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Auto-Market: 2021-09-19 21:21:30

Level 64
How does it work? I am growing wearing of flipping back and forth between the Market Tab and the Smelter/Crafter tab to find out how much I need.

Does it only buy for techs you can immediately buy?
Does it buy everything that you need that you can see?
Does it buy from all markets at once?
Does it buy item A even if you don’t have item B?
Does it work instantly when you toggle it on like Auto-Smelt, or would I have to wait?

It’d be nice to know these things before I sink a boatload of AP into it.

Thanks in advance.
Auto-Market: 2021-09-20 03:48:18

Master Jz 
Level 62
I have it any I have no idea how it works. I enabled it on one level and it didn't buy anything. I enabled it on a different level and it bought a huge stack of nickel (way more than I needed for all techs). I don't think it bought anything else. I didn't notice it buy anything at all on a challenge level or in a battle.
Auto-Market: 2021-09-20 09:14:16

Level 64
Hmm, that sounds significantly less useful than I imagined.
Auto-Market: 2021-09-20 11:46:49

Level 64
Auto-market might work in combination with Auto-sell, basically to generate cash (still maxing auto-sell, so can't confirm yet).

Auto-market buys items/alloys as long as costs are less than the sell price. It only buys one item/alloy (quantity depends on your current money) in each market. So if you don't have smelters/crafters running, the resources auto-bought in the market should sell right after (every 5 min if maxed) and provide you with new money for auto-buying from markets again.

It's not a major benefit but it should save some time of manual market cashing.
Auto-Market: 2021-09-20 16:48:57

Master Jz 
Level 62
It purchased from my market with 4 alloys. I haven't seen it purchase from markets with a mix of items and alloys (which is most of them). I wonder if this is a bug. I'll keep testing it, but I probably won't be using it for levels.

I tested out auto-sell as well. Even through I've made the tech tree completely visible with statistics 4, it only considers the next tech when deciding what to keep for auto-sell. I'll probably only use this for levels once I've unlocked all the techs I want.
Auto-Market: 2021-09-20 16:59:22

Level 64
Yeah… looking like I’ll just save my AP

It had so much potential.
Auto-Market: 2021-09-20 17:27:34

Level 64
Jz, have you tested auto-purchase techs yet?
Auto-Market: 2021-09-20 17:58:49

Level 62
It does exactly what it says and nothing more, it will BUY from Markets periodically depending on how much money you have. Not sure how it chooses which item from which market to buy though. It's measured on frequency not on % of money, so presumably it will spend all your money buying things as long as Buy<Sell price every time the frequency hits.

If you want to Sell stuff, you need Auto-Sell, which will sell whatever you don't need for Techs.

If you want to auto-buy Techs, you need Auto-Purchase Techs - but it's not clear if it's saying it'll just auto-Unlock the Tech or action buy what's required from Markets. But it doesn't explicitly say anything about Markets, so presumably if you happen to have the resources, it'll just Unlock it.

So if you want to actual make profit from Markets and also unlock Techs, you need 3 Advancements:
Auto-Purchase Techs

That said . . . no Artifact swapping will take place so this may not be optimal. Auto-Sell won't swap in Alloy Sell Values or Item Sell Values - and not sure if it sells Ore at all, but it won't swap in Ore Sell Values either. And Auto-Purchase Techs won't swap in Tech Discount.

But more importantly, we need more info on how the items are chosen by Auto-Markets. With the new market system and rising Buy prices, I would hate to come back after being idle for 7 hrs so find that the advancement has completely wrecked the market that you need to craft items to make profit. It won't sell items you need for Techs, but it won't know what you need to use for ingredients for crafting to sell for profit. But you could come back from to make a bunch of EBolts, only to find you have none, and the market that they're now expensive from the market that sells them.

If purchases from Auto-Markets didn't raise the Buy price, now that would be a whole different story!
Auto-Market: 2021-09-20 18:05:52

Level 62
@Master Jz
I tested out auto-sell as well. Even through I've made the tech tree completely visible with statistics 4, it only considers the next tech when deciding what to keep for auto-sell. I'll probably only use this for levels once I've unlocked all the techs I want.

That is broken. That has to be a bug. This makes it super dangerous to use ... it could sell all your difficult and/or time consuming to smelt/craft items that you need for the later Techs, and really mess up your end game.

It's not a major benefit but it should save some time of manual market cashing.

It's a convenient but without knowing how it works, how it choose what to buy, etc, it's likely more dangerous for reasons in my prev post. And it's really only 1 half of the work, the Buy. You still need the Sell, and not sure if they trigger in succession or independently. So let's you have both to activate on 1 hr frequency ... does it do Auto-Market purchase, then instantly Sell them? Or Sell run, see there's nothing to sell, then Buy runs, buys stuff, and then 1 hr later, it Sells the stuff you bought an hour earlier?

Edited 9/20/2021 18:10:34
Auto-Market: 2021-09-20 18:09:19

Level 64
I would never touch Auto-Sell for that reason.

I was hoping with Auto-Market that I could toggle it when I had available funds, and it would buy everything I needed to the exact amount I needed.

Then I wouldn’t have to check back an forth and go “I need 5k Tin, 3k Iron, 1.2k Copper Wire, 2 Uranium, 72 Rivets, etc”
Auto-Market: 2021-09-20 19:43:06

Master Jz 
Level 62
Buying for techs is currently tedious. It'd be really nice to have a button on each tech that lets you automatically buy the remaining ingredients needed unlock it.
Auto-Market: 2021-09-20 21:06:54

Level 64

To bring some more light into how Auto-Market works, here's what I got from testing it on 6 markets (4 on Europe Huge and 2 on Hardened Feldmere) so far. Auto-Market (10 min.) and Auto-Sell (5 min.) are maxed.

- Auto-market buys the affordable amount of the most expensive resource in each market (and only this one, i.e. never the less valuable resources)
- Auto-sell sells all ores, alloys, items which are not in the next open tech tree. This is incredibly annoying, not only because of the later techs but also because of the selling of cheap ores (copper, tin, etc.) which are usually required in high quantities for producing more valuable alloys (silver, gold, etc.) later on. So yes, auto-sell is kinda pointless.
- Auto-market and Auto-sell happen at different times. It's possible to have Auto-market at every second Auto-sell time point (every 10 minutes) if you enable them at the same time, but if you delay enable them, they run asynchron.
- Auto-market only works upto a certain point. Both Feldmere and Europe Huge had markets in which resource costs were far lower than sell prices and plenty of money was still available but no resources were bought. This happened after 3 or 4 auto-market/sell rounds so I don't know why it suddenly stopped working, might be a bug.

Edited 9/21/2021 06:41:45
Auto-Market: 2021-09-21 14:51:00

Level 62
So Auto-Sell is useless then. No, worse, actually. It's detrimental. Imagine spending AP on something which will hurt your progress.

The Adv needs refinement to be useful. It can't simply be a "sell everything" mentality, and minimally needs to include requirements for all future Techs. Even if you don't have Stats maxed, anyone who's played up to Scand or so knows that you're gonna need some of those ores for late game, even if you don't know which ones and how much.

Maybe it needs to be split into 3 Adv's, 1 for Ore, 1 for Alloys, 1 for Items, and of course each costs 1/3 the current cost. Still needs to reflect the entire future needs for Techs though, including all ore/bar/item ingredients for subsequent bars/items for Techs. Nothing is more frustrating than realizing that you do after all need the 2M thorium/chromium/lanthanum/etc ore you just sold.
Auto-Market: 2021-09-21 15:03:38

Level 62
I actually want auto-sell to sell everything. That way, I can turn it on after I finish taking the techs I want, and make it automatically sell everything for me.

Annoying, it doesn't actually sell everything either.
Auto-Market: 2021-09-21 15:46:29

Level 62
@Master Jz

Nowadays I just remember how much of everything I want to buy from each market, to make it less tedious when buying for techs.

For example in Hardened Scandinavia, in first market I buy 10034 zinc bar, 8208 iron bar, 10231 nickel bar. In second market I buy 198 lead bar, 1113 silicon bar, 403 copper wire, 1244 aluminum. etc

After I follow my shopping list, I just spam click the tech tree and unlock everything I need.
Auto-Market: 2021-09-21 15:49:56

Level 62
That's a very limited use case, sell everything after all Techs completed. Which is pretty much when the level is complete (usually map is cleared before Tech tree is complete), means it has almost no value.

Anyhow, if it had 3 checkboxes to say Yes/No for each of ore/alloy/items, you could check them all whenever you're ready. And maybe even a 4th checkbox for "Sell resources required for Techs", so if you really want to override it and sell the farm, you can.
Auto-Market: 2021-09-21 16:03:58

Level 62

No. Most of the time I finish taking all the techs I need when I only conquered like 15% of the map's territories, which is not "pretty much when the level is complete".

I'm not talking about taking the entire tech tree. Just the techs that are actually useful, namely, the merc cost branch, the hospital upgrade cost branch, and the 50% increased cache branch.
Auto-Market: 2021-09-21 22:15:17

Level 62

I think I've figured out the "Auto-market only works upto a certain point" bug that you're talking about.

I've maxed out auto-market and auto-sell. Just now in idle battle, lead bars are sold for 37M. However, auto-market stopped working after the buying price reached 17M.

Then I checked that my alloy sell value modifier is 115% (100% advancement, 15% tech). 37 divided by 2.15 is......17!

So, probably what auto-market does is that it keeps buying until the buying price reached the raw selling price assuming no alloy sell value advancement/artifact/tech/clan reward.
Auto-Market: 2021-09-21 22:39:21

Level 62
yep it happened again.

zinc bar is sold for 4.35M
auto-market stopped working at 2.02M

and 4.35M divided by my 2.15 modifier is 2.02M
Auto-Market: 2021-10-12 16:33:33

Level 64
So, I got Auto-Market to test it out. It’s… okay.

I also realized that it was ninja updated.

Automatically purchases from a market if doing so would allow a tech purchase.

Automatically purchases from a market as long as the items purchased cost less than they would sell for.

Basically, I was looking for the old version of Auto-Market because that would be useful in conjunction with Auto-Tech.

New Auto-Market only works up to base sell value (not boosted), and apparently only buys most expensive material. Good for lazy money generation with Auto-Sell.

Personally, I would prefer the old version so that I can get my Tech done easily (it is currently a pain to switch back and forth and count what I need). I also like to use Alloy Sell Value to maximize money generation, so Auto-Sell is out.
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