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The Dutchman campaign: 2021-07-05 10:30:47

Level 60
since the original thread is to old now i will have to start a new one, sorry for the inconvenience.

this thread together with the discord server (https://discord.gg/awQxA8fc) will keep you up to date with the league with standings, results, announcements and more. If you're in the league make sure you keep up to date by following this thread or joining the server. if you chose not to, you might miss out on valuable information and announcements (rule changes, template voting, etc), which might get you kicked out of the league.

Upcoming week i will create the games for the second round, meaning you have to look into your agenda to see if you're able to play the whole game without needing to surrender or getting booted cos youre on vacation or something else (you get it i hope). if you don't think you can play the upcoming game you're free to step out for a while, this way you won't be punished with negative points for surrendering, booting or declining the game. react on this post, send me a message on discord or send me a private mail here to let me know you're not able to play.

I'll try to keep this thread up to date from now on, so we won't have to switch threads all the time
The Dutchman campaign: 2021-07-09 13:52:53

Level 63
This thread has been rather silent for a while. I'm not interested in FFA's, so I will not be joining, but I will give this thread a nudge.

For reference, the old forum was https://www.warzone.com/Forum/546500-ffa-competition-league

(Also, if you have this thread watched, I apologize for the notification you just got 😬)
The Dutchman campaign: 2021-07-09 21:11:40

Level 60
The second games of this season will be created tomorrow.

Due to some technical issues to the car (nothing to bad) i wasn't able to spend much time on warzone other than playing the games with the boottimer ending soon. thus i had to postpone the second games for one last time, expect to see invitation tomorrow!
The Dutchman campaign: 2021-07-10 22:19:14

Level 60
The second games have been created, and with it there are some small changes.

In round one I forgot to turn on autoboot, this gave some small complications and i decided to put it on auto, combined with expanding the boot timer to 3 days and the banked timer to 1 day (was 2 days boot and 2 days banked, banked timer refill remains at 2 hours a turn).

The airlift rule that was enclosed in the template might get removed for the last 2 rounds of the season. Due to several incidents (mostly players forgetting the rule) and after a short conversation with the template creator I've decided to start a new form for the issue, you're now able to decide if you want to keep the special rule or play only round 2 and 3 (we'll play with the rule whatever the outcome in round 1) without it.

Out of a bit more than 60 players we've only had 2 surrenders and 2 booted players, which i already count as a success. Perfection is not possible, but we are close to it. these four players are removed from this round, and I've send them a message about the situation. i will allow them to join back, and i hope they do and seen there mistake(s) from the previous game. If you find yourself booted from any game, please check if it's one of this competition. it will reduce your punishment and maybe give you a better placement (the AI will be dead quickly...)

New players are an issue...
before round 1 i was actively advertising the league to friends and randoms in various games. this led to a 60+ player base as a start, but after the round started i stopped with advertising it. in between the rounds only 1 player joined, after i dropped the advertisement again.
I would like to see more players joining the league, playing competitive FFA games with your skill level. but to let more players join someone has to advertise it, and here by i ask you guys to invite anyone who might be interested in this competition. if you're hosting a game / tourney / series you can leave a single message behind with some information and links (forum threads, discord, templates, rules, etc), players interested can look for themself or try to get in touch with you or me. if you don't create games or anything else, you're still able to ask the host of a game of you can leave a little advertisement about this. But best will be to let your friends know this exist, and that they are free to join. more players means more diversity, more creativity and we might be able to do small events (like RT FFA games). of course new players means new problems, but i think we are ready for it.
The Dutchman campaign: 2021-07-14 05:20:14

Level 63
is there a ranking or a table
and how is it calculated?
The Dutchman campaign: 2021-07-18 18:08:14

Level 14
Some time has passed since the last update, and it's partially my own fault for not starting the games. I took a short vacation with friends, and the site of the camping site said we would have wifi everywhere available. So I thought I would start the games during the vacation and all would be fine. It turned out we were placed on the furthest end possible and the wifi not reaching that far...

Now back to the league,
more than 60% of the players wanted to keep the airlift rule, this means that we'll play with the rule for the rest of the season!
Players keep declining the games and I can't force them to play the games. I've decided to remove the penalty (which was equal to surrendering) from declining / not joining since you'll just get no points anyway. Declining of not joining will probs remove your chances of winning the season, so I don't encourage it of course.

That's it for now, I wish y'all a fun season
The Dutchman campaign: 2021-07-18 18:31:48

Level 14
Is there a ranking or a table and how is it calculated?

The link above will take you to the sheets with all the results so far, but I've only been able to update some surrenders and boots since no game has ended yet.

You'll get points for your placement combined with the amount of players. Here's the formula:
(A / C) * ((C - B)^2)
A = a number equal for every game, currently it has the value 1 but this can be changed to every value equal to A > 0
B = is your placement in the game.
C = the amount of players when the game start. Currently this does not include the declined players and those who didn't join
There are some other factors calculated with it but those are mostly penalties from surrenders and boots, together with a simple bonus when you win a game
The Dutchman campaign: 2021-07-28 22:29:30

Level 60
quick update,

I'll be going on a short vacation but will probably still be able to play warzone. When I'm back I'll start looking towards the third and final round of the season, but it depends on how far the first games will have gotten by that time.

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