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Idle battles extreme player difference: 2021-06-03 12:54:36

Level 56
I have played a bunch of battles. I have never finished top 10. I wondered why, so i checked the other players armies/second.
In the first 2 seconds of the battle, the top 5 players had gone from the starting 12 armies/second, to over 600 armies per second. As a comparison, I only managed to achieve a maximum of 900 armies/second on the entire battle.

HOW is it possible, that the difference is that big? And HOW is anyone except these players ever going to win a battle?
They can only have managed ONE single action in these 2 seconds of the battle, so upgrading is out of the question. Even 500% extra army production would give 60 armies/second, not even close to 600+.

Anybody knows whats up? I never do battles anymore, since there is litteraly no chance to win over a player like this.
Idle battles extreme player difference: 2021-06-03 12:57:18

Level 64
Supercharge Army Camp Artifact

Extremely powerful in WZIB, and an Epic SAC lasts for 2 game hours which is enough to finish most levels before it wears off.
Idle battles extreme player difference: 2021-06-03 13:02:13

The Forbidden Koala 
Level 61
Maybe your strat is faulty, I have 170% army prod and usually end up in middle of top 10.
There is army camp auto upgrade which caps at 100% cost and that might be reason why numbers are high.
There is also active artifact which boost your army camp by a lot, and is quite fun to use in battles, especially when few territories are left to conquer.
Also you can slow down their progress by attacking their army camps and smelters in early phases.
Idle battles extreme player difference: 2021-06-03 13:07:29

Level 60
I feel you imptoy, but this is a cruel, unjust world.
Idle battles extreme player difference: 2021-06-03 13:17:55

Level 56
So the only solution is to not care about battles until you have the correct rare or legendary artifacts? It seems like a poor solution, sice the battle-mechanic is pretty enjoyable :/
Idle battles extreme player difference: 2021-06-03 13:20:05

Level 64
You can still get BP for rewards, but don't expect to win if you do not have SAC at least Rare and at least 300-400% Army Camp Production. Also 50% Auto-Conquer is a must.

But again, even with minimal BP rewards, it is still worthwhile. And who knows, maybe you will get lucky and the heavy hitters won't join.

Personally, I retired from WZIB once I hit 25k BP. Eventually the heavy hitters will get bored.
Idle battles extreme player difference: 2021-06-03 13:21:23

Level 64
It would be nice if WZIB had a tier system.

Low tier for newer players.

High tier for older/powerful players. Make High tier have bigger rewards to encourage them to leave the Low tier alone.
Idle battles extreme player difference: 2021-06-03 13:37:37

Level 25
It would be nice if WZIB had a tier system.

Low tier for newer players.

High tier for older/powerful players. Make High tier have bigger rewards to encourage them to leave the Low tier alone.

That would be nice but given that in the games I join from time to time, the maximum number of competitors is not always hit, having a tier system would result in some tiers not being able to fill the battles with enough players to even start.

Perhaps a tier system would draw more players into battles, but with the rate of participation that I observe at times, a tier system would totally break the battles in their current form.
Idle battles extreme player difference: 2021-06-03 19:35:49

Level 62
LOL, have we finally gotten enough AP Adv & high level Artifacts that the initial discussion of "how come me with lots of AP Adv get owned by a n00b player?" to "how come I can't beat the players with AP Adv & artifacts?"

Have we ended up in a place where the "experienced" players actually win now?
Idle battles extreme player difference: 2021-06-03 19:36:57

Level 63
SAC tricks, and Fizzer slowly tweaking the attack so it doesn't create a game-ending wasteland
Idle battles extreme player difference: 2021-06-03 19:38:14

Level 62
The game ending wasteland problem is gone now?
Idle battles extreme player difference: 2021-06-03 19:39:08

Level 63
well, i think its certainly a lot better now than it was before.
Idle battles extreme player difference: 2021-06-04 05:27:44

Level 62
Extremely powerful in WZIB, and an Epic SAC lasts for 2 game hours which is enough to finish most levels before it wears off.

2 hrs will wear off. I've used Active artifacts at least twice on some of the smaller WZIB maps, so at least 16 hrs pass in a game. Likely able to activate 3-4 times on the larger maps.
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