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Superpowers: 2021-08-17 02:17:01

John Smith
Level 56
Took a look and couldn't find any threads that mentioned it, either I'm blind or it was well hidden.

I'm making this thread to ask how Superpowers works on each respective power.

I know the following information:
Skip Levels (I didn't use this but I think it's obvious that it would skip 10 levels instead of 5)
Time Warps 10 times
Free Caches 10 times
Fog Busters 10 times (so 1500 territories)
*Market Raids 1 market 10 times in one singular reward shot, not 1 Market Raid 10 times. (If you use this on a market you normally would get 1 bar from (like Samarium for example), odds are you will still only get 1 bar from them if you Superpower it)*

^ from user functor in regards to Market Raids: Below is from the latest change log.

- Idle: A supercharged market raid will never give fewer than 10 of an item.

Inspire Mercenaries, Supercharge Army Camp, Supercharge Mine

Hoping to gain some good knowledge on those unknowns.

New Knowledge down below


Currently have been told that the following would be correct.

Superpowered SAC targets only 1 Army Camp, and it would have it last 50 minutes instead of 5 minutes while retaining only a 20x army boost

Superpowered SM would target only 1 Mine and it would have it last 100 minutes instead of 10 minutes while retaining only a 20x resource boost

So SAC and SM would only be receiving a 10x duration boost and nothing more.

and apparently for IM, you choose 1 Mercenary Camp and it gives you TEN TIMES the amount of armies it possesses. (THIS IS INSANE WTF)

Edited 8/20/2021 15:44:38
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 02:20:10

Level 59
For SAC and SM, the duration just increases by x10.
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 02:21:17

Level 62
So you get one camp that is supercharged for 50 minutes. bad to use.
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 02:22:12

John Smith
Level 56
So if I'm reading what you're saying correctly Shin, you're implying the following:

Superpowered SAC targets only 1 Army Camp, and it would have it last 50 minutes instead of 5 minutes while retaining only a 20x army boost?

And for Superpowered SM, it would target only 1 Mine and it would have it last 100 minutes instead of 10 minutes while retaining only a 20x resource boost?
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 02:22:36

Level 59
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 02:28:08

Level 63
@John Smith
are you telling me that if you superpower the market raid you'll get 1 samarium instead of the 5 samariums if you were to raid 5 times individually??

The one important thing to remember is when you play the supercharge AC + free cache combo: use superpower only on the free cache, NOT on the armycamps!
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 02:30:20

Level 59
I would say that it is based on your ore production. It's basically a normal market raid but your ore production is multiplied 10x, i think.

Edited 8/17/2021 02:36:58
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 02:34:56

John Smith
Level 56

This is my theory on what exactly happened with the market raid. There was a market with metal sheets, samarium, lanthanum (i think), and uranium. Normally, in my position, if I did a singular market raid on that market, I would get a number of metal sheets, and 1 bar of samarium, lanthanum, and uranium.

When I decided to do a Superpower market raid on that market, I got like 240 metal sheets, and just 1 bar of samarium, lanthanum, and uranium.

I think since it's based on something with ore production (unsure if that's it), if it was barely enough to generate you 1 bar, if you multiply a miniscule number like that by 10, you would still end up with just 1 apparently.

So in that regard, it would be better to use market raids one by one if you were targeting markets specifically for the highest tier bars.

If I am incorrect in what I am saying here, I hope someone can correct me.

I think it's clearly unfortunate that it works this way btw, I wish it just targeted a market 10 times instead of just 1 condensed 10x. Because the former would have been much more valuable than the latter in this regard..

Edited 8/17/2021 02:36:50
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 02:38:09

Level 62
Market Raids 1 market 10 times in one singular reward shot, not 1 Market Raid 10 times. (If you use this on a market you normally would get 1 bar from (like Samarium for example), odds are you will still only get 1 bar from them if you Superpower it)

When I decided to do a Superpower market raid on that market, I got like 240 metal sheets, and just 1 bar of samarium, lanthanum, and uranium.

I think since it's based on something with ore production (unsure if that's it), if it was barely enough to generate you 1 bar, if you multiply a miniscule number like that by 10, you would still end up with just 1 apparently.

This is incredibly sad. Not very super at all. It should really be 10x the result of a single MR.

Edited 8/17/2021 02:39:32
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 02:49:41

Level 40
I think he is misunderstanding the results of market raid. Market raid gives you an amount that you can produce in X amount of time. In general when you get a 1 is rounded up so what really happened is that market raid was giving him 0.001 samarium bars but rounds up to 1. When done with 10x you get 0.001*10 => 0.01 => 1.

I use a smelting=>crafting strategy and my mines are usually upgraded so I have been using the combo supercharge mine + market raid successfully to see this pattern.

The only choice for IM is that if you use it on a 1B merc camp to get 10x the amount so you get 10B.

Edited 8/17/2021 02:53:04
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 02:54:08

John Smith
Level 56
That's what I was pretty much figuring Xeno, my wording was poor but I was thinking exactly on those lines.

The "problem" is that the Superpower did the inferior type of market raid :(

It'd be way better if it attacked a market 10 times instead of 1 time with a 10x. As Krinid said, it's not very super the way it is right now. Also now people will have to be very wary in regards to using a Superpower MR if they ever choose to do so on a market like that.
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 04:02:20

Level 40
The issue boils down to:



Should not be that big of an issue to change the order of operations and voluntarily give players a bone by amplifying the rounding on purpose.

Depending on mine levels and if you suspect you will get 1s then you could be better off by "super raiding" or regular raiding a different market selling all and buying the items you needed that gave you 1s. Rock Candy from hardened far land should help if you have it.
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 09:52:41

Level 21
The inspire mercenaries superpower gives you 10x the yield from a single mercenary camp. It is extremely strong when used on the biggest camp you can find in a level. Not only does it give you an incredible amount of armies, you are also less likely to run out of mercenaries at the end of the level if you don't optimize your hospitals, etc.
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 10:22:15

Level 63
Having 50 mins of boots on an army camps just sucks, but for some hard to mine ores it might be useful

I love how OP the power is on IM, I got to try that at some point.

Edited 8/17/2021 10:28:11
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 10:25:20

Level 62
It's not available on ML.
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 10:28:50

Level 63
Whoops, I meant IM, not sure why i messed that up 😅😬
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 10:29:44

Level 59
Because of this, I plan to NEVER use IM alone.
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 10:40:01

Level 25
I can see that you would like for SAC and SM to work on ten camps/mines instead of one because of the "exploitable" side-effects, but given the overall benefits I can pretty much see why Fizzer decided to implement it the way he did. More so, if he would have done it differently you all would have spoken up that he - again - chose the way that benefits the players the least. Objectively, supercharging one camp, namely the one with the highest production, gives you the most armies. And supercharging the mine that produces the most of the ore that you need gives you the most of that specific ore. This is the ONE instance where we get the most out of some new game feature, and it displeases you. Sorry, I really don't get it!
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 10:42:17

Level 59
To be honest, rather than displeased, some people are disappointed that they can't do it because the SAC and FC combo would be worse that way.
Superpowers: 2021-08-17 10:42:39

Level 63
Sorry, I really don't get it!

While the power alone gives more armies if its 50 minutes on a single camp, SA(C) is often used in combo with FC.
For FC, not the total armies earned but the current income is the most important. So having a 20x boost on 10 camps will give you much bigger caches than having a 20x boost on 1 camp.
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