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Comparison of markets in 5.13 and 5.14: 2021-08-17 06:21:45

Level 56
Market price of item = scalar * default sell price of item.

In 5.13, the scalar is a constant 7. In 5.14, the scalar is a linear function in the amounts of the 4 items purchased. Note that, each market has a different scalar.

So, assuming everything else is the same, 5.14 markets are better than 5.13 markets until the scalar reaches 7.

Cash in on the 5.14 markets

The initial scalar in 5.14 seems to be always lower than 1. This means that the initial market price is lower than the item sell price, and the gap can be increased by Alloy/Item Values modifier. This allows us to create huge profit from thin air by selling the inventory of markets to themselves.

* This does not work on revision <18 levels. So, please play on the revision 18 levels.
* Doing this will drive up the scalar, which will make crafting with ingredients purchased from markets more difficult, sometimes, even infeasible.

Edited 8/17/2021 06:38:40
Comparison of markets in 5.13 and 5.14: 2021-08-17 13:56:31

Level 63
Thats certainly an interesting way of doing things.

So how fast does the scalar go up?
Comparison of markets in 5.13 and 5.14: 2021-08-19 02:16:05

Level 56
The rate of increase varies from levels to levels and from items to items.

5.14 markets might be good enough as long as we do not let all crafters work on the same recipe for an extended period of time.

Edit: From my observations, most recipes on revision 16 levels have profit margin between 0% and 20%. We cannot use these recipes if we only purchase ingredients from 5.13 markets, since the scalar is 7, which translates to a 86% profit margin. On the other hand, these recipes are profitable if we purchase ingredients from 5.14 markets with scalar < 1.25 (for recipes with profit margin 20%). So, we have a lot of recipes to craft.

Edited 8/19/2021 02:25:58
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