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Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-06 02:03:33

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
California is on the verge of not being the same California it was before. California's identity is not reflected in its name, it's not the same it was during the 2000's much less the 1970's

Please stop coming here if you are from other states. All of you are ultra-liberals who get worthless degrees and vote for California to give you more unemployment and welfare.

Rich foreigners are buying out homes and preparing to turn California into a rent-only state
You are making our middle-class flee and making California become closer and closer a state of Super-Rich and Super-Poor.
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-06 03:14:09

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 59
California's been ultra liberal my entire life, this isn't anything new.
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-06 05:17:13

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
I don't think you've lived in California if you're saying that
Prop 8 which would have legalized gay marriage was voted on in 2008
And the People voted against Gay Marriage, but then the Courts decided to rule for Gay Marriage

The people weren't so ultra-liberal actually
In the 2000's Republicans were 4.4/10
Now they make up close to 3.2/10

My original hometown is pretty conservative, but has gotten a huge influx of illegal immigration in those 20 years
You can see a lot of them working in the fields in the outskirts of the city, and it's not unique to my city. This is happening in a huge part of Central California
You can zoom in on part of Central California, and you will see fields of squares, and if you drive on those roads you will see illegal aliens working on those fields.

A lot of hispanics don't believe in open feminization of men, but the influences of the hubs in North and South California have made it more "popular" for men to behave like women
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-06 10:20:03

Level 56
Ew why would we come to California
Immigration and femboys are based af though
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-06 11:57:24

Level 63
id go to cali for the dispensaries alone dawg
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-06 12:03:48

Level 58
I wouldn't go to cali cause tacky would go there
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-06 13:46:52

Level 59
Rich foreigners are buying out homes and preparing to turn California into a rent-only state
It's not a demand problem. It's a supply problem. Build more houses.

Prop 8 which would have legalized gay marriage was voted on in 2008
And last year, California voted against rent control, affirmative action, and employment protections for gig economy workers.

illegal immigration in those 20 years
You can see a lot of them working in the fields in the outskirts of the city
How can you tell if they're here illegally?

All of you are ultra-liberals who get worthless degrees and vote for California to give you more unemployment and welfare.
That's not who's moving here.

You are making our middle-class flee and making California become closer and closer a state of Super-Rich and Super-Poor.
The middle class isn't fleeing. It's the people who can't afford to live here and think they'll live better on $7.25/hr in Texas. And they're probably right: if you can't compete with the earning power of those around you, California in its present state is not going to be a good place to live in.

State housing policies have built an environment of artificial scarcity, meaning that you're competing for artificially restricted supplies for housing. Unless you're able to generate and extract a certain amount of value, you have little to no pathway to home-ownership in the parts of this state worth living in.

If you're finding yourself out-competed here, just move to where your skill set is economically competitive.
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-06 19:10:30

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-06 20:01:20

Level 47
investment groups connected to the fed through wall street are buying out neighborhoods as a political move to subjugate the lower class and turn people into renters.
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-06 20:30:42

Level 59
investment groups connected to the fed through wall street
Needlessly complicated way of saying "pension funds"

People invest in real estate because it's scarce, has performed well, will always have demand, and generates multiple forms of return on investment (rent + growth). Investing purely as part of some political conspiracy makes no sense: the point of investing is to make money. Pension funds, institutional investors, banks, hedge funds, etc., buy houses because they expect to make money on them.

Just support building more houses lol
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-07 03:35:15

Level 59
There's definitely a push in some corporations strategy to turn from ownership to renting,
also to deny the right to repair.
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-07 04:15:43

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
California has .4% of it's population homeless. Texas has .09% of it's population homeless. Wage is not the only thing to do with homelessness. To be honest, if California just became a country, the US would be better off. There's nothing beneficial in California. You could say they grow tons of food, but food can be grown elsewhere and bought elsewhere. You could say they provide the entertainment industry, but that's not exactly a need and it's already shipped worldwide. Corporations are leaving California. On top of that, California has many wildfires, mudslides, and earthquakes. No benefit there. We're now left with the ironic rich liberals who have 8 to 12 figures in their bank account preaching how everyone should do this or that, especially with their money, all while giving only a tiny percentage of their worth to a "good" cause. Occasionally it's questionable if the charity is actually helping people. Then those same people buy million dollar houses, clothes, cars, etc for no real reason other than to proclaim to the world that they are rich. I will not get started with the race/sexuality nonsense. A person is a person, that's the end of it. No need for preaching, just accept a person can be or do as they wish, as long as it's within the law. Now, after saying all of this, I would visit the nature of California, probably the northern part, but that's probably the extent of it. And believe me when I say this, I will most certainly NOT move to California.
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-07 04:44:31

Level 59
To be honest, if California just became a country, the US would be better off.
Yeah, let's get rid of 15% of our economy, 17% of our wealth, and the place that has 5 of our 10 largest publicly-traded companies, 14 of our 18 current decacorns, our 2 best public universities, 2 of our 6 best private universities, 57% of American venture capital, and the top driver of American soft power & cultural influence abroad.

I'm sure that will work out swell for the United States. Let's kick out America's by-far economically, culturally, and geopolitically most valuable state to please...
*checks notes*
Plays from: Missouri

Here's a wild idea: maybe the coastal elites who keep our economy ahead of the pack have at least as much a claim of ownership to this country as any American. Maybe folks in federal funding donor states have at least as much a right to claim America as do folks in federally-dependent net-recipient states whose lives our tax dollars subsidize. Maybe 29% of the economy should stop saying we ought to kick out the 71%.

Sure, we've got our problems in California. You're welcome to not move here and keep raising the roof about ~400 out of every 100,000 Californians not having homes (hope you at least donate to a shelter to compensate the homeless for employing them as a talking point). But we've got as much a right to the Union as people in any other state. California deserves more respect than to be treated as some go-to policy failure boogeyman by flyover states. Don't talk about us like we're not here.

There's a reason that the people with enough money to live wherever they want to, tend to choose California, home to 160 of America's 642 billionaires and 19% of its ultra-high net worth individuals. You move to Texas because it's affordable, not because you actually want to live there. Texas is the Walmart of states: it's worth paying the premium to not have to go there.

Edited 9/7/2021 05:48:16
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-07 07:14:14

Level 58
dreams of Californication, doo doo dreams of Californication, wo oh oh
ding ding dong dang ding dong ding ding Hollywood station
ding dong dong ding dang donggedy ding dong
ding dong dream of ding ding dong ding Californication
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-07 17:21:12

Level 59
California was a great, great state,
going in a bad bad way,
run by dumbasses who's gonna ruin it,
berdan would rule it well though.

Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-08 03:34:30

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
If I was a millionaire or billionaire, I wouldn't live in California for financial, cultural, environmental, and economical reasons. I would be edging on not living in the US at all. Next, I've lived in Missouri for a whole of one year. Congratulations on your note taking. Now to the money. Where the hell is the Californian government getting all the money it's dishing out? I would ask the same about the US government, but that's not the topic. Also, just because California is the 5th largest economy in the world, does not mean it would succeed on its own. I'm not sure how or why Democrats give away so much money, but eventually the barrel will be empty, and you'll be left with an inhuman amount of dept. I'm sure taxes would go crazy, which would encourage those big companies to leave. Yes, Texas is affordable. What exactly makes that bad? Also, I WILL talk about California as if they didn't exist, because they talk about us as if we didn't exist. By us I mean the successful people who aren't rich or poor, but should be required to pay everyone for being "emotionally hurt" and for having "unfair wages" or whatever nonsense they decided to talk about today. Reality warning! We aren't a cash flow.
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-08 03:44:26

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
All those billionaires you're so proud of being in California, how about they each take 50% of their wealth and actually help people. By help, I actually mean make a difference. Don't create more useless programs. Don't wright a big cheque to some charity. Actually use it to give a lasting impact to those who need help. Fix up the primary schools and have them teach more effectively, while also teaching these things called core subjects, not all that emotional/sexual/racial/wellness crap that doesn't get you through life. I would be astounded if that ever happens and would have a better opinion about hyper-rich people, as well as the political party they support. Most of the loud rich in California that I dislike so much are, in fact, Democrat. You're probably going to come back with something about rich Republicans and I'm here to respond to that in advance. They aren't loud mouthed on how other people with less money than them should spend thier money.
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-08 03:51:07

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
I don't necessarily have an issue with rich people, I have an issue with rich people telling people like us about how we should spend it to help this or that, all the while they contribute 1% of all their wealth, equivalent to over 500% of our wealth. Republicans don't tell us how to spend our money, Democrats do. I match everything I just said with California, because that's where the most loud Democrats are. And with those loud liberals comes the politicians to match them. These politicians give away state money all over the place that does nothing. "Throwing money at a wall, hoping it will go away."
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-08 04:11:56

Level 59
Are you team California or team Texas?

Please tell us in the comments :P
Warning: Don't move to California: 2021-09-08 07:01:29

Level 58
if I were a millionaire, I would order a million bananas to jk's address
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