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Getting the most our of your coins in WZI: 2021-08-02 08:27:36

Level 62
Playing all your MLs at once is a good idea.

Let's say you have 3 Multi levels, and 350 coins. What is the best way to play and get AP? you might think multi leveling the last 6 levels and buying 30% increased AP, but John smith recently discovered that multi leveling the last 4 and then Resetting AP to buy Increased AP advancement before finishing them all gives more AP.
Getting the most our of your coins in WZI: 2021-08-02 08:29:55

Level 60
Getting the most our of your coins in WZI: 2021-08-02 08:32:50

Level 62
Unboosted, the last 7 levels give 6486.18 AP. With the 30% boost on all of them, You gain 1945 AP extra for 350 coins.

If you multi level the last 4 levels, reset AP and buy 30%, (let's assume the boosts are not multiplicative)

The last 4 levels provide 4434 AP unboosted. With +30% AP and +25% AP on all 4 levels, you gain 2438 AP assuming the boosts are additive. If they are multiplicative, the boost is even higher.

These two cost the same, and the time taken is roughly the same.
Getting the most our of your coins in WZI: 2021-08-02 09:08:07

Level 62
The best way to use multi-level is to use it on Tutorial so you become more knowledgeable.

Edit: Just in case new players don't realize that it's a joke, lemme clarify that it's a joke and don't actually do this.

Edited 8/3/2021 03:14:02
Getting the most our of your coins in WZI: 2021-08-02 09:10:04

Level 63
But what about the 150 coins you need to reset your AP again after this trick?
Getting the most our of your coins in WZI: 2021-08-02 09:10:23

Level 60
That is in humor possibly the worst advice I've heard on using the ML lol
Getting the most our of your coins in WZI: 2021-08-02 09:12:05

Level 60
Assuming you have 350 coins = cost of 30% extra..... Resetting twice is 300, so you still have 50 left
Getting the most our of your coins in WZI: 2021-08-02 09:59:52

Level 25
I'm pretty sure, you get the most AP if you use one (!) ML to play the final two levels in parallel (possibly with the coin AP-bonus) then ascent, then play all the levels except the last two, then mutlilevel those final two, and then rinse and repeat until you have no more ML left. And ideally with the IAP-adv.
Getting the most our of your coins in WZI: 2021-08-02 18:05:15

Master Jz 
Level 62
Multi-level is even better if you have an unclaimed 15% AP boost from clan wars.
Getting the most our of your coins in WZI: 2021-08-03 03:12:37

Level 62

I'm very sure that it's not the case. Level time decreases drastically over ascensions. Using all MLs on levels in the current ascension will save way more time than saving them up for future ascensions. (and getting the same amount of AP with less time implies ending up with more AP under the same time)
Getting the most our of your coins in WZI: 2021-09-01 11:17:22

Level 62
I don't understand why you think this is a joke. I'm being deadly serious here and I see this as good advice.

mathematician, would you care to explain why this is Bad?

And Who said I needed to reset twice? By then Additional AP will be a good advancement to keep. Even more so now that hardened levels exist and you get even more ap from those.
Getting the most our of your coins in WZI: 2021-09-01 13:07:22

Level 62
The joke Math was referring to was using MLs on the Tutorial.

And totally agree, why reset AP a second time? Once you get +AP maxed to 25%, keep it, it's super beneficial. This strat is simply a way of NOT slow investing in +AP while foregoing other Adv's that could help clear levels faster, then swapping out the Advancements AFTER clearing the bulk of the final levels during an ML-fest but not yet completing them in order to get both the clear speed benefit of other Adv's and the +AP benefit. Best of both worlds, and the AP gained from doing this will allow you to reclaim the Adv's you undid during the reset (if you want them again).

It's a smart idea imho. I did the slow roll investing in +AP and there was a long drought of 7-10 levels when I got no Adv benefits to clear new levels, just more AP for doing so. This is a great idea to get big benefits at the reasonable cost of 150 coins.

Edited 9/1/2021 17:28:19
Getting the most our of your coins in WZI: 2021-09-01 19:01:07

Level 62

Using ML on Tutorial is definitely a joke and is a bad advice.
Getting the most our of your coins in WZI: 2021-09-01 19:01:44

Level 62
Using ML on Tutorial is definitely a joke and is a bad advice.

But it has been done before! lol
Getting the most our of your coins in WZI: 2021-09-01 19:03:18

Level 62

That's why the clarification was necessary.
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