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Problem with coin wheel: 2021-07-22 14:51:09

Level 60
The last couple times I tried to spin the coin wheel, the game gave me a loading screen that says please wait. After a minute of waiting nothing happend. I had to close the app. After reopening it i didn't get the reward but the 20h timer resetet. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Problem with coin wheel: 2021-07-22 14:52:14

Level 64
Get both the Idle app and the Classic app

When one doesn’t work, the other usually does.
Problem with coin wheel: 2021-07-22 15:02:08

Level 57
The coin wheel always says "no ad available" and to "please try again later" lol. Never works.
Problem with coin wheel: 2021-07-22 16:12:09

Level 60
For me i got the ad but after watching it, the game crashed.
After rejoining the timer resetet and i got no reward.
Problem with coin wheel: 2021-07-23 02:49:41

Level 62
I have both WZ Classic and Idle and I always do coin wheel with WZC. One time, it crash after playing the ads. On resuming there was no reward page and the waiting time reset. But when I open WZI I got coin reward page. We usually (probably) do not know exactly how many coin we have before spinning the wheel. So, without reward page we think we lost the reward while actually we get it.

Spoiler: doing the spin is artificial, we get the reward after playing the ads even before doing the spin. I know it because one time after watching the ads before doing the spin I switched to WZI and get the reward page. Of course when I switch back to WZC and did the spin the Idle reward match that reward.
Problem with coin wheel: 2021-07-23 02:59:38

Level 62
Problem with coin wheel: 2021-07-23 03:13:12

Level 62
Spoiler: doing the spin is artificial, we get the reward after playing the ads even before doing the spin. I know it because one time after watching the ads before doing the spin I switched to WZI and get the reward page. Of course when I switch back to WZC and did the spin the Idle reward match that reward.

Of course it's artificial. Let's be realistic, this is a digital construct, so it's only ever going to be a series of categories (# of coins + WZI power) with weighted averages and a random # indicating what you won, and then a visual graphic to dramatize it.

The wheel spinning is the equivalent of the sand undercovering an artifact, just a bit of dramatization.

Spoiler: when playing WZC and you review the moves made during a turn, all those unit movements, arrows, etc, are also artificial, the real units (and attacks/transfers/etc) are just numbers in a database.
Problem with coin wheel: 2021-08-03 19:05:33

Level 63
If you are ever in doubt of if you got your coins, wait a few minutes and then check https://www.warzone.com/Coins/Transactions

It will show you all your coin transactions, including wheel spins in the last 30 days.
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