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καλλιστηι's suggestions to Clan Wars: 2021-03-24 20:23:58

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
In clans, there is a position of "officers", which have rights like recruit people, open clans, change titles etc. In clan page, firstly is shown clan creator, then officers sorted by levels, then members sorted by level.

Clan and CW caps are modified, so only 1/4 activity is required for full roster in new clans. New clans aren't punished for recruiting people not interested in daily activity in CW. Assume CW limit is 40 and clan limit 160. One day 40 people from my clan can join CW, the next day 40 people can join CW. These 40 people may or may not be the same as previous day.

There are 5 template categories:

Final Earth and approved 2v2 or 3v3

Small Earth, either auto distribution or manual.

Warzone's most common templates, excluding SEAD and SE1W.

approved 1v1 templates which are easy to learn. Malvia, Guiroma, old ME

approved 1v1 templates which have uncommon settings. Biomes, Landria, Blitzkrieg Borg

After every CW season, there is intermezzo. People can suggest new templates for approval. During intermezzo, clans can vote to approve templates for next season. Each template needs floor("amount of territories in last CW" / 40) votes to be approved. The amount of votes each clan has is equal to amount of territories it received last CW. Officers are allowed to cast and change votes for clan.
During intermezzo, CW is either paused, or are used approved templates from previous CW.

There are 4 main and 12 small slots each day.
Main slots are every 6 hours (like now).

Main slots have 5 templates:

Small slots have only two templates and are every 1.5h when there aren't main slots.
common or easy (50% each)

It is known which templates will be in the next slot. No template can be in two slots in a row or one slot twice.

Any player from a clan can join CW as attacker. Attackers can be only matched with people who would get free win. During main slots, attacker can sign in multiple templates (but gets only 1 game). In team games, attackers can be matched only with other valid attackers, from any clan. Attackers can never be matched against their clan or against clan which is more than 6 clans above/ below their rating (flat amount of wins, not clan rating). Attackers can choose against which clan they prefer to be matched or against which clans they don't want to be matched.
If attacker is defeated, winner receives one win. If attacker wins, he gets nothing. Joining as attacker doesn't cost you your daily CW attempt, nor it requires you to have your daily CW attempt (you can join CW in one slot and then join CW as attacker the other slot, or vice verse).

Edit:: as per suggestions, I added more SE.

Edited 3/25/2021 08:09:58
καλλιστηι's suggestions to Clan Wars: 2021-03-24 21:27:17

Level 60
There should be a small earth template. Clan wars are supposed to be newbie friendly. Small earth is very easy to learn.
καλλιστηι's suggestions to Clan Wars: 2021-03-24 21:31:59

Level 63
yep, SE1W should probably be a fixed template instead of the "any 1v1"
καλλιστηι's suggestions to Clan Wars: 2021-03-24 21:38:55

Level 59
Tbh S1v1 should be
καλλιστηι's suggestions to Clan Wars: 2021-03-24 21:42:37

Level 63
SE1W is a much faster template than S1v1. It's also a lot more noob-friendly.

I'ts important to remember that its not only players from strat-based clans, but also some idle-only people that have never seen a proper strat template in their life.
καλλιστηι's suggestions to Clan Wars: 2021-03-24 21:46:14

Level 59
Tbf S1v1 isn’t that hard and is introduced earlish. Ig it’s the clan’s choice if they want to allow idle players to play ig.
καλλιστηι's suggestions to Clan Wars: 2021-03-24 21:48:48

Level 59
Also there’s an easy and common template slot in there (in the suggestion)
καλλιστηι's suggestions to Clan Wars: 2021-03-24 22:42:36

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Fixed. Now it loops SE1W and SEAD.
Both templates are newbie friendly and worst case scenario you can wait 90 min if you really want only one of them.
καλλιστηι's suggestions to Clan Wars: 2021-03-24 22:45:12

Level 63
yeah, pretty good idea so far.

for more ideas you could read the chat on https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=41743
καλλιστηι's suggestions to Clan Wars: 2021-03-25 06:52:51

Level 59
In clans, there is a position of "officers", which have rights like recruit people, open clans, change titles etc. In clan page, firstly is shown clan creator, then officers sorted by levels, then members sorted by level.
Hierarchical clan management has been proposed and roadmapped for over 6 years now. That said, I'd still +1 it every time.

One day 40 people from my clan can join CW, the next day 40 people can join CW. These 40 people may or may not be the same as previous day.
+1. The challenge of getting consistent participation in CW has been a pain point. Clans with the 40-cap especially- but really all clans- are forced to push out players who can't guarantee daily activity (or a high-enough-above-clan-average skill level) to use up one of the limited slots on. Having the slots reset daily would be great. That said, the challenge here would be how to split up prizes.

So I don't agree with your specific proposal but I agree that the 40-cap- both on the clans and on the CW season-long slots- is a pain point.

There are 5 template categories:
Maybe it's because I only play SEAD/SE1W but the templates in CW have not been a pain point at all for me so far. So I can't speak to this.

Any player from a clan can join CW as attacker. Attackers can be only matched with people who would get free win.
I think this is a questionable solution that tackles the wrong problem. It's like how in the US we talk about educating people to file their taxes instead of asking why we have to file our taxes in the first place when the IRS already knows how much we owe. You're solving the problem of free wins, but free wins aren't a real problem except when they're frequent and unevenly distributed (doubly so when the unevenness is predictable).

The free win problem this season (PKU58ers has 9 free wins out of 29 total wins- nearly a third of their wins are free wins!) is because of a greedy matchmaking algorithm that starts from the highest rated clans (so it's much more predictable who'll get the free win). If Fizzer patches that up next season, free wins should be distributed more randomly across clans and shouldn't influence the performance of some clans. Alternatively, free wins should have Clan War Rating impact (if they don't already), to keep the same clans from getting a bunch of free wins.

If, after all that, the existence of free wins remains a pain point, then I think the solution should be to replace free wins with Arena-style template-locked QM games that they have to win in order to claim the free win.

Imo it's better for feedback to be in terms of pain points (relaying our user experience) than suggesting specific fixes. Fizzer can work that out himself if we just tell him what the problem is.
καλλιστηι's suggestions to Clan Wars: 2021-03-25 08:31:55

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Free wins aren't a problem, but I suggest increasing possible amount of free wins per day from 30 to 52. Small slots might be in times with low activity -> further increasing the amount of free wins.
Attackers patch my suggestions, rather than already existing problem.

If you don't like SE, slots are pain.
You have strat 1v1, strat 2v2 - these are good but not always present. Then LD commanders, LD MA, SE bomb && commanders.
I just saw a slot with SEAD, LD commanders, LD MA and SE bomb && commanders. Not much to choose from.
I also think that CW is a good way how new settings can be presented to wider variety of people. Do you know about Cute trees, 1v1 cities, New Siege?
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