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Market Raid - show results before use: 2020-12-24 05:29:16

Level 62
Can you pls change Market Raid so it shows you the result if invoked? When it was 50 of each, it was clear what the result would be. Now it's dependent on some unclear factors regarding ability to make them yourself - but I suspect no one has any idea how to estimate what the result will be.

I'm not sure this even makes sense tbh - it's a market 'RAID' not a smelter/craft boost, so it shouldn't really be based on how much you can make, because you're stealing from a market, not helping the market staff smelt or craft the items. I mean, I can buy any items from a market regardless of my ability to smelt/craft the items, so a market raid should stem from that.

When using a Power, it's important to know how many of each we're going to get to know whether it's worth using the Power or not.

But also with Artifacts ... while not as costly as using a Power, it's very disappointing to get results as I just did when using a Market Raid artifact on a market with Metal Pipe, Thorium Bar, Metal Sheet & Copper Bar, and receiving:

0 Metal Pipe
0 Thorium Bar
0 Metal Sheet
576 Copper Bar

Ugh ... so I get 0 of the stuff I wanted, and 576 of the stuff I already have an abundance of and need none of, and has next to 0 value to me even I wanted to sell. I'm fine with the artifact not getting me anythinig truly useful ... just about not knowing it before using it.
Market Raid - show results before use: 2020-12-24 06:02:03

Level 64
    Now it's dependent on some unclear factors regarding ability to make them yourself - but I suspect no one has any idea how to estimate what the result will be.
    When using a Power, it's important to know how many of each we're going to get to know whether it's worth using the Power or not.

    But also with Artifacts ... while not as costly as using a Power, it's very disappointing to get results as I just did when using a Market Raid artifact on a market with Metal Pipe, Thorium Bar, Metal Sheet & Copper Bar, and receiving:

    0 Metal Pipe
    0 Thorium Bar
    0 Metal Sheet
    576 Copper Bar

It's based on how much you can create within a certain time frame. The power uses a 1-day time frame, times the number of smelters/crafters you currently have, to calculate the amount you get, which I believe is somewhat random if more than one product in the market you're raiding is made by the same type of machine to smelt/craft the product. The artifact you used seems to give you 4% of what the power gives you, which would be about an hour's worth. Iirc, I think I have had something similar happen to me, and I think the artifact takes into account either if you have gotten the recipe on the map prior to using it or if you are actively smelting/crafting those items. The latter I can confirm is not true with the power, as I just used one I picked up and it gave me what I expected, despite not currently making some of them.
Market Raid - show results before use: 2020-12-24 06:03:11

Level 35
Bwahahaha... I remember my own topic on this stuff... https://www.warzone.com/Forum/491505-market-raid-failed-give-lead-bars-use
Here is the answer I received from dev http://prntscr.com/w8wpbj
Market Raid - show results before use: 2020-12-24 06:06:43

Level 64
The answer Fizzer gave you hukutka probably proves my first theory in that you must have gotten the recipes from the map first
Market Raid - show results before use: 2020-12-24 06:09:55

Level 62
As I said, not suggesting it needs to give more items from the Raid - though that would make sense with a 'raid', and would also be welcomed but also recognize that it still needs balance so can't just arbitrarily give 50 of everything ... but feels like it should at least give 1 of everything ... getting 0 is bad.

But at least show what you're going to get. That's not asking for much.
Market Raid - show results before use: 2020-12-24 13:47:58

Level 61
Market Raid was ridiculously overpowered before. If you sequence broke to get a late-game market in the middle-game and then used the power you used to get a comical amount of money (literally months of production) at current level. This is a good change, the game is in good hands.
Market Raid - show results before use: 2020-12-24 13:51:56

Level 63
The old system of market raid was indeed super broken, but getting stuff you can't craft (enough) is the whole point of the MR.

As for the suggestion of showing what you get ahead of time, at least the disappointment comes before spending the power, rather than after spending the power.
Market Raid - show results before use: 2020-12-24 15:28:08

Level 61
Yeah, it’s a pendulum getting this stuff right - that’s why we’re still in the Beta. Miss on one side, then miss on the other. I agree giving out zeroes is unideal as well but I’d argue it’s a step in the right direction. This stuff will all get dialed in.
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