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idea: Warzone Idle level alongside standard level: 2021-06-29 22:22:03

Level 57
I think it would be a subtle but cool improvement to have someone's "Warzone Idle level" displayed alongside their "Warzone Classic level" (in their profile, in games, etc).

So often I see low level players in global, the forums, or even in Clan Wars, who only play Idle and not Classic. I have no way of telling how good they are at Idle without scouring their profile for achievements (and even then it's hard to tell). I'd assume this is similar in Idle battles. On the contrary, if you meet a level 64 jeep in Clan Wars or quickmatch, you know you're probably about to get clapped.

I also think this would also encourage Warzone Classic players to at least try out Warzone Idle, because it would look silly having your level 64 Warzone Classic level sitting next to a level 1 Warzone Idle level. And for the same reason, it would encourage Idle players to gain a few levels in Classic.

I'm not sure if there is a direct way to measure what someone's level would be in Warzone Idle, while scaling XP at the same rate as Classic levels do. Eg, level 50ish and below should be roughly considered a noob, level 50-60 an intermediate player, and then each level after level 60 shows increased mastery/dedication the game, up to a soft cap of lvl 70.

Before you reply that levels aren't a direct indicator of someone's skill level, yes I am aware of this. However, they do give you a rough idea, and are a lot more convenient than trying to check your opponent's profile stats during a 2 minute quickmatch game for example. I'm sure you'd agree with me that Warzone Classic levels are integral to the game, and my argument is that so should be Warzone Idle levels.

Maybe there is a way to calculate roughly accurate Warzone Idle levels using some combination of stats and achievements. Assuming it's not a huge deal to implement, I think this would be a really cool feature. Thanks for hearing me out :)
idea: Warzone Idle level alongside standard level: 2021-06-29 22:37:28

Level 63
I dont think assigning levels to idle works, cause it would tell you nothing about how good a player is. (The same way MDL ratings say a lot more about skill than WZ levels do.)

It would be a good idea to show if someone has finished a WZI level. That could be done the same way as for the SP campaign. for the idle campaign, it would show something like record time to beat the level and the number of replays on the level.

That way, you can quickly see how far a player has progressed trough idle, without having to set up a complicated level system that requires a lot of time to work backwards to assign everyone the correct level.

Another advantage is that Fizz would have to start keeping track of record playthrough times, which would be pretty nice to have acces to!
idea: Warzone Idle level alongside standard level: 2021-06-29 22:47:16

Level 59
Shouldn't be that hard to track how many times they "prestige" or start the levels back over?
idea: Warzone Idle level alongside standard level: 2021-06-29 22:48:47

Level 63
That information is already tracked, Fizzer just needs to put it on the profiles.

(Sadly, record play time is not tracked yet....)
idea: Warzone Idle level alongside standard level: 2021-06-29 22:52:26

Level 59
So each time that happens, they could add a Star or something behind our level... wouldn't that more or less help to show our idle efforts?
idea: Warzone Idle level alongside standard level: 2021-06-29 22:54:33

Level 63
Considering that every ascension the levels become faster, it should probably just be a number instead of a lot of starts.

And yes, that would show how far a player progressed through idle perfectly
idea: Warzone Idle level alongside standard level: 2021-06-29 23:21:06

Level 57
I don't play Idle so I will just assume that there isn't a feasible way to make Idle and Classic levels parallel each other. However, what Lefty is suggesting sounds good. I just want a way to quickly tell around how good/how dedicated an Idle player is without having to read through their achievements, and prestige sounds like it would be a decent way to measure that. I have one concern, though:

Considering that every ascension the levels become faster, it should probably just be a number instead of a lot of starts.

Wouldn't this lead to the majority of players being clumped around level 1? Is there a different stat which consistently increases as one progresses, or even a stat that gradually slows down like Classic levels do?
idea: Warzone Idle level alongside standard level: 2021-06-30 04:42:25

Level 30
You could have number of levels completed, but then you'd end up with the same number for someone skipping a lot and someone who didn't skip so had completed easier levels. AP earned would probably be the easiest, or number of territories conquered since the later levels have more territories.
idea: Warzone Idle level alongside standard level: 2021-06-30 10:34:34

Level 25
The problem is that the number might get big at some point (and even bigger than classical Warzone account levels) but you could count the maps someone finished with respect to ascensions. There are 32 maps in idle (if I haven't miscounted them) so before ascending the first time, you can get up to 32 if you played each map at least once. If you replay a map, the score doesn't increase. After the first ascension, your score can range from 32 to 64 with every unique map you again cleared after the ascension. Sure, finishing a later map will only give you the same +1 to your score than clearing the tutorial. But in the same way, any scores assigned to WZC aren't perfect either.

To keep the score smaller, you could add some operator to this map count afterwards like logarithm of some base (perhaps base 2 because that would be perfect with 32 maps, level 5 when you have ascended the first time, level 6 for the second ascension, level 7 for the fourth; at that point the level doesn't tell you much so, that the level almost isn't increasing anymore doesn't matter) or just divide by some number and round down, so your idle level would increase with every - say - 10 maps you cleared.
idea: Warzone Idle level alongside standard level: 2021-06-30 10:35:29

Level 62
Why not make a levels system based on Total AP? This would be an interesting statistic to have.
idea: Warzone Idle level alongside standard level: 2021-07-03 18:12:02

Level 63
Because you can buy more AP (the +30% end of level), and there are advancements to get more AP.

So the amount of AP you get is depending on how much you are willing to spend on idle, not on your progress through idle.
idea: Warzone Idle level alongside standard level: 2021-07-03 19:32:04

Level 62
Regardless of where you got the AP (clearing levels vs buying additional AP), it still makes you "stronger" and "more advanced".

Although, more AP means clearing more levels, so just focusing on # of levels cleared essentially accomplishes the same thing.

Maybe a weighted ranking?

Something like: sum of all level clears with weighting of the Level #.

So for someone that has finished the first 5 levels once each after the tutorial:
Tutorial 0*1 + Huruey 1*1 + Floating Rocks 1*2 + WOTW 1*3 + Ursa:Luna 1*4 + Final Earth 1*5 = total 15

And someone who did the above, then did the first 5 levels all over again = 30 (obviously)

And someone who did the first 5 levels, then bought a whole bunch of skipped all the way to the end (bought a much of SLs) and did US + Euro Huge = 30 (1st 5) +30 (US) +31 (Euro Huge)=91 total

And clearing all levels once = 496 total

It could also be possible to divide the final score by 10 (or some other #) to keep the level low ... but actually leaving it high would distinguish it from the WZC level #.

Having a WZI level could be useful for unlocking certain functionality, although this isn't actually required since that's essentially what the AP Adv and Phases accomplish already.
idea: Warzone Idle level alongside standard level: 2021-07-09 14:03:59

Level 63
Although, more AP means clearing more levels, so just focusing on # of levels cleared essentially accomplishes the same thing.

Why bother with a complicated weighted ranking if its essentially the same?
idea: Warzone Idle level alongside standard level: 2021-07-09 14:12:44

Level 62
We could have it like singleplayer levels, showing best times for each
idea: Warzone Idle level alongside standard level: 2021-07-09 14:13:36

Level 63
Yep ^
idea: Warzone Idle level alongside standard level: 2021-07-09 14:14:25

Level 62
Some additional statistics like bell curve time distribution would be nice
idea: Warzone Idle level alongside standard level: 2021-07-09 14:24:46

Level 62
We could have it like singleplayer levels, showing best times for each

Don't think this makes sense for an Idle game. It's not like SP where you have # of moves as a measure. Amount of time for levels that take multiple days and have sleeping/eating in between seems like it's simply giving recognition to those who (A) have the highest AP [in which case just make that the measure], and (B) play the most actively.

So once someone who has Ascended 3, 4, 5 times takes another pass through the levels, no one who also hasn't had multiple ascensions will be able to beat the time. Effectively eliminating 95%+ of players from even being contenders.

Compared to the SP, where # of turns means anyone who figures out a better way of doing it can still be a contender. You don't stronger on your 2nd playthrough of the SP campaign, able to improve your previous results.
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