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real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-24 21:33:10

Level 61

Am I the only one who's got serious problems with the idle maps?
Sometimes the maps appear all blue, sometimes I only see the iconc and nothing more and other time like tonight, it is totally bugging and closes all the window..
real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-24 21:40:05

transdimensional ultrasonic waffle
Level 24
might be memory-related. Do you have a fast pc?
real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-24 22:42:42

Level 61
Not the fastest for sure but quite ok !

Yes for sure it is about memory but warzone consuming so much memory ??? would be really surprised about that...
real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-24 22:46:55

Level 63
what browser are you using? does the problem exist in other browsers? (Note that both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge are based on the same building blocks, so they might behave the same.)
real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-24 22:59:36

Level 61
using firefox last version actually
real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-24 23:02:26

Level 63
And does the problem also exist in Chrome then? (Since Chrome and Firefox use different rendering engines, that would rule out browser specific problems)
real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-25 08:21:27

Level 61
Didnt try another browser yet...will do later to check it out.
thanks for the tip !
real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-25 09:00:37

Level 62
I just try it myself. I am able to open OVN (sorry not remember the complete name, it is Latin).
edit: it is Orbis Veteribus Notus

I am also using Firefox on Windows 7 with only 4GB RAM. But I use 64-bits version of Firefox. I think you use 32-bits version and struggle to open big map because the memory constrain of 32-bit version.


Edited 6/25/2021 09:01:44
real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-25 09:34:06

Level 61
i have the 64 b version actually
real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-25 09:37:31

Level 62
Oh, try clearing the cache. It might help. What is the map you have problem with?
real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-25 13:23:43

Level 62

Edited 6/25/2021 16:17:41
real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-25 18:09:09

Level 61
Thanks for the tip but don't worry i have done everything to try to solve it out - i know about computers as i work in it (just saying it, dont want to be the best one...)

And about maps, it happens on all of them on idle. I am curently on " United states" and it is really dramatic (browser closes 10 times, map becomes blue, or only the icons are visible).
Even when i play an arena from idle, on "little" maps, i have the same problem

what i dont get is that I am playing games, installed in local on my computer, like half life 3, which i think needs much more resources, and i never encounter a single problem.

but anyway, this is not the most important thing i have to face these days.

i want to sincerely thank you all for your concern !! you guys are great ! and everyone i met or play with/ against are really great too.

thanks a lot !!
real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-25 20:42:55

Level 62
Submit a bug report.

real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-26 19:08:46

transdimensional ultrasonic waffle
Level 24
Another thing you might want to consider is just playing the game on phone/tablet. I have a suspicion the web version is less optimized than the app (at least, on my pretty old phone & tablet I have no issues, but my modern PC has a bit of lag on the bigger maps). Another bonus is that you can watch ads for a production bonus on mobile if you wish.
real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-27 08:58:24

Level 61
The thing is I'am a man of the last century - dont have asmart phone or tablet...
real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-27 09:09:04

Level 62
You have completed all maps once and now on your second time, right? It means the browser you use has no problem with all the maps. There is no update on WZI recently. And I try my Firefox, updated after you report your problem, and do not have problem. What left now what is (are) recent change in you computer. Among the first thing to do is to clear your browser cache, which you have done. Is there any recent change in your system?

You can uninstall and reinstall your browser. And/or you can try with other browser.

Good luck
real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-27 09:12:59

Level 63
Buy a membership and download the Windows app ;)

It runs much faster than the website as well, especially the AIs.
real display problems with warzone: 2021-06-28 12:18:29

Level 61
i think I will reinstall windows when iam back from my holidays....

But even when i hadnt finishes all the maps before replaying them, I had the same problem... maybe a graphic issue or a problem with my PC memory....

Anyway, i will look after that later on. many thank yous to everyone here !
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