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percentages over 100: 2021-06-11 20:44:04

Level 60
at some point in upgrading active artifacts you reach a percentage over 100 (eg quadruple strike), what happens then? do you get part of the resources back or does it just cap at 100?
percentages over 100: 2021-06-11 22:40:39

Level 25
Don't know if someone already has an artifact of this type with such a high rarity but I remember that the consensus was that they are capped. Hence, upgrading to more then 100% is a waste of sacrificed artifacts.
percentages over 100: 2021-06-12 08:29:13

Level 62
I think it keeps going on... never heard of cap
percentages over 100: 2021-06-12 20:19:03

Level 25
I think it keeps going on... never heard of cap

First of, the possibility of a cap was discussed in this very forum before, that wouldn't be a completely new concept when it comes to artifacts. And secondly, so you would argue that a 160% Triple Strike (totally fictional numbers, I wasn't willing to look them up, so this number is just for the following argument) would mean that not only any territory would be free, but in addition you would effectively get an Army Cache worth 60% of the army requirement on the captured territory? Sure, you can only activate this artifact once every 16h and only if you already own three neighboring territories, but even then, to me this seems ridiculous.
percentages over 100: 2021-06-12 20:21:48

Level 63
I believe it caps at 100%, but im not sure where i read that

Having it go over 100% would seem nice tho, cause that way the epic or legendary artifact is actually worth a lot for its cooldown (which it should be, given that legendary is worth $49)
percentages over 100: 2021-06-12 20:22:35

Level 62
Depends on the type of artifact. Quad Strike >100% caps at 100% effectiveness b/c you can't cap more than territory has. Would be interesting if there was soooo much damage that it reduced armies on the territories around it though! Though that could be a whole new BOMB artifact ... make it happen! (Essentially a Field Hospital with the activation of Damage Territory or Quad Strike ... on second thought, nvm, the efficacy would probably be too low to make it worth waiting 16h cooldown).

Bonus or Territory Money Boost >100% would just increase money by that much. Legendary BMB @ 160% = money from bonuses * 1.6.

Sell ore value Legendary 144% ... same, ore value * 1.44.


Edited 6/12/2021 20:24:10
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