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What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-23 18:27:43

Level 63
My favorite part is seeing the ping for draft armies, and clicking the correct territory before the image loads up. SOOOO satisfying :)
What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-23 18:53:59

bliss machine
Level 62
my favourite thing about idle is waiting for the day where my life will become interesting enough again that i don't need to play Idle as a form of entertainment.
What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-23 18:57:08

Level 63
hahahahahha awe man *wipes single tear away*
- downvoted post by Loxiiv
What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-23 20:20:45

Level 62
My favourite part is setting up the end game (typically after having being absent for a number of hours crafting high valued items which I just sold and bought mercs with, my final hospital upgrades completed) where I know I have enough units to finish the level considering hospital benefits, yet to be snagged army caches, etc, I have visibility to the whole map and I've made sure that minimally all the important (large) territories have 2 bordering captured territories so JS applies (or just capture those few super huge ones first to ensure they aren't the last territories remaining), then just turn on Auto-Conquer and watch the whole map turn krinidian red.
What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-23 20:30:59

Level 60
when I sit down to take a chit. In my mind this is what I imagined the creator envisioned for his product, to occupy those moments when litte thought is needed. That is when I feel truly satisfied.
- downvoted post by Loxiiv
What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-23 20:35:31

Level 62
Thou dareth downvote the krinidian empire?
What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-23 20:41:29

Level 61
What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-23 20:46:42

Level 63
2 questions:

1) what is a chit

2) auto conquer sounds rly cool but does it save you anything other than a few clicks?
What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-23 20:47:03

Level 63
the end of the map is very satisfying, especially when you found the last hospital, and half the territories are now free :D
What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-23 20:55:03

Level 62
AC saves nothing other than the clicks. It's not the saving that makes it appealing, but the capturing sequence. Akin to toppling over dominos.
What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-23 21:06:29

Level 63
ohhh.. so like you set yourself up for a cool domino effect, very neat ! i think i might invest in auto conquer and try that soon
What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-24 03:27:26

Level 18
I've been a big fan of two aspects of strategizing in warzone idle:

1. How to spend AP points.
2. Figuring out what is "good" on each particular map / trying to anticipate how the maps scale relative to each other and predict how the next one will be different.

To elaborate, I found it enjoyable figuring out which advancements will be useful. E.g. IACP is obviously useful from the start, then you realize JS is useful, then idle time, ore sell value, additional mercs, etc. The fact that you can start to appreciate previously "useless" advancements is a sign of a well-designed game.

For figuring out what is "good" on each particular map, I mean things like:

  • What is the most efficient way to explore? Is efficient exploring even possible?
  • Where will most the $ come from?
  • What's an optimal order to capture key objectives?
  • Which techs are worth investing in?

For level-level strategizing, this is about trying to guess how the game is designed. E.g. how much longer will the next level take (and hence, what is the payoff horizon for my investments)? What is the optimal ordering for upgrades? Do I need to pay for all the hospital upgrades? When should I stop upgrades and invest more heavily in mercs? etc.

Great fun all around!
What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-24 03:33:34

Level 59
suffering for hours just waiting for my bolts to finish and be disappointed that it did not doubled.
What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-24 03:46:02

Level 62
If suffering is your favourite part, you are a strange fellow, Shin.
What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-24 07:01:31

Level 62
I like using all my savings to buy a million coins and buy 200 legendary artifacts in a row to feel rich.
What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-24 13:19:48

Level 22
I haven’t played the game for very long but so far my favorite moment is when I’m capturing an army cache territory and get double amount of armies back than the cost of capturing it.
What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-24 15:05:47

Level 61
The only reason i play idle is for clan gifting as 90% of my clan plays idle, so clan gifting is the best part of idle
What is your favorite part of Idle?: 2021-08-25 18:09:56

Level 60
I like the real world maps, using them to learn about new places I've never heard of before. The links to Wikipedia are great.
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