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TBA is looking for new members: 2021-08-24 15:42:49

Level 60
Our clan is open to any players who are active enough in warzone classic or idle.
We are especially looking for people interested in playing tournaments like clan league, brawl, wars and whatever else there is.
We also hold tournaments, have a ladder and a lot of cool people.

so mail me or reply below if you wanna join.

Edited 8/24/2021 16:09:58
- downvoted post by Arrow838™
TBA is looking for new members: 2021-08-24 15:52:30

Level 64
Arrow being very nice again I see. Good luck recruiting, Rick!
- downvoted post by Arrow838™
TBA is looking for new members: 2021-08-24 16:01:23

Level 59
Quite funny coming from Arrow.

Hope you do well, TBA.
TBA is looking for new members: 2021-08-24 16:03:27

Level 60

TBA is looking for new members: 2021-08-24 16:06:06

Level 63
I am being nice to all clanless people who wantto join TBA because of the false promises Rick gives them

Which false promises?

Rick promised a clan ladder and clan tournaments, both have been around in TBA for quite some while. They also have cool people, but depending on how you define "cool" it can be a lot or not a lot.
- downvoted post by Loxiiv
TBA is looking for new members: 2021-08-24 19:00:12

Level 62
lol @ Cringe compilation.

Totally unprovoked and uncalled for, you should chill. This is exactly the behaviour that gains the reputation of 'cringe compilation' or 'Arrow museum'.

"no one wants to join TBA as its good in nothing" -> You say this about a clan with 106 members...?

I can't speak to what events like CL, CB, CW, tourneys, ladders, etc, TBA does or doesn't have, but let's just say that currently they do nothing like you say (hypothetically speaking - obviously they minimally have a CW presence even if it's far down in the rankings). This is Rick saying he wants members who will help create more activity. Why would you bash on that?
TBA is looking for new members: 2021-08-24 19:06:04

Level 58
hello I would like to join the boiz army, how many alts can I send?
TBA is looking for new members: 2021-08-24 19:10:08

Level 63
hello i was asked to play CL for boiz army but idk if im good enuf

loxiiv says i am bad at game

but... if u guys still have me....
TBA is looking for new members: 2021-08-24 20:56:50

Level 60
bumping for visibility
TBA is looking for new members: 2021-08-24 23:46:27

Level 66

TBA is looking for new members: 2021-08-24 23:51:50

Level 60
lol, what a waste of space!
TBA is looking for new members: 2021-08-24 23:58:47

Level 60
Chinese food!

Chinese food!

Edited 8/24/2021 23:59:46
TBA is looking for new members: 2021-08-25 20:16:59

Level 58
How does someone get mucormycosis?

People get mucormycosis through contact with fungal spores in the environment. For example, the lung or sinus forms of the infection can occur after someone inhales the spores from the air. A skin infection can occur after the fungus enters the skin through a scrape, burn, or other type of skin injury.

Is mucormycosis contagious?

No. Mucormycosis can’t spread between people or between people and animals.

How can I lower the risk of mucormycosis?

It’s difficult to avoid breathing in fungal spores because the fungi that cause mucormycosis are common in the environment. There is no vaccine to prevent mucormycosis. For people who have weakened immune systems, there may be some ways to lower the chances of developing mucormycosis.
TBA is looking for new members: 2021-08-25 20:17:47

Level 58
I think it's important for people to know this, as a lot of fearmongering about murcomycosis has been propagated by anti vaxxers
TBA is looking for new members: 2021-08-25 20:29:38

Level 63
*As a former TBA member, Arrow's opinions on this topic and for that matter all topics do not represent me.
TBA is looking for new members: 2021-08-26 01:49:56

Level 66
Rick soon buddy good luck its coming.
TBA is looking for new members: 2021-08-26 05:21:45

Level 64
This is the same arrow kid that tried to scam coins out of people back in February, lol.
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