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❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 02:27:30

Level 55
Vote MoD. I agree with myhand that discussion is good, but i don't have much to make an informed choice off so I'm agreeing with Windu's theory for now.
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 02:55:12

Level 60

You are a MUSE

Unlike an ordinary VILLAGER, you have a one-time ability - to copy another player.

If that player has a special role then, if you out-last them, then at their point of death, then you will take over their role. You can fire straight away, as a blind guess, or wait until you have a bit more information and make an educated guess - it is up to you. If you copy a VILLAGER, then you immediately take their role too.

Be careful - there may be a situation where you accidentally copy a WOLF.

The way you phrase the last sentence sounds like a Seer that copies a Wolf either A) is insta-killed or B) is immediately ousted as a Wolf. That doesn't usually line up with normal Amnesiac roles, so what does happen?
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 03:21:53

The National Socialist
Level 54
Well, it means you become a wolf. your job is now to kill villagers and the villagers will want to kill you. So getting a wolf would be a bad idea, and I sincerely doubt you would be insta-killed or be ousted.

-Also, welcome back Riya! :D

Edited 8/26/2014 03:22:40
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 03:28:39

Level 56
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 03:35:02

Level 56
I voted for MoD because he voted immediately.

That's the silliest excuse ever, he only voted MysteryManBall right away because we had a conversation in the PUBLIC skype chat a few days ago. This was before roles were given and everyone agreed to vote out MysteryManBall due to his extremely annoying forum behavior.
Thought you all should know.
Oddly, there are a few that changed the agreed vote and uhm, are now voting against MoD.
Of course his seer claim is suspicious but changing the agreed votes is far more suspicious in my book.
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 04:14:44

Level 67
Angel protection - lasts for the night only!
Vigilante - can use both bullets at once if necessary! My apologies at the lack of verbal protection for the vanilla villagers :p
Method of death - yes, I will, through how I describe the kill in the narrative, make it clear how somebody died!
Muse - if they copy a wolf, they then become a wolf too. And seeing as they start on the side of team village, they'd be completely changing teams mid-game!
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 04:21:01

Level 56
If muse copies a vigilante will he get a fresh set of bullets or get whatever the vigilante had remaining?
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 05:04:37

Level 67
If muse copies a vigilante will he get a fresh set of bullets or get whatever the vigilante had remaining?
Good question. I don't want a new vigilante getting 2 new bullets 2 days before the end, but equally I don't want a new vig having 0 bullets after 2 days just because the original blew them all! I might have to make a judgement call if this happens!
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 05:35:29

master of desaster 
Level 66
it's silly to claim me suspicious because i voted first ^^ nobody can have any intel yet ;) but i understand that it's the easiest to vote for me because most voted for me so far. maybe you should be honest and say that as reason ace windu ^^
and kasparov do you prefer villagers who don't say anything? does they make the game more fun? well i only know that you vote an innocent person (after the night i'll be still innocent ^^ )

Edited 8/26/2014 05:38:15
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 05:50:47

Level 67
after the night i'll be still innocent ^^

You'll be dead long before the night phase at this rate :P
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 05:51:58

Level 67
	gk			        has voted for				
	Ace Windu			has voted for			MoD	
	Apollo			        has voted for			Pulsey	
	bdh1998			        has voted for			MoD	
	Blue			        has voted for				
	Ehrmantraut			has voted for				
	fuzzywumpkin			has voted for				
	G. Arun			        has voted for			MoD	
	Genghis			        has voted for			Pulsey	
	his balls.			has voted for			MoD	
	Kasparov			has voted for			MoD	
	Lawlz			        has voted for			myhand	
	Lord Veigar			has voted for				
	MoD			        has voted for			MysteryMan	
	MEH			        has voted for				
	myhand			        has voted for				
	MysteryMan			has voted for				
	Pulsey			        has voted for			Apollo	
	Riyamitie			has voted for				
	Silver			        has voted for				
	Ska2D2			        has voted for			MoD	
	skunk940			has voted for				
	wakanarai			has voted for				

MoD - 6
Pulsey - 2
Apollo - 1
myhand - 1
MysteryMan - 1

❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 06:15:06

Level 67
What the thread will be told in the event of:

A Seering:
- If it's a villager, no update will be given.
- If it's a village special, or a wolf, that will be included in the night update.

An angel save:
- If anybody is saved, from either a wolf attack or a vigilante attack, that will be included.
- If a protected person is not targeted, nothing is mentioned.

A musing:
- The thread will be informed as soon as I can get online.

A vigilante bullet:
- The thread will be informed of this via the night update, regardless of whether they die or are saved.

PS - If a vigilante bullet is blocked by an angel saved, or wasted by a wolf kill the same night, they still lose their bullet.
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 06:52:54

master of desaster 
Level 66
mhm i'll die. please vote mistery man next turn. normally he would have said something a long time ago, but he doesn't to get no attention. also you can't just ignorethe silent players. they are often more dangerous than the ones who discuss. and congrats for killing the seer turn 1 ^^
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 07:29:04

Level 56
I'd like to point out a few things in this long post.
I strongly suspect that MysteryManBall, his balls. and Ace Windu are all wolves, let me explain why:

It all started when MoD voted against MysteryManBall as was agreed in a PUBLIC skype chat before roles were given out.
His balls. voted for MoD right after that without any explanation.
Now this is really out of character for his balls.
If we go back and look at the first wolves game where his balls. was a villager we can see that he is one of the few voices of reason among the crowd.
In fact, he didn't vote at all on the first day, didn't even speak or give out opinions.
Now he can't defend that with him being away from WL for a few days, I tracked down his doings and discovered that he took turns in both RT ladder and seasonal ladder during that time frame.
So the logical assumption would be that he is defending his fellow wolf, MysteryManBall.
Why would he do that if that wasn't the case? If you read past forum threads you can clearly see that he is not really fond of the guy so this change of heart is, suspicious to say the least.

As for Ace Windu.
He followed his balls. lead right away.
When MoD asked him why did he follow the majority of the voters the fact is that it wasn't a majority when Ace Windu voted, the votes were split among 3 players equally (MysteryManBall, MoD and Pulsey).
And he voted without explanation, only later he used the excuse of MoD claiming to be a seer (claim that was not yet made when he voted and which could be out of desperation to survive somehow) and that he voted first.
If we go back to the first wolves game, Lawlz (a wolf) cast the very first stone, I'm sure that's why you think the same is happening in this game too.

But now that you all know why MoD jumped on MysteryManBall in such a hurry perhaps you can look at it from a more neutral point of view.
MysteryManBall is annoying, if you want some proof look at the first wolves game, he kept dead chatting for the whole duration.
I'm more than sure that MoD expected others who agreed to vote against MysteryManBall to do as was agreed and the rest to follow his lead and get rid of MysteryManBall as soon as possible.
But his balls. and Ace Windu are both well respected and well known in WL. That's why I'm not suggesting that everyone who voted against MoD are wolves.
It's the first day and we're all clueless, it's easy to follow someone well respected and just slaughter an innocent.

I vote MysteryManBall as was agreed before roles were given out.

Now if I'm wrong and MoD turns out to be a wolf I will get lynched tomorrow, in that I'm almost certain.
But if I'm right and he is innocent?
I could really use an angel watching over me when I sleep tonight to be honest. :D
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 07:29:15

Level 56
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 07:45:17

Level 60
Now there is some detective stuff right there. But still it's not certain enough information to draw conclusions at this stage.

But then it must be asked, if you are so sure that there is a large chance that his balls is a wolf, why haven't you voted for him?
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 07:48:13

Level 56
Because if his balls. is a wolf, then so is MysteryManBall.
Otherwise his balls. would've just gone along with the slaughtering of MysteryManBall.

I can't see his balls. getting killed today, but there's a small chance MysteryManBall will.
And I like not to waste my vote. :)
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 07:52:02

Level 60
Surely you vote for one of the other, instead of not voting?
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 07:59:09

Level 56
Uh what?
I voted for MysteryManBall in the long post.
❷ Wolves ❷: 8/26/2014 08:29:20

Level 35
I was asleel when u was voteing


Edited 8/26/2014 08:35:58
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