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Feature Suggestion: LD Auto Deployment?: 2020-12-31 00:43:02

Level 59
I’ve been playing a few local deployments games on pretty large maps (specifically the Liverpool city center) and at a certain point the deployments become more of a burden than a strategic thing. My suggestion is that there be an option with Local Deployments if the bonus is only one space that you can autodeploy to those territories
Feature Suggestion: LD Auto Deployment?: 2020-12-31 00:57:09

Level 50
Ape, as I understand, members can use auto pilot which will deploy units automatically for you. How is your auto deploy suggestion different from the auto pilot? When the game becomes that tedious, autopilot is a huge help.
Feature Suggestion: LD Auto Deployment?: 2020-12-31 03:14:56

Level 59
Autopilot also puts in transfers and attacks as far as I know.
Feature Suggestion: LD Auto Deployment?: 2020-12-31 03:17:56

Kenghis Ghan 
Level 61
You can simply delete the transfer/attack orders when using autopilot by shift clicking in the orders panel and replace them with your own.

The best solution is avoid playing large LD games since optimal play requires thousands of delays, which autopilot will not do.
Feature Suggestion: LD Auto Deployment?: 2020-12-31 03:18:47

Level 62
The problem with AP is that it's fairly dumb.

Would be better if you could add Y/N checkboxes for what you're asking AP to do, like:
- Deploy units
- Moved units to front lines
- Transfers
- Attack enemies
- Blockades
- Airlifts
- Other cards, etc

B/c sometimes I just want the dang AI to deploy units & do transfers, and leave the attacks/blockades/airlifts to me.
Feature Suggestion: LD Auto Deployment?: 2020-12-31 03:18:50

Level 57
Liverpool City Centre LD sounds like a nightmare
I entered a commerce game there once and it took 6 months to end
Feature Suggestion: LD Auto Deployment?: 2020-12-31 03:18:50

Level 57
Liverpool City Centre LD sounds like a nightmare
I entered a commerce game there once and it took 6 months to end
Feature Suggestion: LD Auto Deployment?: 2020-12-31 03:20:57

Level 62
I played LD on the giant Star Wars galaxy map once.

Didn't finish, had to VTE ... it just got to be >45 mins per move and just kept getting longer each turn, notably for whoever was winning (more to deploy & move). Just not worth the effort.
Feature Suggestion: LD Auto Deployment?: 2021-01-05 05:48:52

Level 50
Sounds like the autopilot helper AI could be modified to implement the ask, especially as krinid suggested (what you want it to do for you).
Feature Suggestion: LD Auto Deployment?: 2021-01-06 06:39:02

Level 61
Its along the same lines, but a "route to" option for each territory could also make sense. I used to play a game that at times had very long supply lines, and the merge and route fleets option made large games playable at a managerial level.

I like this threads idea in theory, i know its probably infinite nightmares to implement but its fantastic
Feature Suggestion: LD Auto Deployment?: 2021-01-06 19:33:21

Level 55
I Find LD great on maps upto about 130 territories after that it starts becoming a chore
So I don’t play them
Feature Suggestion: LD Auto Deployment?: 2021-01-06 19:37:26

Level 64
I’ve played a game with the following mod which seems to be what you are looking for. Gives you two options:
1-Repeat last turns deployments
2-Repeat last turns deployments and transfers

Godsend for a huge local deploy map.

Feature Suggestion: LD Auto Deployment?: 2021-01-07 07:30:25

Level 50
I will only play Local Deployment (LD) on a large map (anything > 300 territories) if it has commerce and an army multiplier of no more than 50. Late game, as long as you have enough cities, you will end up being able to deploy where you need and not need as many transfers.

I agree it gets so tedious late game to deploy and do all the transfers. I can't imagine doing LD on the star wars galaxy map with so many territories (I think 3k?) without going nuts because its so easy to overlook bonuses when you own so many and when you click a territory, you get a location ring, but it doesn't take you to that territory (at least when I play on pc).

Has anyone talked with Fizzer (game creator) about this? At least for members, autopilot should address this tedious feature, even if it means modifying the helper AI, at the surface, this seems like a relatively simple fix (although there is a chance fixing it could break something else)
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