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Multi-level meanderings: 2021-04-17 19:52:25

Level 62
Everything in this thread is in the context of playing level simultaneously using MLs. Mostly aimed at asking Fizzer if there are plans to address anything I mention here, but any feel free to join in the discussion.

Is there anything in store for making multiple tabs playable for different levels being played simultaneously, Auto-AP Advancements, digs or Active artifacts separately usable when using MLs?

Current game state (single tab), Auto-AP Advancements, Active artifacts & Digs are all shared across all ongoing levels. Is this by design or just by limitation of current implementation? Any plans to change things?

Multiple tabs for different levels
Would be great to be able to have 2 levels (or more for people like Kratt who have really gone hardcore into MLs and are playing 5 at once) open in different tabs. It's pretty awkward going back/Resume/back/Resume/back/Resume, compared to having them accessible in tabs. I suspect this is a tough one though, as it would likely require a lot of rearchitecting how the game works, maybe introducing issues with Sync, etc. Smartphone app will have to stay as it is regardless of what happens with the browser. Don't see any way of improving that experience.

Auto-AP Advancements
Being able to have auto-AP advancements ON on 1 level, while OFF on another that is being played simultaneously would be nice, so for example can have Auto-conquer on with 1 level, but off on another and do manual captures only.

Any artifacts (or other methods?) coming that might enable multiple digs? That would be a great Active artifact - though I suppose it wouldn't have anything to do with ML at that point. Or an AP Advancement? Or something actually specific to ML to allow an extra dig? It makes sense, really, that if you have enough resources to conquer another land simultaneously, that you have another dig team in that world too.

Active artifact application/cooldown
With the recent Active artifact boost, Active artifacts just got exciting again - unless you're using MLs, b/c you get the benefit of an Active on only 1 level, but the cooldown affects all ongoing levels, compared to a Passive artifact remaining active on all levels all the time. So say someone is doing 5 levels at once (Kratt currently is doing this right now btw, which is why I chose that number; in comparison, I'm only doing 2 ... but have 3 more, so could be doing 5, but this and the other points above are some of the reasons I'm not doing so right now), the math is now not just 16h cooldown, but 16h in each ongoing level, one instance of 16h cooldown impacting each level despite only having received the benefits of the Active artifact in 1 level. So in Kratt's case, would get 5 instances of value for Passives, but only 1 instance of value for use of an Active, and yet 5*16h=80h total (80 "level hours", similar to 5 people working for 16h=80 "man hours").
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-04-18 00:44:22

Level 57
Active artifact boost? Why haven't I heard about this? WHAT ELSE AREN'T YOU TELLING ME??!!
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-04-18 16:07:08

Level 62
Sorry we've been promised to secrecy to keep key things from you Gargamel. I will probably get a wrist slap because you read this.
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-04-20 10:54:06

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
The active artifact issue is a real one. Passive are always better.

another point I d highlight :

skip level should be way rarer than multylevel. I have 4 of the former and 0 of the latter....
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-04-20 12:14:40

Level 25
skip level should be way rarer than multylevel. I have 4 of the former and 0 of the latter....

Why is that so? I mean, Skip Level doesn't give you anything. Multilevel (roughly) doubles your AP income.

I totally get why ML is so hard to obtain compared to all other powers, I don't understand why there is almost no chance to get one without spending money. I don't want them to be freely available everywhere, but what would be the harm if one could drop with 1% chance from the daily login reward. Whatever low percentage, at least make it obtainable somehow. But hey, just my opinion.
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-04-20 12:43:31

Level 62
what would be the harm if one could drop with 1% chance from the daily login reward.

Or raffles, even.

Agree with you, they should be 'more prevalent', even a small 1% would be nice. And not sure why only 1 level (KP-X) has an ML through the entire game ... should be 2-3 maps with one scattered throughout the levels imho. MLs are good but they're not that good. Even if they provided extra digs, there's still the other awkward nature of using them mentioned above already (no multiple tabs, no separation of auto-AP Advancements on/off, active artifact cooldown on all levels, heck even artifact usage being the same on all ML levels, etc).

For these reasons, using an ML really only provides increased AP, and not actually full double benefits of playing 2 levels simultaneously, and not even double the AP (when measured as AP/time spent playing, which is the whole point of ML). It's probably closer to 1.5-1.8x AP depending on how well you can adjust your playstyle and navigate the awkward UI (and maybe this is 'good enough'). The fact that it limits how you use Auto-Advancements & Artifacts (esp but not only Active Artifacts) means that you likely can't use your regular strategy, which means you'll probably finish a little slower than usual (hence not straight double AP compared to finishing 2 levels regularly without an ML measured by AP earned over tim). You also have to watch double (or triple/quadruple/quintuple...) the ads to get the 20% army boost bonus. (;

skip level should be way rarer than multylevel. I have 4 of the former and 0 of the latter....

Why do you think that? Skip Level has little value other than (A) making using ML more effective (else you're either playing the same level twice or redoing a previous level, may as well forge forward, right?), (B) earn higher AP by playing a higher level earlier [but if you end up clearing it more slowly, then it's counterproductive]. That's it. Why do you feel it's more valuable than an ML?
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-04-24 14:23:39

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
? i think you misunderstood. skip level should be rarer so you could hopefully dont stack copies of it.

best use of skip level is with multylevel. if distribution gurantees that I can get at least 1 multy every 1.5 skip I d be happy.

at the moment I have 4 skips that i dont intend to use and 0 multy that I d use instantly especially now that i have 12 hour to wait for diggin
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-04-25 06:28:43

Level 62
Why not just your Skips more actively? Or just save them ... you can always use them later on a 2nd playthrough. You can only collect them twice, so eventually you'll run out of them.
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-04-26 10:17:01

Level 63
there is little point in actively using skips, since you need to finish all the levels anyway to ascend.

in my experience, you finish all levels the fastest if you just do them one after the other, and then invest the AP to get slightly less slow at the next level.
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-04-26 10:24:45

Level 62
in my experience, you finish all levels the fastest if you just do them one after the other

You write this as if you've ascended several times and are comparing your best and worst full playthroughs ... lol

That said, in the same vein, in my experience, I found that it worked well for me to skip several levels to clear later levels, get higher AP returns, then return to earlier levels with more AP advancements than I would have had and thus clear the earlier levels quicker than I would have in an initial pass through them.
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-04-26 10:32:10

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
Idle is already quite slow, even looking at every possible video.
Skippin levels means playing even slower. And with less cash to dig.
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-04-26 11:13:21

Level 62
Use Powers to zip zip zip through higher levels quickly, get the AP & snag Advancements, then go back and whiz through the earlier levels.
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-04-26 14:25:37

Level 25
Choose whatever strategy that feels quicker for you. I suspect that in the end all strategies are just as fast as every other. ;)

If you go for pure AP, it MIGHT be just as good to play each level twice before starting the next. I haven't tried it yet but perhaps that is also a valid strategy because you will be able to start the next level with more AP and therefore, more advancements.
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-04-26 22:08:18

Level 62
That's actually how I played up until the first ~50% of maps, cleared them at least twice, sometimes 3 or 4 times. Fizzer didn't announce Ascendency, so we all just continued believing that the only AP available what was available on the maps, with 30% reducing profits for replays. +30% for paying 50 coins @ time of finish for those who spent it. And based on that math, IAP didn't make sense, b/c you could never really earn the AP back to break even. So I just kept replaying the levels. Tutorial 8 (oddly ... Tutorial times played: 7, times won: 8 ... hmmm?), Huruey 6, Floating Rocks 7, WOTW 3, Ursa Luna 3, Final Earth 2, Drakemor's 2, Pelo 2, K-PX 3 (I was testing to see if the ML would be there a 3rd time ... I knew it wasn't, but was just being sure, lol), Feldmere 2, Nobunaga 2, Copper Creek 2, Geo ... oh only 1!, Breaking Green 1, Far Land 1, ok everything from here on is only 1 ... but doing USA for the 2nd time now with ML on Europe for the AP bump before ascending. Oh yea, Achievements for level completions and Techs were added likely around Breaking Green (and NOT assigned retroactively despite that it tracks how many times I've beaten the level, lol -- Geo is the last early level I'm missing the Achievement for, will get it on the next pass through).

For all we know, Ascendency didn't even exist when the game was released.

Then word got about Ascendency ... and then I immediately invested in IAP. lol

Had I known about Ascendency, I would have just played on and likely earned more AP more quickly by Ascending ... might even be on my 2nd Ascendency by now. (;
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-04-28 12:38:17

Level 54
I don't like the ML Power. I wish it didn't exist. Of course, I use it when I have it, but I think it would be better if this option wasn't available. The constant switching between the maps bored me a lot.

The game in its current state is designed for 1 map in a row and cannot be played well with several maps at the same time.
I would rather have a double-speed power for the whole map - which is basically the same as 2 maps at the same time - but that would be the better option
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-04-28 13:19:53

Level 62
Don't disagree with you, the switching mechanism is clunky to go between active ML levels. Especially on browser, where it takes a long time to load. The smartphone app is much snappier, but it's still awkward going back and forth instead of being able to have them both open in different windows.

Btw, a 2x speed power would actually be greater than the value of ML, b/c 2x speed would mean actual 2x speed for the FULL LEVEL including Active artifacts & Digs, whereas ML explicitly excludes these (Active artifact benefit only applies to one level, can only start 1 Dig regardless of how many MLs you have going), so ML is expressly & by design NOT 2x the value of doing a single level.
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-05-20 14:10:34

Master Jz 
Level 62
I'd use the auto-advancements a lot more (and invest more into them) if it were easier to use/customize them. A couple of days ago, I inadvertently dumped most of my money on one level into expensive camps because I forgot to uncheck auto-upgrade on the other before switching.

Auto-Advancements would be a lot better if:
The settings were associated with the individual level instead of global for all levels.
There was a pop-up window for auto-advancement settings for the level (no more scrolling).
We could set the defaults for starting new levels, for battles, and for challenge levels.
We could set the value of the auto-advancement to any value previously unlocked (5% auto-conquer even though 50% is unlocked)
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-05-20 14:11:35

Level 64
A slider would be amazing. I always wished there was one for WZIB.
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-05-21 14:02:00

Level 62
Sliders per map would a nice addition. As it is now, it's On @ full power or Off entirely for all active maps ... so not great for situations where you want to activate at some mid-power range, or selectively by map within MLs.
Multi-level meanderings: 2021-06-04 05:39:14

Level 24
About dig sites

Started United States with a 33 hour dig from the previous map. Two and a half days in I started Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire. I did two dig sites on US before I started doing all my digs from RaFofRE (except one to make time work easier). Have about a day and a half to two days left on US and I have 23 digs to do for a total of 366 hours for 2788 B dollars. Not finished with RaFofRE yet and might still have digs on that map left to uncover.

So either I miss out on a bunch of dig sites or I spend over 2 weeks not playing except to claim and start digs.
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