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Clan War Requirements: 2021-08-08 19:16:59

Level 39
Hello Everyone,

I am still new here but had planned on diving into the clan world at some point in the future.

I am having trouble finding a clan war requirements for rankings

*Max games a player can participate in

*Minimum amount of games needed to be ranked as a clan.

*Selection of maps and their usage. Like a map can be used twice per clan but must be doubles and triples teams. Not two sets of triples games selected.

Hopefully this makes sense.

Clan War Requirements: 2021-08-08 19:27:39

Level 63
Clan Wars (CW) is https://www.warzone.com/Clans/War

Every clan on WZ has a CW rating, which you can find on each clanpage.

A player can play as many games as he wants, but at most 1 per day (UCT timezone).

To get ranked as a clan in a CW season you will need to conquer territories, the more territories a clan conquers the higher their ranking. You need 3 wins for the first territory, and the number of wins per territory slowly increases after that to a cap of 20 wins/terr (iirc).

The territories dont really matter, cause the final ranking is based on the number of games won in a season (which just happens to match up with territories taken).

If you want to play in CW you will need to join a clan and join a timeslot. The slots open every 4 hours, and a countdown to the next slot can be found on the CW page. Once you joined a timeslot you can pick from 3-5 templates.
CW games are made on the first 7 QuickMatch templates, the French Brawl QM template and the Guiroma QM template.

Please note that if you want to play the 2v2 template, you will need to join the 2v2 template with a clanmate in the same slot.

Games are created starting with the clans with the highest rating (not ranking), and then working down the rating list. This might cause clans with a low rating to get free wins.
Clan War Requirements: 2021-08-08 20:34:36

Level 39
Thank you for the information. This sounds more like a free for all with all clans.

Is there a set time limit on how long the time slots stay open? I remember they open every 4 hours from the reading. I’m curious what happens if an entire clan is in a different time zone and can’t join.

The clan site mentions real time games. Does this mean something like 24 hour boot time or is it based on the template. I did not see a range of approved boot times. Free games?
Clan War Requirements: 2021-08-08 20:38:51

The Forbidden Koala 
Level 61
Each timeslot have 10 minute period to sign up to game. After these 10 minutes games get assigned and you start to play.
Clan Wars are played real-time. Boot times are different for each template.
Clan War Requirements: 2021-08-08 20:44:47

Level 39
I think I see my confusion. A multi day game doesn’t exist in the clan wars then?
Clan War Requirements: 2021-08-08 20:45:14

Level 59
It’s usually like 1-3 minutes boot time with up to 5 minutes banked for most of the templates (but like Koala said, dependent on the template).

If any entire clan is in a different time zone and can’t join then no players from that clan will get games.

Yep multi day games don’t exist in Clan Wars

Edited 8/8/2021 20:47:14
Clan War Requirements: 2021-08-08 20:54:12

Level 39
Are there any example templates listed that have been made in previous wars?
Clan War Requirements: 2021-08-08 20:58:07

Level 59
Strategic 1v1: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=27837993

Strategic 2v2: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=27854993

If you go under the link JK provided, you can go to “view map” and click on the games from each clan (G symbol)

All templates but French Brawl and Guiroma have been in every clan war season.

Edited 8/8/2021 21:00:37
Clan War Requirements: 2021-08-08 22:10:18

The Endless Zero
Level 57
I think I see my confusion. A multi day game doesn’t exist in the clan wars then?

The community run clan league covers the multi day clan v. clan niche. Otherwise, no, there is no multi day variant to clan wars.

Edited 8/8/2021 22:11:00
Clan War Requirements: 2021-08-12 12:03:58

Level 39
Has additional multi day clan vs clan been considered outside of the clan league? Thinking it would bring in a larger amount of users who don’t have the ability to stay up and play the real time games in one setting.
Clan War Requirements: 2021-08-12 14:17:14

Level 64
Endless Zero is wrong. There is also Clan Brawl besides Endless Zero as Multi-Day clan competition.
Clan War Requirements: 2021-08-12 14:19:30

Level 61
That doesn't count, it's ran by me.

But yes, CB is here to stay. Got some feedback and almost everyone who participated found it fun.

Edited 8/12/2021 14:20:47
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