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Ascension, real or myth?: 2021-06-14 20:38:09

Level 56
Ive read in a few places that when you finish all wzi levels, you can reset them. I recently stumbled uton the term 'to ascend' after finishing all levels, as opposed to replaying them.

What really happends when you complete all wzi levels? Can you replay everything for full AP?
Ascension, real or myth?: 2021-06-14 20:41:32

Level 64

When you beat all levels, a button appears at the top that says “Ascend”

It resets all levels (you have to unlock again), but you keep all AP upgrades, items, Artifacts, and Challenges.
Ascension, real or myth?: 2021-06-14 20:50:39

Level 50
You can replay everything for full AP indeed after ascending. However, the powerups on each level (time warp, free cache etc.) are limited to two times each; that is if you claim a time warp the first and second time you play a level, you won't get it the third time, even if you ascend between the second and third time.
Ascension, real or myth?: 2021-06-15 00:04:18

Level 59
do the levels get harder to scale with what you bring to it?
Ascension, real or myth?: 2021-06-15 01:57:05

Master Jz 
Level 62
They don't get harder when you ascend. I'm on my third run and I now complete them way, way faster than I did before. I think it'd be a good idea to let players who've ascended a few times play an advanced mode. Time might pass 1/5 as quickly for 5x the AP reward, for example.
Ascension, real or myth?: 2021-06-15 05:53:49

Level 62
I'm working on my 2nd run through. And certainly the playthroughs are much quicker the 2nd time through with all the extra AP advancements and artifacts.

@Master Jz
How close are you to unlocking phase 4?
Ascension, real or myth?: 2021-06-15 14:15:48

Master Jz 
Level 62
I unlocked it Saturday. I can make a thread with the details if it's no longer considered a spoiler. I haven't spent any AP in it, yet.
Ascension, real or myth?: 2021-06-15 14:47:15

Level 62
If you've unlocked it, it's fair game. That was made clear in a thread ... link I can't find right now.

Actually you've already posted it so moot point. (;
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