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Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 12:29:59

Level 61
  • Number of wins is the only parameter that matters towards Clan War victory
  • MH is currently 2nd in Clan War by number of wins
  • MH is currently 15th in Clan War by rating (https://imgur.com/IaYACPt)
  • This means that there are 13 other clans we are going to be matched with if they join a slot, instead of getting matched with MH
  • For us MASTERs, in order to get a matchup against MH, we need to either not have opponents with better rating than MH join or bulk join in order to get all the opponents above MH rating and hopefully dig enough so that we can get some MH as well
  • Since number of wins is the only parameter that matters towards Clan War victory, it should also be the matchmaking parameter
  • This way clans competing for the 1st position are more likely to fight each other for the top spot instead of one having to face high rated opponents and the other one low rated ones, which is what is happening now

Fizzer, please turn on your brain for once and do something about it
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 12:55:04

Level 62
For a strategic game, to have a game mode which is effectively only winnable for 3 clans which is purely based off clan numbers is nothing short of a disgrace.
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 12:58:57

Level 61
Bring on the competition, but let it be a fair one
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 13:01:32

Level 59
Maybe play something other than 2v2?
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 13:03:32

Level 65
You know what's a disgrace? Masters whining for Fizzer's help because they can't beat M'Hunters on their own.
To think Masters used to be known as the #1 clan on Warzone, how the mighty have fallen!

Also, give us back our Season 1 win, you dirty thieves.

Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 13:26:55

Level 62
is there a link to that season, i would love to see it
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 13:32:38

Level 58
no it's fake sorry
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 13:57:00

Level 56
The current CW is a place to rank the activeness of clans. If we change the matchmaking to what Sephiroth suggested, then CW would rank clans mainly on skills.

I do not see any reason why all rankings must be skill based. We already have so many skill based rankings. It should be tolerable to have an activeness based ranking.

If Masters can beat MH under the current CW rules, then it shows that Masters is more active than MH, and more skillful from the CW ratings. It would be less impressive if the matchmaking rule were changed.
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 16:24:04

The Endless Zero
Level 57
I do not see any reason why all rankings must be skill based. We already have so many skill based rankings. It should be tolerable to have an activeness based ranking.

Hardly the case. What fizzer provides the strat community is a 1v1 ladder, 2v2 ladder, 3v3 ladder each on one template, using a crappy elo system, and a seasonal ladder system which is 20 games per season on a single template. This system has not been touched in years and needs revamping.

This is all Fizzer provides us, on a game with many many viable strategic templates.

The two most respected strat featues, clan league and the multi-day ladder, are community driven. Fizzer has nothing to do with these except for being the one who created the CLOT (which is also an old feature of the game implemented a long time ago).

Also, making clan wars more strategic based means there would be more long term interest and more competitiveness. It discourages all the other clans and eventually decreases the value of being in first place if only three clans have a viable chance for being top in the ratings.

Edited 7/31/2021 16:25:26
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 16:37:48

Level 59
I feel like it’s more because of MH playing SE games while Masters usually plays non-SE games
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 17:45:43

Level 62
A number of people mentioned that "only 3 clans are capable of winning", and contest the concept of activity-based results. A number of responses to these comments.

Winning means 1st place, and actually only 2 clans have been capable of winning, Masters & MH, all seasons have been won by 1 or the other. But so what? To win you need to be both active & have high WR. You know the rules, now go adjust & come back competitively.

Let's assume that winning was used not in the context of 1st place but rather in the context of "top 3", and let's interpret that as "top 3 reward categories", which actually means top 5 rankings, b/c rewards for 3, 4 & 5 are the same. And we see Excel, Polish Eagles, TLA, Saber-Rattlers all making plays for the 4th & 5th spots, so looks like there is in fact see a variety of clans being competitive in this range. If you want to enter the top 3 reward categories, see 1st point (know the rules/adjust/come back competitively).

There are still decent rewards for 6-10th & even 10th-20th. You still get an uncommon artifact. Is that not enough motivation to play? If you're only willing to play if you can get the top spots, see 1st point (know the rules/adjust/come back competitively).

What ruleset do any of you propose that would actually enable you to compete about MH or Masters? Notably Masters, who is winning most seasons by a good martin due to both significantly high participation & significantly high WR. A number of people have complained about this being activity based - so is your proposal to make it just WR based? Masters has high WR, so you're still going to have to beat them to take the top spot. How do you propose to beat these clans with high WR? I argue that whatever ruleset you put forth, you're still not going to beat them, so this is not really about "only 3 clans being able to win" - it's really about 1 clan being better than the rest, and that's not something to complain about.

And what's wrong with activity based results anyhow? Do you simply not have enough players in your clan motivated to play CW every day? Then you don't deserve to win - see 1st point (know the rules/adjust/come back competitively). Are you seriously asking for the rules to change just so that your clan doesn't have to adjust and can somehow be made to be competitive without any adjustment on your side? Note that Masters, MH, TSFH & Excel for sure have made big adjustments/recruiting to be competitive at CW. Not sure about Polish Eagles, TLA, Saber, Python, etc. If you have made adjustments and still aren't competitive - well keep at it, adjustments don't entitle you to a win, you still have to earn it. If you haven't made any at all and just expect to do well b/c you think you've somehow earned, let this be your wake up call. You need to adjust to excel @ CW, and it's likely not at all the same adjustments your clan needs to excel @ CL or other WZ competitions. If you're down with that, maybe CW isn't for you.
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 17:50:53

Level 61
What fizzer provides the strat community is a 1v1 ladder, 2v2 ladder, 3v3 ladder each on one template, using a crappy elo system

It discourages all the other clans and eventually decreases the value of being in first place if only three clans have a viable chance for being top in the ratings.

I agree with everything here, and all this has already been presented to Fizzer multiple times. But there is none so deaf as he who will not hear, and apparently making things better has never been on his immediate roadmap.

Edited 7/31/2021 17:54:39
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 17:54:23

Level 61
Since number of wins is the only parameter that matters towards Clan War victory, it should also be the matchmaking parameter

@krinid: this is all it takes for the competition to be fair
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 17:58:16

Level 65
It would be a large improvement indeed: Not only three clans would have a viable chance for being top in the ratings in the future, but only one. Nice idea! Remove the rating element from the activity competition completely. That will surely make it much more competitive. I am looking forward to it.
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 18:05:34

Level 65
It would also provide Python, the 1st clan by rating, with appropriate opponents like the Saber-Rattlers (currently the closest clan in amount if territories). Sabers would achieve approximately 0% wins in this pairing, Python would be even more bored than within the current system. Am I right that both clans would be highly encouraged to participate in the future that way?
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 18:13:19

Level 59
The rewards for the Warzone Classic Competition is not rly good for Warzone Classic-only players. I got 23 coins last season :P
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 18:13:22

Level 61
You get me wrong alex. In an ideal world CW would be the kind of competition that doesn't make a good clan like Python just give up because they cannot compete. Season 1 was by far the most exciting to play because Python and Masters were fighting for #1 and every slot we had multiple matchups against each other.
Right now we barely get matchups against the second clan, M'Hunters, because they are #15 rating-wise, and that doesn't feel fun nor fair. I would love to have back the competition we had in season 1 because that was so exciting it gave me the motivation to come back after 4 years of retirement
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 18:17:40

Level 59
You could play more SE templates, that’s what MH seems to play mainly
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 18:20:07

Level 61
We are trying to play a lot of SE lately, the problem is there are 13 clans rated higher than MH to dig through before we get to play MH. See the problem?
Clan War matchmaking: 2021-07-31 18:25:50

Level 59
Aren’t those clans less active tho than MH? So they would play less, and there wouldn’t be much to go through (in a normal activity SE timeslot)

TSFH’s last timeslot had only Masters and MH

Edited 7/31/2021 18:26:24
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