather it does nothing at the moment.
Purpose of loading bar on "Welcome Back" popup?: 2021-10-13 05:43:43

Level 62
Nothing that we're aware of. But maybe some day some of us will get a message that pops up reading . . .

"Congratulations, you've won 1,000,000 coins, 500 IMs, 500 MRs & 500 MLs ... or at least you would have had you not clicked CANCEL on the loading bar. Sucks to be you."
Purpose of loading bar on "Welcome Back" popup?: 2021-10-13 13:05:07

Level 25
At first, I really didn't know what the "Welcome back" popup could be, because this is one of the things I cancel as soon as it appears without much thought (like most of the conquering popups). But now that I realized what you all are talking about, I can at least contribute something that might be useful for some:

What appears to be some sort of loading bar isn't loading anything. It visualizes your idle time. In a very strange way I must add. If I had come up with something like that, I would have chosen a different way to visualize this. So here you go:
  • 100% of the "loading bar" is your max idle time. Let's just say 2h so that we have a common base for arguing about it, your max idle time might be higher but the same concept applies then, too.
  • Then we have your actual idle time. Let's assume you were idle for 90 mins.
  • That means 75% of your max idle time were used (90min/120min).
  • Hence, when the popup appears the "bar" is at 75%.
  • Now, the only questionable concept: Starting from this starting point, the "bar" fills up to your max idle time. Don't ask me why, but that is probably just so you have some animation on the popup.
  • If you wanted any meaning in this animation, I would have let the bar deplete, to visualize that the game is simulating your actual idle time. In this example, the game knew that it hat to simulate 90mins or 75% of your max idle time, and the animation would visualize that the game took your actual idle and turned it into resources.
  • Filling up the max idle time makes no sense. You aren't given any additional resources just because you haven't maxed out your idle time. You effectively "wasted" some of your max idle time. But that isn't worth being visualized.

Use that knowledge however pleases you...
Purpose of loading bar on "Welcome Back" popup?: 2021-10-13 17:15:51

Level 62
I was being kind of facetious in my answers... but yes, Phoenix has stated the truth.

It's not a "CANCEL" button, it's a "CLOSE" button.

It's just a visual indicator so that if more often than not, you come back to WZI and it's at a 100%, it means you could benefit from extending your Idle Time advancement. Or if you are coming back consistently before it hits 100% because you feel you have to instead of because you want to, you could also use some more time.
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