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My Warzone Birthday!!!!: 2021-10-07 09:47:19

Level 58
tommorow it is my warzone birthday (9th october). I have played a lot on this site and it feels like its been only months since i joined. Thanks Fizzer for making a great game and to the community for being the glue that holds it together

I would like to make a few thanks to people who have helped me to stay on this long

1. Joeydavis - for taking me in and showing me the ropes and potentials of clan management and organisation as well as lots of other tips and tricks
2. brendgnome - for being a chill guy and always chatty when u need him :)
3. JK_3 - for taking me into my second clan TLA when i got lost upon leaving saber-rattlers and being a great clan manager, may the force be with him.
4. Master Meldarion & Farah - for helping to to organise saber-rattlers into its first participation in Clan league (even if we got smashed :P )
5. everyone in Saber-Rattlers and TLA for being friendly and supportive. You are all great guys
6. l4v.r0v - a very minor person but gives me laugh whenever i see his posts
7. Everyone in global chat - for the weirdest and most intresting discussions. even you raffle
bot :)

again thx for the whole community (execpt the toxic ones) for such a great experience and i hope to play for at least another year or two.

From your friendly ( and slighly crazy ): UFO. ƪ(˘⌣˘)Ʃ

PS: do all the snarky comments u want. I love to read them!

Edited 10/8/2021 07:05:11
My Warzone Birthday!!!!: 2021-10-07 09:48:58

Level 59
i may have met you just a few week ago, but happy warzone birthday! :)

early merry Christmas too
My Warzone Birthday!!!!: 2021-10-07 09:48:59

Level 59
do not mind this, this was a duplicated message

Edited 10/7/2021 09:49:21
My Warzone Birthday!!!!: 2021-10-07 09:49:51

Level 58
Early merry christmas :p
My Warzone Birthday!!!!: 2021-10-07 18:01:25

bliss machine
Level 62
it literally is only months since you joined. almost 12 of them
My Warzone Birthday!!!!: 2021-10-07 18:04:11

Level 63
Master Hotarian

That was Master Meldarion ;)
Happy WZ Bday UFO!!

My Warzone Birthday!!!!: 2021-10-07 18:14:00

Level 12
I congratulate you for surviving one year on warzone
My Warzone Birthday!!!!: 2021-10-07 18:18:14

Level 58
It was hard but I’m trying my best. Don’t jinx it yet though as i still could be killed in the next day
My Warzone Birthday!!!!: 2021-10-09 08:24:03

Level 58
I survived. happy birthday to me :)
My Warzone Birthday!!!!: 2021-10-09 08:31:52

Leia - Princess of Coinwheels 
Level 60
Happy 1st Birthday, UFO https://imgur.com/gallery/BX5G9FC

Edited 10/9/2021 08:32:29
My Warzone Birthday!!!!: 2021-10-09 11:05:18

Level 58
my name is not vinny but i get the ghist :)
My Warzone Birthday!!!!: 2021-10-09 11:35:07

Level 59
(all that poor dog can think....yeah someone thought all this fur and a candle was a smart idea?!?)

Happy 1st WZB UFO and to many many more 8)
My Warzone Birthday!!!!: 2021-10-09 11:36:33

Level 59
there is no way. we share the same warzone birthday. PARTYYYYYYYYYYYYY :D

It's Madkytle's 10th Warzone birthday! Your Warzone account was created exactly 10 years ago. Happy Warzone Birthday! btw. :D
My Warzone Birthday!!!!: 2021-10-09 19:24:05

Level 58
thx. happy birthday to u too :)
My Warzone Birthday!!!!: 2021-10-09 23:33:28

Level 59
You are ready for warzone, but is warzone ready for you?
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