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Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-01 19:27:58

Emperor Matthias IV
Level 55
or just clicking blindly like me?
Total chaos.
If at least there was a replay, in the end we’ll look back at what happened.

And my favorite was when a master of desaster guy only attacked me all the way through, even though I was absolutely last...
He must not have liked my name or I don't know ...
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-01 19:31:59

Level 63
mod probably had it set at Random (and WZ choose you to be the random player for that game for mod) [mod = master of disaster]

there is a lot of clicking, but clicking too much will make you expand too fast, and lose anyway.

the best way to play the battles is to not worry to much about anything, and just let the game do its thing, and let your advancements do the work for you
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-01 19:37:56

Emperor Matthias IV
Level 55
I thought random means that I attack a different random player with each attack.
That would be logical.
Your version is very frustrating
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-01 19:39:45

Level 64
I also find it a bit dumb that random doesn't change players throughout a match
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-01 19:41:12

Level 63
I also find it a bit dumb that random doesn't change players throughout a match
everyone does...
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-01 19:43:06

master of desaster 
Level 66
Sorry bro i didn't do it on purpose
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-01 19:46:10

Level 65
Knowing master of desaster, he probably did it on purpose.
You might want to avenge this by setting your attacks towards "player with most AP from now on. That'll teach him.

Edited 12/1/2020 19:46:29
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-01 19:49:01

master of desaster 
Level 66
Haha rak you arse xD
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-02 08:44:44

Emperor Matthias IV
Level 55
Fizzer, very nicely please change the method of random attack in battle royal! Don’t attack same person during the whole game, but a random person in every turn.

Very very very frustrating when you are the victim of this random sh.., it completely spoils the gaming experience...

Edited 12/2/2020 09:04:38
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-02 10:44:25

Level 58
The problem might be that "attacking random" could be the best strategy before it comes to the endgame. Since you don't want to be at the top yourself, you don't want the guys at the top to actually drop, so it makes sense to keep attacking a guy already at the bottom to throw away your nukes. So yeah, I'm also spoiling the game of the guy who is assigned as my random target.

Currently, the strategy for the guys with some serious upgrades is to buy mines in order to avoid the army camps getting auto upgraded too fast. When I'm at maybe 8 territories left or so, I switch my nukes to the guy with most territories and try to grab armies as fast as possible. I have won maybe 4 games so however it's pretty luck dependent to get the timing right IMO and if I get one or 2 nukes in my final sprint I might as well end up 15th in the end. Also, I sometimes end up accidentally on top before my sprint due my bot grabbing a series of army camps in a short sequence or so.

Maybe it would make sense if nukes would have to get triggered manually and unused nukes get deleted. Also, something like a "grudge" nuke option would be nice where you can nuke the guy who has last nuked you.

Edited 12/2/2020 10:59:34
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-02 10:48:24

Level 62
"Random" doesn't mean what you think it means. It targets a random object, not a random person.

Your targeting is always one of the 5 options: player with most territories, highest income, highest AP, something else I forget, or clanmates.

The "RANDOM" means what type of object you're attacking is random. Sometimes it's Army Camps, Mines, Smelters, etc. Random means it'll randomly select one of those but still target the player based on your selection of targeting method as described in (A). So if "RANDOM" always targets the same person, it's because the same person is selected by the method you picked for (A). You can't choose which player, just the method.
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-02 10:51:24

Level 63
The method you forgot in (A) is Random, which is where the whole discussion is about....
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-02 12:36:53

Emperor Matthias IV
Level 55
what JK_3 wrote
Anyway, if you will be this random victim a few times you will be remember it I am sure.

I see that strategy, but you can use the most AP person choice for that.
And I’m talking about the beginning of the game when you keep getting attacks from same person and you don’t have a chance to progress until that player runs out of nukes.
This is simply a game destructive experience, not a strategy. It is a mere misfortune that because of blind luck you have become the one to be attacked all the way, without any strategy.
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-02 14:12:47

Level 58
IMO most AP is even more of a mean move since then the same guy gets targeted in every game he joins. This would then also mean that the hardcore players are leaving that settings which isn't in my interest.

Edited 12/2/2020 14:13:42
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-02 14:22:45

Level 61
I just try to target Rakleader.
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-02 14:26:53

Level 63
I just try to target Rakleader.
If fizzer adds the option to target a player of your choice, you can alway bully rak, without having to use the most AP setting for that.
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-02 14:29:06

Emperor Matthias IV
Level 55
Most AP means the strongest advancements and likely artifacts, so that player has the most chances to win so he can be a major enemy.

Anyway, I usually use the most territory (or army income) target.
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-02 14:31:41

Level 63
Most AP means the strongest advancements and likely artifacts, so that player has the most chances to win so he can be a major enemy
But having the strongest advancements will put them on top of either the territory or army income list, so they will get attacked anyway.

Anyway, I usually use the most territory (or army income) target
yep, I usually aim for the one with most territories, since they are most likely to win
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-02 14:34:28

Level 62
The method you forgot in (A) is Random, which is where the whole discussion is about....

That is hilare ... it seems that was the 'something else I forgot'.

player with most territories, highest income, highest AP, something else I forget, or clanmates.

Gonna wear a paper bag on my head all day to show remorse for this heinous error.
Anybody can handle the battle royal?: 2020-12-03 01:20:56

Level 62
Looks like some wishes were granted.

– Battles: Random sorting of players now re-randomizes after you attack. This keeps a single player from getting too many targets if someone is using random attack mode.

– Battles: Removed the “Most AP” targeting option. This keeps a single player from getting too many targets as targeting should be something that changes throughout the game.
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