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Supercharge Army Camp artifact: 2021-07-23 20:05:14

Level 53
Which MAP/mine produces the Supercharge Army Camp? I can not buy it, it will repeat 4-5 artifacts when I try purchasing it, burned 50 dollars trying purchase poor, common, uncommom levels, no luck what so ever.

Edited 7/23/2021 20:05:50
Supercharge Army Camp artifact: 2021-07-23 20:09:45

Level 64
It’s a random chance.
Supercharge Army Camp artifact: 2021-07-23 20:10:11

Level 64
Just have to keep trying. You will get it with time.
Supercharge Army Camp artifact: 2021-07-23 20:13:05

Level 62
It's random so far as I know, what you get when you dig.

Spending $50 and not getting it is rough, but if you have the $, just keep buying poors until you get it, then upgrade it up.

Or just keep calm and dig on, and sooner or later, it will come.

Edited 7/23/2021 20:14:08
Supercharge Army Camp artifact: 2021-07-23 23:14:53

Level 25
I'm playing for nine months now and still haven't found a Hospital Discount of any rarity yet. Every single other artifact has come up sooner or later, but this one specifically isn't showing up. And I would really like to have one. And my second to last artifact type (the mine booster) has only showed up today I think. Buying poor artifacts is relatively cheap, but as far as I know, has the same odds as just digging at the site you find, so whether this is worth spending coins for you is your choice.
Supercharge Army Camp artifact: 2021-07-26 14:03:00

Dj Storm
Level 59
After waiting ~2 months for Speedy Crafters to drop, I played Floating Rocks repeatedly, 3 times per day, to dig the common artifact out. Got it, the reward for this map dropped to 0.3 AP.
You can try this approach once you get to "I'm not playing another map without this artifact" mindset.
Supercharge Army Camp artifact: 2021-08-03 18:24:24

Level 63
Did you get any luck in the past weeks, or still nothing? @Max
Supercharge Army Camp artifact: 2021-08-04 21:59:01

Level 25
For what it's worth. I just today found my last artifact type (I know, JK, you weren't asking me). After only almost 8 months digging. That's just one data point, other players might need more or less time to find their desired artifact.
Supercharge Army Camp artifact: 2021-08-05 05:48:54

Level 62
Was the same for me Phoenix, it took me many months of digging to get 1 of every type. The generic Cache Boost and Army Cache artifacts were the last 2 holdouts for months on end. That said, we're probably the outcasts who actually keep one of every type; everyone else is sac'ing the ones they don't use to make extra Rares & Epics.
Supercharge Army Camp artifact: 2021-08-10 07:32:06

Level 63
Yep, I've sacrificed most of what i have dug. A bunch of poor artifacts that i'm not going to use are just taking up space, so i would rather use them to turn 5 bad poors into 1 bad common, and then repeat until all good artifacts are at least rare or higher.
Supercharge Army Camp artifact: 2021-08-10 07:39:32

Level 62
I just upgrade the passive switchers (e.g Hospital Discount, Cache Boost), and then downgrade them to upgrade another artifact
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